protein for girls??? :)

Whats your opinion on eating/drinking protein shakes/bars? I still have a lot of weight to lose and im not ready to tone up yet, or am I? Should i tone now or wait for that? Also how much protein should a 18 year old female eat/drink?
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  • nikkih1013

    Personally, I use protein shakes every day. Its an isolated soy protein shake which is much easier for your body to absorb. Adding protein is going to boost your metabolism and help natural satisfy your hunger.. I follow a program to maintain my weight and its very satisfying as long as you mix up the recipes.
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    Awesome, i ate a luna bar yesterday and noticed i felt fuller but was a little upset with the 11g of sugar and 200 calories all for 9g of protein. I'm looking into low cal protien shakes. Anyone try the special k shakes/
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    I make my own protein shakes. Personally, I've noticed that when I up my protein the weight falls off faster. I use Smart Smoothie from complete nutrition. It's chocolate. 1 scoop - 120 cals.

    This morning I made:
    Smart smoothie - chocolate 120 cals
    half cup of 1% milk - 55 cals
    Chobani champions greek yogurt - 100 cals
    Blueberries - 10 cals (?)

    So all together it's like 285 cals.

    That was my breakfast. I can't remember how much protein was in it though. Also, lots of times I add peanut butter. It's yummy.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If I did not have the appetite to get in enough protein from my food, I'd totally go for the shakes. Right now I'm not at a point where I need them, I'm more than happy to eat my 100g in chicken, salmon, cheese, eggs, yogurt, etc. :-)
  • DLPanther
    DLPanther Posts: 14 Member
    I am of the opinion that if I'm going to go to the effort to work my muscles, I'm going to feed them as well! I'm lazy and cheap, so I just bought some flavored 100% Whey powder and shake it up with some water after the gym. The bag makes it look like a guy thing, but it all does the same thing. It's low in sugar and high in protein. If you want to really go nuts, you can mix it with skim milk too.

    If you like something to actually sip for a while and enjoy, I really like the Odwalla protein drinks. They had pumpkin flavor last time I went to the store, it was fantastic! I keep those around at home as a special treat, only to be had if I work out for at least an hour.

    Oh yeah, I forgot to say, both things have 20g of protein.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Protein shakes are great! I get a powder from Costco, I like it, it's low in everything except protein. I even put a bit in my kids' smoothies. It's easily absorbed into your body, it's supposed to up your immune system and help you sleep... I love protein shakes. I put frozen berries in it and a tiny bit of water and make them super thick so they are like ice cream. It's a good way for me get all my protein in a day (I need a lot). I drink two to three a day (I weigh a lot and I'm tall and I'm trying to maintain my muscle mass while on a temporary calorie deficit).

    I would stay away from the bars because they are super high in calories, unless you want to combine a treat with some extra protein. I love promax bars (and there are tons of others that are good too, but basically they are like eating a chocolate bar, except they have a lot of protein in them). I don't actually find them all that filling (but I think I have two hollow legs!!!!).

    Anyway, hope this helps a little...
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    yes protein isn't just for bulking up. it's a good nutrient for anyone. and YES weight train, body weight, resistance band, whatever kind of training RIGHT now, like you should have started yesterday, lol :happy: but yes, strengthen as you go
  • nikkih1013
    I make my own meal replacement protein shakes and bars at home.. all of them are less than 280 Calories, with 50 grams of protein less than 18carbs and all less than 20grams of sugar. I used to drink slimfast shakes but they were no where near as satisfying and did not hold me over long at all. I also tried the special k bars and they are great for a snack but not as fullfilling either. Although I think anthing with protein is great it really depends on the products. If you want recipes for shakes/protein bars I'd love to share them. I have a TON
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks everybody this has helped tons! Now... any strength training tips/reps?
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Strength train now. Don't wait. It is funny to me that people put this off. When it is such a beneficial tool to weight loss. Did you know the more muscle you have the more cals you burn sitting around. Did you also know that strength training also strengthens your bones. Helping with osteoporosis later on in life. I am a certified personal trainer. If you have any questions on the matter. I fully stand behind strength training!!!
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    I make my own meal replacement protein shakes and bars at home.. all of them are less than 280 Calories, with 50 grams of protein less than 18carbs and all less than 20grams of sugar. I used to drink slimfast shakes but they were no where near as satisfying and did not hold me over long at all. I also tried the special k bars and they are great for a snack but not as fullfilling either. Although I think anthing with protein is great it really depends on the products. If you want recipes for shakes/protein bars I'd love to share them. I have a TON

    I would love some recipes! I love all bars that are like granola ish. lol Also i think i might do better with a fruity shake, and maybe a chocolate ish one. :) Thanks!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Protein is a YES. Whey protein isolate is what I've been told is the best kind of protein powder to buy. MyoFusion by Gaspari Nutrition (you can buy it on is one that is recommended for women. You want to find one that is very low in sugars (1-3 g per serving, or none at all). Taking in protein combined with a quick-digesting carbohydrate like maltodextrin is a very effective post-workout regimen, but eating protein and carbs PERIOD after weight training is essential. Weight training combined with cardio is the BEST way to lose weight. When you lose weight, you lose fat and muscle. Weight training helps you maintain and build muscle that will give you more fat burning power. Don't leave out solid weight training. It will transform your body rather than giving you a slightly smaller, flabbier version of your current body. Good luck!
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    Strength train now. Don't wait. It is funny to me that people put this off. When it is such a beneficial tool to weight loss. Did you know the more muscle you have the more cals you burn sitting around. Did you also know that strength training also strengthens your bones. Helping with osteoporosis later on in life. I am a certified personal trainer. If you have any questions on the matter. I fully stand behind strength training!!!

    Awesome! What are some good things i can do to build muscle? I don't care if the progress is slow i just want to add and keep some muscle. Also mind if i add you for future help, i will need it!
  • katilynnegray
    katilynnegray Posts: 98 Member
    I make my own meal replacement protein shakes and bars at home.. all of them are less than 280 Calories, with 50 grams of protein less than 18carbs and all less than 20grams of sugar. I used to drink slimfast shakes but they were no where near as satisfying and did not hold me over long at all. I also tried the special k bars and they are great for a snack but not as fullfilling either. Although I think anthing with protein is great it really depends on the products. If you want recipes for shakes/protein bars I'd love to share them. I have a TON
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    yes protein isn't just for bulking up. it's a good nutrient for anyone. and YES weight train, body weight, resistance band, whatever kind of training RIGHT now, like you should have started yesterday, lol :happy: but yes, strengthen as you go

    Agreed. I went on (sorry for so many shoe-ins for this website, but they've got good training and nutrition plans on there) and clicked the "find a plan" button and chose one for female, 20-29 y.o.a., fat loss, and I got a great weight lifting training schedule, complete with training logs and videos/instructions on how to perform each exercise and perform a great workout from start to finish. Don't just lose weight. Really take time to get in shape. You'll be really really glad you did!! :flowerforyou:
  • katilynnegray
    katilynnegray Posts: 98 Member
    I make my own meal replacement protein shakes and bars at home.. all of them are less than 280 Calories, with 50 grams of protein less than 18carbs and all less than 20grams of sugar. I used to drink slimfast shakes but they were no where near as satisfying and did not hold me over long at all. I also tried the special k bars and they are great for a snack but not as fullfilling either. Although I think anthing with protein is great it really depends on the products. If you want recipes for shakes/protein bars I'd love to share them. I have a TON

    I would love to have some of your recipes. I did a high protein low carb diet once and the weight seemed to melt off. I really missed cereal and bread though. That mixed with the holiday season and low self control when it comes to Christmas cookies made me stop. I want to start again but I'd like a little more variety. Any help would be great :)
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    I think you really should start to tone now ... 1st you already gonnahave some muscle to show as you loose your weight and, also, having a bigger muscular mass will help with increasing your metabolism and burn more calorie and loose weight faster ...

    Assuming you are going to start toning now, protein help a lot with increasing that lean body mass that will also help your metabolism ...

    there a ton of post on MFP already about that and they all explain it so much better than me ....

    Good luck!
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    I think you really should start to tone now ... 1st you already gonnahave some muscle to show as you loose your weight and, also, having a bigger muscular mass will help with increasing your metabolism and burn more calorie and loose weight faster ...

    Assuming you are going to start toning now, protein help a lot with increasing that lean body mass that will also help your metabolism ...

    there a ton of post on MFP already about that and they all explain it so much better than me ....

    Good luck!

    Thank you so much!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Everyone, male or female, needs protein.

    You should tone and do cardio, if you have a lot to lose.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I use Jillian Michael's Whey Protein mix for when I fall short on proteins. I also would recommend start your toning now.