5.2-5.3 ft girls on tying to lose 15-20 lbs, success stories



  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I thought I'd share my story because I just hit the 20lb mark today :)

    I'm 5"2 and I started losing weight in early September. I was about 115 pounds to begin with and initially only wanted to drop 15 pounds, but now I've lost a total of 20.

    I'd say the first 8-9lb are the hardest to lose, after that you go on some kind of a slope and it's almost hard to stop! (Which is why you have to do it the right way from the start).

    I began by only exercising and not focusing much on my diet before I started dieting properly in September. This obviously didn't work. I then tried extreme dieting - eating only 800 calories and running 3-6km a day (sorry I don't know how many miles that is). This was really bad and although it got me out of my old habits like eating chocolate daily, it slowed my body down so much and by the end, I could barely move my legs when I did exercise. I was sick for almost 2 months straight and my period stopped.

    It's often hard for us short girls to lose weight but it's important not to think that our short height means we should cut calories so much. I read on a few forum pages that other girls my height would only eat 800-1,100 cal per day and justified this because of our short stature. If only I knew how wrong this was! I ended up losing the weight I wanted by mid-November, but then when I upped my calories to 1,200 (thinking that this would be maintenance) I surprisingly kept losing 0.5lb every 2 weeks, and that's how I lost the last 5lb - much, much slower but much safer.

    If I can tell you anything, it's to not be tempted to dip below 1,200 calories a day. If anything - exercise to get a bigger defect. (But gradually)

    Here's a before and after, from last summer to this summer:

    Most importantly, your goal is very much achievable. Just find a balance between working hard and taking it slow so you're safe! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like, I'd love to give you support and help you lose the last 20lb in a healthy way.

    Hey! I know we're friends on here but I just wanted to say one thing, at 5ft 2 the reason you are still losing on 1200 cals is because there is no way that is Maintenance it's not even your BMR.

    At 5ft 2 your maintenance calories are about 1500-1550, maybe at your weight a bit lower but they can't be 1200. Just letting you know so you can eat more! xx

    Thanks, I really appreciate the tip. Yeah, MFP recommends 1440 cal for maintenance at my weight. Most days I do go over 1,200 anyway - sometimes even reach 1440 for a week straight, but it's hard to break through the habits of the last three months to say the least! I wish I knew I could still lose on 1,200 calories from before! It must be a psychological thing, but I'm slowly building up my intake to reach a proper amount.

    @lin7604 - not sure why, these forums often double/triple post! I don't think you can remove them lol! And thank you. Sometimes the last few pounds can make all the difference for your self-esteem!
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    I'm in the middle between 5'2 and 5'3 (159 cm) and I've lost 16 lbs, so I guess I'm a success story according to the title of this post, hehe! Although, I'm focusing on losing another 8-9 lbs. I started as 134 and now I'm down at 118-119 :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    wow good for you and what was it that was the biggest success for you in loosing that weight? i can't get over the 3lb mark :(
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    wow good for you and what was it that was the biggest success for you in loosing that weight? i can't get over the 3lb mark :(

    Are you asking me? :) Because I wouldn't say that I did it in a healthy way and most importantly, I would NOT RECOMMEND it, even though it worked for me. There are worse and a lot more unhealthy ways to lose weight, but I still consider the way I did it unhealthy.

    I ate around 1000-1100 calories and worked out so my net calories would usually be around 800-900 calories per day. And before everyone freaks out on me, I want to say that I tried 1,200 calories per day for a long time before that but I barely lost anything. So it became a habit of always cutting away just another 100-200 calories and all of a sudden, it started paying off, so I kept doing it. I still do it sometimes, but I'm trying hard not to. I believe that if you give it time and devotion, you will lose all the weight you want to by eating 1,200 calories. In the long run, crash-diets simply ruins it for you.

    And, adding why this diet was rather bad for me in the long run, even though I did lose 16 lbs; almost all of it was muscles. When I look at pictures of myself at 134 lbs and then at 119 lbs, I see almost no difference. A little around my belly, but it's still full of fat. So don't do the same mistake as I did, but learn from my lesson!
  • Has anyone lost weight without exercising or is on any kind of slimming plan e.g. slimming world/weight watchers?

    I did start off on slimming world but I've just been cutting down on the rubbish and keeping to 1200cals a day. Drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables. I am starting 30DS today but should I change my calories?
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi! Im 5'2.5, and 27 yo. I started at 152 and am now down to 137. My goal is 125. I lost my weight so far by just working out at home, doing DVDs and using my elliptical. I also walk a lot. I eat most of my exercise cals back cause I like to eat. :laugh: At the beginning I only ate half of them back and I did lose weight much faster. Now its only been about .5 a pound a week. Right now Im doing 30ds and Im loving the results so far. Good luck! Oh and WATER WATER WATER!!
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member

    So glad I found this, i'm 31 years old, 5'2 and currently 131lbs.
    Over the last few years i've gone from working a retail job on my feet all day to working a desk job, and it's definitely caught up.
    I didn't realize really at first, a couple of pounds here and there you know? But I realized the other day i'm actually up about 15-20lbs over the last 3 years (and I have the muffin top and weird back/bra strap fat now to prove it lol). I'd like to lose 15, but i'd be thrilled just to be rid of the belly I seem to have developed!! Feel free to add me, it'd be nice to have people with similar goals as friends! :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Hi! Im 5'2.5, and 27 yo. I started at 152 and am now down to 137. My goal is 125. I lost my weight so far by just working out at home, doing DVDs and using my elliptical. I also walk a lot. I eat most of my exercise cals back cause I like to eat. :laugh: At the beginning I only ate half of them back and I did lose weight much faster. Now its only been about .5 a pound a week. Right now Im doing 30ds and Im loving the results so far. Good luck! Oh and WATER WATER WATER!!

    i'd be happy to loose. 5 lb a week, even every 2 weeks.. can't seem to do that either... 3 lbs since Oct 22. :( that's it...
  • Hi, just like most of the people, I am in the same situation. In my late 30s and need to lose 15 more to reach my goal. I used to be a size 12 now I'm a size 6. I've been using MFP for a while, which has really helped and I also do Insanity (from Beachbody) Its a love/hate realationship with Shawn T but he is great with the cardio work out. I've already dropped 20lbs, but I'm at a weight stand still. So my encouragement is to just keep working at it. If you can, increase your work out to twice a day, walk during lunch break, etc...just don't stop :):smile:
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    BUMP! I am 5'2" and trying to lose 16 more lbs to get to my goal weight. It is definitely harder now and I think I need to start looking into working out more again. Love to see the suggestions.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I am 5'3", 48 y/o and started at 143 in Feb. Hit goal of 125 in May and by July was down to 118, now 115, a full 10 pounds below goal. While trying to lose, I consistently lost one pound per week, never plateaud. The other 10 came off while I was actually trying to maintain. The key for me was exercise and changing it up every 4 weeks so my body wouldn't get too used to it. The exercise totally changed my body and also helped with the weight loss. Consistency is key. Also, I didn't give up anything. Just did portion control and an "everything in moderation" approach.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    I am 5'3", 48 y/o and started at 143 in Feb. Hit goal of 125 in May and by July was down to 118, now 115, a full 10 pounds below goal. While trying to lose, I consistently lost one pound per week, never plateaud. The other 10 came off while I was actually trying to maintain. The key for me was exercise and changing it up every 4 weeks so my body wouldn't get too used to it. The exercise totally changed my body and also helped with the weight loss. Consistency is key. Also, I didn't give up anything. Just did portion control and an "everything in moderation" approach.

    that's great to hear, i am hoping for the same. I know it seems so slow for me but i do finally see a difference. so as long as i keep it up i will hit my goal of 130 hopefully by the end of feb :)
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm 5'2'' . I've lost 50 lb since 07, but lost the majority of it in the last two years. You can check k out my photos. Basically I just eat whatever I want as long as I hit my fat and protien minimums and I stay within ny calorie range. I do cardio and lift heavy for a total of six days a week.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I am 5'3" and started at 138the in January I am now 112. I did insanity and 1200 calories and did eat my exersize Cal's. I am now at 1400 working my way up to 1800. I am now doing strength training to build muscle.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,074 Member
    5'2" working on losing weight. Been a yo yo'er all my life. Lowest I've been is about 102 and highest maybe 135. Have gained and lost probably hundreds of pounds since I was 15. Hoping that this site will be a lifestyle change and not another yo yo. Im a little older and this year due to whatever, I have had NO LUCK dropping any weight until i started here. I also bought a Polar FT60 to keep track of my exercise and love it. Photo is from 2009 but hoping to be back there for next summer waterskiing!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Im 5'1.5 and Ive lost 18lbs since I started in September. Im currently at 129 and would like to get to 114.
    Ive been eating at 1200 calories and only eating about a quarter of my exercise calories.
    I did/do 30DS and Ripped in 30 DVDs six days a week and supplemented the DVD workout 3 times a week with a 45 minute cardio session.

    I find all these success stories very motivating because Ive been a little worried about how losing the last ten pounds will go. I took some of your advice and upped my daily calories to see if this will help prevent a stall.

    Thank you to those of you who shared your stories!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    wow you have done good..... i love reading the motivational stories too it keeps me going especially since i am having such a HARD time loosing weight. I started on here mid nov and i have lost 2 lbs for sure but the other 2 come and go as they please... it's so frustrating. I can't seem to get them to STAY off? so one day i'm 136 and then the next time i weight i'm back to to 137.4.. i get so excited when i see the 136 and then so depressed again when i see the 137.4, why can't i keep it under 137? I have been trying to lose those few pounds now for almost 2 full months! it's very discouraging!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" (used to be 5'4" but I shrank apparently) and so far I have lost 9 lbs eating mostly fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and alternating between the 30DS and using my freestyle gazelle, which is basically an elliptical without resistance and a wider range of motion.

    My goal is to get to 110 or 115 lb. I'm currently at 128 lb.
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