anyone,i totally need some help here!

cuddlyaries87 Posts: 24
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
i'm back..and more desperate than ever..i've jus finished my yearly final exam for my medical degree..i was stressed out and ate to relieve it..yup,i know i shudn't have:embarassed: ..then now comes the holidays..i'm always hungry..i've gained 10pounds..which realy upsets me:sad: it too late to start..i wud like to lose at least 20pounds before my sister's wedding this coming it stil possible for me?..wat shud i do..someone challenge me into doing somethin..i'm realy in a mess..thanks!:flowerforyou:


  • i'm back..and more desperate than ever..i've jus finished my yearly final exam for my medical degree..i was stressed out and ate to relieve it..yup,i know i shudn't have:embarassed: ..then now comes the holidays..i'm always hungry..i've gained 10pounds..which realy upsets me:sad: it too late to start..i wud like to lose at least 20pounds before my sister's wedding this coming it stil possible for me?..wat shud i do..someone challenge me into doing somethin..i'm realy in a mess..thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    20 pounds by september is totally do-able, get moving girl! I challenge you to a week with no junk food, pizza included, 3 days of 30 minutes of cardio and 2 days of weights...gotta in you? huh? do ya? i'm starting off, way too easy but i'm not sure of your fitness level. Write down everything that passes your lips!
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    It's never too late too start unless your only goal in life is to be in shape for an occaision.

    Why not squash your current mind set and commit to something meaningful for life? Odds are such a commitment will give you less stress and make it easy to deal with day to day stress.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. I love my taebo. There is nothing like punching and kicking the air when you really want to slap and kick people.

    So when you're feeling stressed hop on the treadmill or pick up a jump rope and sweat it out:flowerforyou:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Let's not think about what you gained or did in the last year.

    Let's think about this:
    What could you be doing in the next four months?
    You could a) sit on your bum and kick yourself for gaining weight, eating to further mask your pain or
    b) get off your bum and do something about it, meeting your goals and finally feeling like you're worth it all.

    I personally think the choice is pretty simple but it's not my choice to make!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    5 lbs a month is very ambitious. Better stop talking about it and get moving, hehe.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how you do.
  • mkreiner2
    mkreiner2 Posts: 2
    Hey, I was know what you mean. I was there a couple of weeks ago. I made up my mind that I was going to get serious and get going. I started tracking every thing I ate. My daily calorie count is 1200 which at my age (33) will get me to loose a couple of pounds a week. It's not so bad if you choose the right foods. Meals around 250-300 calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between like, fruits keeps me pretty satisfied. I give my self a day to eat whatever and the shocker is good for my body. I've lost 9 pounds in the last two weeks. I've also been working out. I do a couple of cardio classes and a couple of strength classes a week. The bottom line is that you need to be ready to do it. Good Luck!
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I agree that it's never too late to start!!! Also, don't make being 20-pounds lighter for your sisters wedding your ultimate goal. You want to make sure you plan a fitness/eating plan that you are comfortable with enough to carry through for the rest of your life...something that will help make you the healthiest you can be for the rest of your life!
    As for the wedding, make that one of your mini-goals to help keep you motivated! I'm the maid of honor in my friends wedding in August and that has been one of my motivation goals. However, I am making sure that this is something I can follow through with after the wedding (and one of my motivations) is over.

    You can do this! It will be a lot of hard work but I believe in you!!! :happy:

    Start doing cardio! Cardio is amazing when it comes to losing weight! Keep your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes when you're doing cardio. And do this a couple times a week. If I do cardio for 30 minutes to an hour about 4-6 days a week, I usually lose about 2 pounds a week. And I keep my calories at 1200-1700. Everyone is different, but this has worked for me so far.

    Also, you may reach a plateau...and don't let this stop you! You WILL get over it! Trust me!

    Also, look at what you're eating. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. And LOTS of water!

    You many be eating well already...but if you aren't try doing this - cut out something bad each week. So if you drink a lot of pop, cut that out the first week and exchange it for water...and continue to cut this out the following weeks but add something new as well. This may be hard at first, but after awhile, you won't even notice that it's gone!

    Hope some of this helps and good luck! You can do this! :happy:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member's a little plan that you could get started on...

    Do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio 3-6 days a week (depending on your fitness level).
    So you could do Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday...

    And do strength training 2-4 days a week. It helps to give your muscles a day of rest so you could do Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday...

    And if you're at a somewhat high fitness level already, you can up the days. Or you can always start slower and add days/time/weights for your mini-goals.

    Also...if you don't belong to a gym, look into workout DVDs and some free weights. There are some really awesome DVDs! And Amazon has good prices.

    Here are some examples:
    Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    Jackie Warner's Workout One-On-One (this is a good strength training one)
    And there are some fun dance cardio ones too

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • thanks everyone..dat was very quick! this site and the people..:heart::flowerforyou:

    my sister's wedding is kinda my mini goal..she jus told me bout the wedding last week and she wants me to be her maid..i gotta lose weight before then..wudn't want to embarass her..

    my fitness level..i havent been sweating since two months ago..too busy preparing for my exam..i used to jog 3km in 15min and a 3km walk in 30mins..this 3 times per week...then i'd do dumbells an hour in between those days..shud i do more?

    fresh fruits and vege is quite hard to get around here..i'm staying at the student's, i eat whatever the cafeteria serves..rice n fried or stir fried foods...yesterday, had a sandwich for breakfast.rice and stir fried chicken with orange juice for noddle soup for dinner.snacks i had peanuts and a potato, is this too much?..:embarassed:

    dis is my daily schedule now...i'm workin partime for the holidays...i work from 8am to 5pm..i'm only free before an after and the weekends..when i get back from work, i'm usually mentally tired:yawn:, i take a short nap..which actually turns long..:embarassed:, what time shud i slot in my workouts?

    i'll take whatever challenge you long as it will help me..thanks again!:flowerforyou:
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