How the F#@%do you run on a F#@%ing treadmill

Ok so I love running,

I just started at the beginning of this year and try to run 3-4 times a week. I have ran outside up until the snow and cold weather came. So into the gym I went, love the weight training and the classes, however running on a treadmill has become my nemesis.

Pushing past points of fatigue have always been a mind game for me, when I am outside on a trail I can just run and run uphill, downhill, always run a min of 5k often more. I have found that when on a treadmill, I am bored, nothing seems to distract me and I find I lose the mind game, It is so easy for me to just hit the stop button and be done. At least when I am outside I won't stop until I am done (no use stopping 2k away from home I have to get there anyway. But on the treadmill I don't have that argument cause when I want to stop I don't have the remainder of the run to walk.

Any suggestions on how to win the mind game? I don't feel I am coordinated enough to run outside in the snow and ice, plus it gets to -40 here sometimes.


  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    I started running on a treadmill. I'd zone out to my ipod or watch a show (I have a treadmill at home). That isn't working for me any more. I hate every minute and dream about when I can get outside. I'm a single mom with 2 kids and sometimes it's the treadmill or nothing. I've used the different programs on my treadmill and sometimes that helps. Covering up the display so I"m not counting the minutes till I'm done helps. Wish I could have come up with better suggestions. Curious to see what everyone else has to say.
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    I'm totally with you on this. The dreadmill sucks. However, I have found that putting a movie on in front of the treadmill helps. You start running and watching the movie and all of a sudden you've run over an hour.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm not a dreadmill fan either. Do you have a local high school or community center that has an indoor track for public use? Maybe use an interval program on the treadmill??

    For me I focus to the beat of good tunes and try not to 'hop' the tread :( I use at least a 2 incline so the track doesnt pull me.

    Good luck! Only 3 more months until Spring! lol
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Are you able to put the treadmill onto different settings, so you are running on different intervals/inclines? I can only offer suggestions from the point of view of someone who has only ever run on a treadmill (I don't class running for a bus as being in the same league).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Ha ha ha! I absolutely can't run on a treadmill either.
  • katiejneely
    I'm one of those weirdos who actally PREFERS the treadmill. I can't stand running outside, even when it's 75 and beautiful out.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Try an interval program on the treadmill, it'll keep you focused. A friend emailed me a workout last winter, I can't remember what magazine it was from, but try googling treadmill workouts, there were like 12 different ways to change things up.
  • Chrissle
    Chrissle Posts: 46 Member
    Watching sports helps me immensely...if you like sports, give that a try. I tend to think about how much those people work out and how I can CHOOSE to do the same thing. Another thing that really helps me is using Podcasts that are designed for training...I'm doing Gateway to 8k now...this way I have goals that I "have" to attain for the day. I don't let myself give up or give in.
    Good luck!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I don't use the treadmill, but I do feel this way when I am on any machine. I have an elliptical and a glider for when I can't go outside and I have the most difficult time making myself stay on those things or even having the desire to. I'm curious to know what kind of responses you get.
  • stephanielindley422
    I hate them too. Well all of the cardio stuff in the gym, really. Every day I have to MAKE myself get on. My best bet is usually to find something funny on the tv so the hr passes quickly :/
  • shortandfeisty
    I have a tough time too but I set goals for myself and change things up every 5 minutes just so its not quite as monotonous.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    I prefer the treadmill, but that's because I started running on it. I either listen to my music and zone out -- not realizing how long I've been on it. Or I watch a movie, or Friends (tv show of choice). After what feels like no time at all, I've been on the treadmill for over an hour. I don't get bored. If I had nothing to distract me, however, I'd probably be in the same boat.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    I started on a treadmil, and I like it, though I love running outside too.

    I "read" audio books while I'm running its much more engaging, but the added advantage of the treadmil is you can get a passing instructor to fill up your water bottle, have a conversation with the person running faster than you though always in essentially the same place... watch day time tv which may make you sleep, or interval programmes.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I went on the treadmill yesterday for the first time in ages... I was only on it for 30 minutes and the only reason I stuck it out was that I was chatting with the girl next to me (Not some random pick up - she is a friend from my running club).

    My plan is to do my long weekend runs & one or two club session outside, do weights with 30 minutes CV at the end indoors over the winter. 30 minutes is bearable with music or something to watch. Interval training is better. Any longer than 30 minutes and I think I'll vary the machines a bit - maybe rowing or cycling?
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I honestly stopped trying to like running on the treadmill. So I found other forms of cardio exercise. Use the elliptical or bike now. Might not be the best for maintaining lung capacity, but I just couldn't do it anymore. Knowing that I could run 5 miles outside no problem and getting on the treadmill and barely doing 2 was messing with my confidence, so I opted out for the winter.

    Hopefully you can find a way to distract yourself, or be okay with not going as far. There are always other ways to get your cardio in.
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    Me, too. I would rather run the treadmill than outside because I zone out & forget about trafffic when crossing streets plus my lack of coordination creates many stumbles over the curbs. I push myself to commit to a certain amount of time then talk myself into just 5 more minutes until I absolutely can't do any more.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    oh the answer to your original question should have been:

    pressing go, standing on the moving bit and then placing one foot after another in a continuous motion. ;) enjoy
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I love, love, love my treadmill...I set it on incline, put a great movie on a dvd...And the next thing i notice, that the movie is over, and i burnt 700-calories...
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    The hamster wheel is, not really. I usually watch sports and listen to some music on my ipod. Speedwork is one the reasons I use the treadmill. It's not so bad when I'm doing intervals. I find that I'm often faster in the spring because of the winter speedwork. It's never really too cold to run in GA in the winter, so I'm lucky. I do get stuck running on the treadmill when I go up north for the holidays.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I feel this way most of the time. It is very hard for me to stay motivated. Especially if I want to jog or run. If I'm walking it's easier, but when I start moving fast I feel a struggle. :grumble:

    A friend of mine has been going to the YMCA and we meet there once a week. When we are together it makes a good buddy system. We start talking and laughing, then the time goes so much faster.

    Also, I try to utilize the new machines with the TV. If I can find something I enjoy watching, that helps.
    Also I take a magazine that I want to read with me. I say "Em.. you are going to read this entire article... before you start looking down at the clock." Sometimes I will scan an entire magazine and look for stuff to get my attention. Then 30 minutes has gone by.

    It's hard, but we can do it! :happy: