Need encouragement!!!

I have been trying to lose weight for months now and am getting no where! I am finding it extremely difficult stay on track when everyone around me is eating out and eating whatever they want all the time! Any words of encouragement or suggestions is greatly appreciated!!!!


  • lisabell118
    lisabell118 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. I am having the same issues. Especially at work. Everyone orders out every day and they eat whatever they want. If I do that - I gain 10 lbs in a day..haha! I have been trying to bring my own healthy lunch and that helps me avoid the temptation. I also try not to keep cash on me at work so I don't have the money to order out with everyone. It's crazy but it helps me stay focused. Good luck with everything! Just try to remember how good you will feel when you meet your personal goal:)
  • 08caseyk
    Feel free to add me too. I'm having the same struggle with my boyfriend. He brings home fastfood and soda and cookies and all kinds of things i'm not supposed to have. I keep telling him that it's tempting me to get off track with what i'm doing but yet he still does it. I can usually avoid eating it most of the time tho. I give in once in awhile unfortunately
  • uboom
    uboom Posts: 69 Member
    It is hard when your on a different diet then those around you.... Last night I cooked two dinners. One for my family and one for me. They had Shrimp and Broccolie Alfredo on pasta. I had grilled shrimp and steamed broccolie.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Try to remember why YOU are doing this... it's not about them. Hopefully they will see your results and start asking you for advice! Try to keep healthy snacks on hand when you go out so you're not caught off guard, and if you get the chance to cook for your friends or bring something to a pot luck at work, show people healthy food is NOT boring. Usually people are critical of things they don't understand so educate them. If you're stuck in a rut try something new, a yoga or spin class, kickboxing, ballroom dancing, anything new or different.
  • Prozack1964
    hello I understand what you mean but it still comes down to its a choice we have to make and stick to it
  • kamhap2003
    I have added cardio work to my weight loss plan and it has helped a lot! I strongly suggest it! As for the temptations, I agree with lisabell118. Pack your lunch, leave cash at home, and stay focused. Drinking water helps curb hunger as well. My weekly bible study group has a huge buffet full of delicious goodies every week. I don't go near that table, and bring my own snack.
  • seehawkmomma
    Topic #2: Weight Loss Plateaus
    I’ve hit a weight loss plateau even though I’m following a diet plan I’ve had success with. Is there anything I can do to push through it?

    You can pretty much guarantee you’re going to hit a plateau during weight loss. It’s not a sign of failure and shouldn’t be cause of frustration. When you diet, you get smaller. As you shrink you need fewer and fewer calories to stay at your weight. And when your calorie intake matches what your body needs to maintain you’re current weight, the pounds stop melting off. This usually happens between 6 and 12 weeks in, which is why a lot of diets make a big fuss about how much weight you’ll lose in the first 2 to 6 weeks, and then get quiet about what happens after that. It’s relatively easy to lose a lot of weight early—and then it gets tougher.

    But there are a number of ways you can get off the plateau. You can of course cut more calories, but at a certain point that becomes difficult or even dangerous. The strategy I like best is shifting your workout regimen to incorporate more resistance training. Pump some iron, work with resistance bands or light weights—build a little muscle. For every pound of muscle you add to your frame, you need to consume about 50 more calories a day to maintain your size. If you work out for 15 minutes, 3 times a week with resistance and build a pound or 2 of muscle, you’re going to need 700 more calories a week just to stay the same size. Adding muscle allows you to create the calorie deficit you need to achieve weight loss but without having to eat less.—David Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP

    YOU CAN DO IT!! :))
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I know how you feel. My boyfriend and I go out to eat wayyyy to much. And at work I'm constantly surrounded my tempting treats. Everyday there's at least 3 baked good in the room with us all day, every day. They have done studies that prove that being self disciplined about this kind of thing actually affects how well your mind works. It weakens your brain power. Anyway! That's totally beside the point.

    If you can check out the menu before you go out to eat (even if it's on your phone), and if that have a section where you can view the calories definitely take a look. Or go to the library. You can check out one of those eat this, not that books. There's a restaurant version. There's also an Ab's diet book that says what to order and pretty much any place you can think of.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.....I'm always having to cook 2 separate meals, but I think I'm just going to just start making one healthy meal that is appealing to everyone in my sure would be a lot easier!!!:laugh:

    It is hard when your on a different diet then those around you.... Last night I cooked two dinners. One for my family and one for me. They had Shrimp and Broccolie Alfredo on pasta. I had grilled shrimp and steamed broccolie.
  • gorgeouss9
    w/me, i'm the fat one in the family (@155 pound 5'4.75")! :cry: I'm usually the one who just eats and eats and everyone else is watching what they eat, and look at me like i'm a pig.. SIGH! I think its easy to just assume people arent monitoring their food intake, some people hide their exercise routine (or they just dont share it), or they are very lucky and have naturally high metabolisms! I used to be able to eat whatever i wanted and never got above 120 pounds- until stress increased dramatically for me in my early 20s :cry: You should never feel like you have to "watch" what you eat-- just try to educate yourself as to what foods are healthier and less caloric, higher in fiber and protein, and eat more of those, and less of the foods that are high in sugar, sodium, fat, cholesterol, etc. Once you figure this out (from MFP and other means) it'll be easier for you to choose foods to eat, no matter where you are! :wink:
  • khotch1
    khotch1 Posts: 99 Member
    Try giving yourself a "healthy" treat 1x a week. I'm the grocery shopper and cook in my house. If they don't like what I'm serving then they can make their own thing. I'm making "real" wholesome food I just measure my serving sizes and they don't!!!

    I get subways once a week so I get 2 meals from that and I don't have to cook! When my son gets home from college this week we plan on going out to dinner at least once when he's home and I plan on picking the restaurant and making healthier choices when I get there.

    I'm looking to change my look on food and my intake of it but I am not looking to never have another burger, etc. I had a burger last night, I just made it myself and it was delicious and instead of a side of fries (which I don't really like anyway) I had it was some slaw!

    It's the choices we make that keep us going and the better the choices the better you'll feel and the better you'll look!

    Keep moving forward!
  • Kell2473
    This is a pain............I have to do the same thing and it can become expensive.
    I wish I could make things I can eat that they would like as well...
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for months now and am getting no where! I am finding it extremely difficult stay on track when everyone around me is eating out and eating whatever they want all the time! Any words of encouragement or suggestions is greatly appreciated!!!!

    Health and fitness must be a priority; it's actually quite simple.

    That's it. Simple, yes, but hard, because it requires effort, sacrifice and determination.
    You may not like hearing this, but I had to sever my connections to every fat friend, because like attracts like, and once I changed, there was no further need of such negative people in my life.

    Nature abhors a vacuum. I have met new friends - all into health and fitness, exercising, playing tennis, going hiking, biking and swimming. While we're living well, looking great and feeling wonderful, my old fat friends are still drinking too much, eating too much and complaining about their various health issues, lousy sex life or medication dosages.

    Good riddance!
  • abrocious84
    Thank you for all the replies!!!! I feel much better knowing others are having the same struggles as me! My husband and I workers are my biggest hurdle! I cave in to peer pressure very easily...I started packing more for work and told my husband he needs to be more supportive and stop talking about and eating burgers and whatever other goodies are out there in front of me all the time!! I appreciate all the suggestions! I will keep everyone updated on my progress! Have a great day!!
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    I think you need to make your peace with the fact that you are not the kind of person who can "eat whatever you want". I have had to do this. My husband can eat anything and not gain weight... I just have to sniff a cookie and my butt gets bigger! :laugh:
    That being said, everyone has their struggles in life... so many things come "easily" for me. I'm sure you can count many, as well. Staying thin is not one of them. I decided that I needed to stop being envious of people who can eat what they want without any consenquences... they've got their own problems and I would probably not want their problems.
    You can do this! You can be in control! If a doctor told you that you would die in one year if you didn't lose the weight you want to lose, what would you do? You have to want it.
    I have struggled for as long as I can remember. I have a choice; I can give up and let myself be carried off by my bad eating decisions, or I can get it done. When I realize that over the past 10 years, if I had only lost an ounce a week I'd be at my goal, I get angry at myself for screwing around all this time.
    Turn your perspective around. Be decided and determined and figure out exactly why you want to lose the weight. Don't be vague ("I want to look better..") Have very specific reasons and every time you feel like quitting come back to those reasons and remind yourself why they are important. Remind yourself why you are important. No one can do this for you, and if you don't succeed only you are responsible. Decide that failure is not an option, setbacks are motivation to try harder, and imagine how great you will feel when you reach your goals. Nothing is more motivating than feeling proud of yourself. Do this for you. Don't do it for outside recognition (although it is nice and encouraging, those people who support you are bonuses). Be good to yourself, love yourself and things will fall into place.
    It is a journey, not a race. Keep plugging away, you will reach the end and how wonderful that will be!!! Go get 'em!
    You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
    We all need a pep talk from time to time!
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    Keep tracking calories and visiting MFP... the encouragement is all here.. I'll add you as a friend to keep your motivation going! you can do it!! :):)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Hi! I'm 53 and have been on a weight yo-yo most of my life. For the most part, I've been fairly trim, but not satisfied. I'm about 5"7" so being taller helps. It definitely gets harder to lose weight as you get older. I am quite active, walking close to 10 miles a week, and in good weather I love to ride a bike, and that I usually do about 20 miles every time I go out. For the last 3 weeks, I have cut out sweets and salty stuff (my favorite) and once I get used to not having them, I don't miss it. I am feeling better, but not sure if I've lost any weight. I try not to get on the scales too much, but go by how I feel. I think I might have lost a few pounds, judging by the way my clothes are fitting. To encourage you, I would say, don't look and see what other people are eating, and don't deprive yourself of the things you like. I feel like totally cutting out things you love is not good, because once you lose weight, you'll probably want to eat those things again. I think it's all about moderation in what you eat. I can seriously do without sweet stuff, because that is not what I really like. It's the tortilla chips!!! Once in a while, if I'm dieting, I may eat something that I probably shouldn't have, but I just try to stick to what I started. I would encourage you to do some sort of regular exercise. I used to think walking was not really "exercise" but I am amazed at how good it makes me feel. All you need is a good pair of shoes, and you can do it by yourself, if there are no other participants. I took my kids on a walk with me one day, and went up what they called a "cliff." I was happy when we got to the top, that though it was hard, I did it, and they were breathing at least as hard, if not harder than I was! Everybody is different!, and I just read the last post, and she said a lot of things that I think were on the mark as well! I hope you have a blessed day, and I will be looking forward to seeing your progress.
  • ShannonMarie81
    Hi..Please feel free to add me if you'd like! Maybe I can help encourage your here!
    The advice I would give to make a decision and commitment for YOU and
    just do your best each day to stick with your plan. Oh Yes...Have a Plan!! That helps
    out so much...and try and talk to or be around people that will encourage you and
    lift you up!

    Best Of Luck to you!
  • kje1glw
    Change up your cheat meal, cut your carb intake for 3 days and then spike it on the 4th day (not to exceed your own body weight in grams though). Try that for a few weeks and see it doesn't help.
  • carolphany
    carolphany Posts: 8 Member
    i found this application in my phone!! it is great been trying to loose weight but is really hard!! i need it friends that are in the same path as me!! because someof ur" live" friends understand why you want to live a more healthy life.. i know that the pounds that i have to loose are nothing in compare of a lot of people!! but is friend me!! lets do it!! live a healthy life style!! :flowerforyou: