Questions about "eating back calories" - my two cents



  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Good lord, I just keep it simple.

    Intake less calories than your body burns to reflect 1 lb weight loss per week.

    What is so hard about this?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    more like 7,432 cents.
  • aamon17
    aamon17 Posts: 54 Member
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    This is pointing to the question being "how much does your body burn". So many people who don't even eat 1200 calories (what MFP generalizes as being everyones basic body burn) and then exercise ton and not giving their body back any fuel to rebuild don't seem to be taking into account their basic body needs. The focus is on weight loss, no matter the cost. Which is why so many bodies need to loose, since previously it was possibly a form of gratification or self-loathing, no matter the cost.
    Take some time to understand your body and it's needs before you end up just as unhealthy in a situation that can't be sustained and will rebound you someplace you don't want to be.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    Great post - thx!
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I'm basically burning what i eat but I'm told that this is not good. I'm trying to hit about 1300 calories a day.
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    That website has a really high number for me as well. My "goal weight" has 2051 calories... so I should be eating that to lose?? how would I ever lose weight eating that much? i feel like I must have missed something in the instructions?
  • Bump to read later..good information
  • sjpowell24
    sjpowell24 Posts: 7 Member
    I have no idea if I am doing it right, I want to loose about 15kg and and have put in to loose 2lb a week, goal is 1350 a day, sometimes I go over, other days I am under if I have exercised... Should I change my settings to 1lb a week?? My idea of thinking is if I eat healthy and often I only need the 1350 a day.... HELP!!!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    When you set your goal to lose 2lb per week the total calories that MFP gives you per day should result in the intended loss. It is already figuring your basic calorie needs to maintain then subtracting calories to help you reach your goal. This means that when you exercise and put your numbers lower, you could petentially lose more, although it may just result in your body feeling neglected in the calorie department which leaves you hungry and tired. When you eat over your calorie "goal" you will potentially still loose, but maybe just not the full 2lb per week. Overall though you should be averaging the right numbers for a week at a time. Your body is not an exact science and will not "lose" at the exact moment you create a calorie deficit. It will work with what it has and take from stores when it is ready to. I would say don't stress about the exact day by day and do work towards having good weeks overall.

    So sjpowell24, 1350 per day is to lose 2lb per week. If you are feeling hungry with that number, exercise and eat back your calories and you should still lose 2lb per week, potentially. If you decrease your intended loss, yes you will be able to eat more calories and still lose. And then on days you exercise, eat back those calories and yes, you will potentially still lose at your intended pace. The number that MFP gives you is what you can/should eat to reach your goal.
  • Thanks so much this really helps alot
  • jennetsullivan
    jennetsullivan Posts: 37 Member
    Interesting thoughts, wordy, but well said :) I really, really, really like the link you provided for the calorie counter... I like the idea of alternating the caloric intake. I'm not currently eating back my calories, but I'm not exercising enough to have a major deficiency. It's slow, but steady progress!