College student who needs some motivation

I am a very busy college student and it's finals time. This means little time for working out. I plan to jump right back into it as soon as I get home. I have the Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones dvds and I really like them. I'm about 60 pounds from my goal at the moment. I was on the right track because of sports in high school, but college is way different. I managed to get back up to my highest weight after losing 30 pounds in high school. Healthy food supplies are limited and fitting in time to get in a good workout is difficult. I'm just hoping some people can lift me up a little bit since I'm feeling down. Any tips or stories to help me out?


  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    How bout getting a group together to play some recreational sports? I played some the other day with my classmates, and now it seems to be becoming a common thing. Or what if you got a friend to go to the gym with you? Then you will feel more obligated to go. This is especially good if your school has they gym to use for free.

    I ate fairly well throughout college. Just bring your own food, instead of spending money on campus. Then YOU control what you eat.
  • jennatea6591
    I play sports with my friends all the time. I'm the kind of person that loves playing sports so I get my friends together and play quite often. We just finished up our intramural volleyball season and played an intense game of basketball the other day. Having a meal plan this year is making eating healthy quite difficult. Next year I will be able to get my own food though. I am quite excited about that! My plan is to get some good cookbooks and teach myself to cook healthy because I have never had to cook for myself before. I figured that would be a good way to start myself. In the mean time, I just try to manage how much I eat in the cafeteria and play sports as much as possible.

    I'm just a little frustrated because in high school when I did this I was losing weight like crazy because I was in the middle of conditioning for softball. I managed to lose 30 pounds in less than 4 months. So I have it in my mind that I can lose weight really fast even though I know that it isn't the same situation. How do I get that out of my mind?
  • rebeccapri
    rebeccapri Posts: 5 Member
    I hear ya! Dealing with stress in college and everything else is bad enough. My school dining program is through Sodexo and they also put nutritional information online. So when I do swipe in for food (I'm a senior now, so I make most of my own food) I make a point to look up the nutritional information ahead of time and go to the dining hall with a plan and I DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THAT PLAN. Other things I do when I have marathon study sessions at the library is to pack a healthy snack (carrots, applesauce, etc these are all easy to still keep in your dorm--especially if you have a mini fridge). When you start cooking on your own do the same thing but pack a healthy meal, like a salad or something.

    As for working out. I do this a lot. I have my study guide and I bring it to the gym with me. Then I just pedal away on a bike or something while reading it over. Burning calories AND getting your study on! Hope this helps! :)