Weighing yourself!



  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I only weigh in the first day of every month. When I was a teenager trying to lose weight, I'd weigh in everyday and it made me too discouraged and I would always quit. But now I only do it once a month, this works out much better. For me at least.
  • LoonyBird720
    LoonyBird720 Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself almost every morning, I feel that it keeps me motivated and keeps my head in the game. It really depends on what kind of person you are, some people only do it once per week but that just doesn't work for me. If I don't see a number then it's easy for me to lose focus on what I'm trying to accomplish.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Once a week!
    But, i admit that i used to weigh myself almost everyday and it did drive me crazy.
    Your weight will keep on fluctuating throughout the week.. and you just won't get whether you're losing or not. Besides, that's pretty obsessive.
    So, if you find it hard to just weigh yourself once.. try twice. Pick two days, one at the beginning of the week and one in the middle to track your progress.
    Then slowly, you'll find it easier to just weigh yourself once a week.

    Good luck, love!
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    I still weigh myself daily since I've started, unless there has been some sort of reason like not being able to get to my scale. I always weigh in the morning as well.

    If I weighed myself weekly then I know for certain that I would probably get lazy and stop this change of lifestyle altogether. A week is way too long. Waking up every morning reminds me why I'm doing this and I've already lost more weight than I thought I would since I started with MFP.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    If I'm on holidays I tend to forget, otherwise, I usually weigh myself at least once a day!! if I forget once, then I usually forget the day after, somehow, depending if I have to get dressed or not straight away after waking up, mainly. As when I weight myself I like to do it naked or with very little and light items on :D
  • lmr1820
    I have done both, weighed myself once a week (thursdays) and ever day. For years I never had a scale (back in the day when weight wasn't an issue).

    I choose to weigh myself every day after going to the wash room (lightest I possibley can be) this keeps me on track. I noticed when I weighed myself once a week I would eat bad after weighing in and good before I weighed in and didn't see any results.

    Since joinining this I am on the scale every morning and after I work out...to one crazy weigher to an other - keep it up!!!
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    Everyday.. but it doesn't drive me crazy. Just interesting to me. I am aware it can fluctuate up to 5 pounds based on sodium etc.