

  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    Okay......im getting REALLY sick of this weather!!!! Its the end of April and we are being snowed on, yet AGAIN. Is summer EVER gonna come?? Im from Alberta btw, we don't have seasons here. It does what it wants, when it wants! :grumble:
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    Okay......im getting REALLY sick of this weather!!!! Its the end of April and we are being snowed on, yet AGAIN. Is summer EVER gonna come?? Im from Alberta btw, we don't have seasons here. It does what it wants, when it wants! :grumble:

    I agree with you, but i'm on the opposite side of the spectrum.
    Too darn hot for April.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    I didn't want to cause a scene in a thread where it didn't belong, but i came across a post that landed in someones thread who was celebrating a success. The post was completely undeserved and unprovoked.
    i was never fat, and i never will be, so HA! i am an amazing runner, and i have a 4:48 min mile. Do you? nope, didn't think so. i hate pop/candy/pizza. i know thats wierd but whatever. i made it to the state finals for cross country, track, and basketball. i know im amazing, not to brag or anything.
    (from an anymous 7th grade girl, age 13) from illinois. (don't like putting personal info on the internet)

    !!!!!!!!GO RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!

    The owner's account was deactivated shortly after, and it may be likely that the actual poster was simply trolling..
    But wow. This set me off. It took a bit of willpower to not put down a snark reply and get myself in trouble as well.

    Makes me want to hit the kid upside the head.
  • hopetobeinshape
    Yea I reported her. First off she stated she was 13 and your right there is no need for these types of comments. She is now gone, so no need to fret. We can all continue on motivating each other to our healthier selves! :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I've got a gripe!!!

    Ok...so since Ive been with MFP for 3 1/2 months now, Ive become a religious water drinker and drink about 3 liters a day. This makes for MANY trips to the bathroom, especially when I am out in public, running errands. For the last month or so, Ive noticed that EVERY time I open a stall door in the ladies restroom, there is either a.) pee or water (either way.. gross!) on the seat, b.) toilet paper stuck to the seat, c.) a turd in the toilet with NO toilet paper or d.) all of the above!

    Now, being someone who usually waits until I "really gotta go" This is VERY irritating!
    Seriously.... flush the toilet, wipe the seat if you get it wet and make sure it ALL goes down... is it really that difficult?? :laugh: :mad:

    Oh oh oh you forgot to add. Wipe YOUR seat......not good to walk around with Pooh butt lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am pi$$ed off, I put my gorgeous Taylor guitar up for sale online last night for $1000 less then it is worth so I could pay for our Wedding trip to Vegas ($750 due in 2 weeks) and got a hit, I couldn't meet the guy myself, so ,my honey got up extra early to meet the guy..he flaked on the early appointment and all but begged my honey to meet him on his busy work schedule and when my honey took his 1 hour break on a 16 hour day to meet the guy, the guy looked at the guitar and said he didn't like the scratch ( I CLEARLY TOLD HIM ABOUT) and didn't buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    muimuimui: What?! Thats just down right ignorant! Im glad that they have been removed from MFP. Ppl like that just need to be ignored. It would have killed me not to say anything either, lol. *biting tongue*

    sassiebritches: I love your screen name, lol. Its so cute! Talk about a waste of you and your hunny's time. That would totally suck!
  • LaurenLibra
    I'll get in on this bandwagon...
    I just have to get this fully off my chest because I don't feel like I can talk about it with my friends anymore.

    I've liked this guy since September last year, and he's known about... everyone has known about.
    He told me in November that he thought I was great and wanted to get to know me more, this was of course after he stood me up... twice! in the one day :explode:
    We increasingly grew distant since about January and last month I asked him what was going and where I stood with him, whether he liked me or not, coz I've never been sure and I just wanted some clarity on the situation... but of course I had to do this via email because every time I asked if he was free he either completely blew over the question or said he was busy.
    That was about half way through last month, and I haven't seen or heard from him since

    So yeah, it feels great knowing you're not even worthy of a response and its not even phasing the other person :indifferent:
    Sad thing is - I'd rather be lonely than with him (i.e. someone who doesn't care) but I'd still rather talk to him than not to talk him :grumble: :noway: (which is what my friend would kill me about)

    Thanks for listening:ohwell:

    Holy Cow! You totally have to read "He's Just Not That Into You"! This book totally opened my eyes to the fact that for some reason us women will continue to be attracted to some guy even though they obviously don't want us. If he was the right one, he would bend over backwards to be with you. I was with the biggest JERK and wasted 4 years of my life on him! Eventually he dumped me, I read this book and realized that I deserved so much better. I met my husband 3 months later. And although no man is perfect (would it hurt him to tell me when I look pretty without me having to fish for the compliment?) he would do anything to be with me.

    So stop wasting your time on someone who OBVIOUSLY doesn't know what he's missing!:heart::bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I saw the movie with a friend... which is what prompted me to ask him. I had a feeling the answer was going to be a no, but I just thought I deserved an answer from him because of some stuff that had happened between us and because I waited that long. And I figured we'd talk about it and come to some sort of agreement as to being friends or not.
    I had been meaning to ask for ages now but never got up the courage and it got to the point where I was going to explode if I didn't ask him... now I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't ask him why he couldn't even be bothered giving me answer, why I'm not good enough for one in his eyes.
    It just seems like every guy I like stops talking to me, whether we're the best of friends or not. And I just wanna know why, or is that asking too much? :frown:
  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    LaurenLibra: Thats not asking too much at all! Its kinda hard to move forward, when you are left hanging.
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    I m really mad at my self right now very mad! I mad myself to believe that my DH was changing after having a second chance in our marriage. Yester I found out some sites he has been visiting and that he did not delete an account that I asked him to do so. The nerve of him to get the best of me and 14 years of marriage and then go out seeking for fantasies on line! :noway: This is not acceptable but the worst parts is that I do not have the courage or will power to let him go! :cry: I can not even confront him with what I know because he will just get verbal and emotional abusive. So I have to stay quite or suffer the consequence of his silent treatment and withdraw.

    More then that a possible separation which is what I do not want. I just ask why???? I am not a hater and I am starting to feel signs of hatred and it scares me for how can you hate the person you love? So I will say I do not hate him I hate what he does and how it makes me feel! I wish I really knew his heart! Why will he just not be straight out honest and upfront and admit he has a problem and get help instead of leading me on making me think that he loves me and wants to be with me.:brokenheart: aahhhh I let it out...:blushing:
  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    I m really mad at my self right now very mad! I mad myself to believe that my DH was changing after having a second chance in our marriage. Yester I found out some sites he has been visiting and that he did not delete an account that I asked him to do so. The nerve of him to get the best of me and 14 years of marriage and then go out seeking for fantasies on line! :noway: This is not acceptable but the worst parts is that I do not have the courage or will power to let him go! :cry: I can not even confront him with what I know because he will just get verbal and emotional abusive. So I have to stay quite or suffer the consequence of his silent treatment and withdraw.

    More then that a possible separation which is what I do not want. I just ask why???? I am not a hater and I am starting to feel signs of hatred and it scares me for how can you hate the person you love? So I will say I do not hate him I hate what he does and how it makes me feel! I wish I really knew his heart! Why will he just not be straight out honest and upfront and admit he has a problem and get help instead of leading me on making me think that he loves me and wants to be with me.:brokenheart: aahhhh I let it out...:blushing:

    That deserves a HUGE hissy fit! I think you need to be strong for YOU and not put up with his bull. Being afraid of the 'consequences' of speaking your mind, just puts him in control. Marriage is "supposed" to be 50/50. He obviously wants the best of both worlds. The security of a marriage and the freedom to mess around. Thats not fair and not right. He needs to get his priorities straight. 14 years is a long time to just throw down the drain. You need to gather the strength to either confront him, leave him, or find yourself a man who deserves you!! These kinds of things are never easy. I totally feel for you and hope that things work out in your favor! Stay strong!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    I m really mad at my self right now very mad! I mad myself to believe that my DH was changing after having a second chance in our marriage. Yester I found out some sites he has been visiting and that he did not delete an account that I asked him to do so. The nerve of him to get the best of me and 14 years of marriage and then go out seeking for fantasies on line! :noway: This is not acceptable but the worst parts is that I do not have the courage or will power to let him go! :cry: I can not even confront him with what I know because he will just get verbal and emotional abusive. So I have to stay quite or suffer the consequence of his silent treatment and withdraw.

    More then that a possible separation which is what I do not want. I just ask why???? I am not a hater and I am starting to feel signs of hatred and it scares me for how can you hate the person you love? So I will say I do not hate him I hate what he does and how it makes me feel! I wish I really knew his heart! Why will he just not be straight out honest and upfront and admit he has a problem and get help instead of leading me on making me think that he loves me and wants to be with me.:brokenheart: aahhhh I let it out...:blushing:

    That deserves a HUGE hissy fit! I think you need to be strong for YOU and not put up with his bull. Being afraid of the 'consequences' of speaking your mind, just puts him in control. Marriage is "supposed" to be 50/50. He obviously wants the best of both worlds. The security of a marriage and the freedom to mess around. Thats not fair and not right. He needs to get his priorities straight. 14 years is a long time to just throw down the drain. You need to gather the strength to either confront him, leave him, or find yourself a man who deserves you!! These kinds of things are never easy. I totally feel for you and hope that things work out in your favor! Stay strong!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Roxy:happy:

    I am feeling a bit frustrated.:sick: My DH tried to blame a little boy of using the computer that I found those sites on! :grumble: I asked the boy and he said he was not on it (Just as I thought!) I called my DH to tell him what the boy said and my DH had a fit! He said so many offensive words over there phone and questioned my point of it. :huh: I did not have the nerve to tell him what I knew.. He would deny it and seek to run from his problem then to fix it.:angry: Therefore I just told him that he and I knew what was wrong with it and that I was giving it over to God.

    He got so mad and said so many bad words and made treats of hurting me.:noway: I was not going to allow that to happend! He said he was fid up and that when I got home we were going to set on the table and have a real good talk! (This usually means divorcee) :cry: I got so afraid that I calmed him down and changed the subject. I told him that I was hungry and he sent me some food. When I got home things had calmed down and I went to bed. We never had that talk and I am glad.

    I hate that I can not see the true light of this.:huh: I hate that I make excuses for him and make myself believe that at least he is trying to please me like taking me dinner to work.:blushing: What is wrong with me?:grumble: I hate me right now!!! :explode: I hate that I am over weight! I hate that I have so much cellulite on my legs it is not even funny? I have dieted and exercise but the cellulite will not go away. All the girls he looks at on line do not have these problems. It is intimidating to be with out close in front of him.:blushing:
  • mom2one
    mom2one Posts: 24
    Thank you Roxy:happy:

    I am feeling a bit frustrated.:sick: My DH tried to blame a little boy of using the computer that I found those sites on! :grumble: I asked the boy and he said he was not on it (Just as I thought!) I called my DH to tell him what the boy said and my DH had a fit! He said so many offensive words over there phone and questioned my point of it. :huh: I did not have the nerve to tell him what I knew.. He would deny it and seek to run from his problem then to fix it.:angry: Therefore I just told him that he and I knew what was wrong with it and that I was giving it over to God.

    He got so mad and said so many bad words and made treats of hurting me.:noway: I was not going to allow that to happend! He said he was fid up and that when I got home we were going to set on the table and have a real good talk! (This usually means divorcee) :cry: I got so afraid that I calmed him down and changed the subject. I told him that I was hungry and he sent me some food. When I got home things had calmed down and I went to bed. We never had that talk and I am glad.

    I hate that I can not see the true light of this.:huh: I hate that I make excuses for him and make myself believe that at least he is trying to please me like taking me dinner to work.:blushing: What is wrong with me?:grumble: I hate me right now!!! :explode: I hate that I am over weight! I hate that I have so much cellulite on my legs it is not even funny? I have dieted and exercise but the cellulite will not go away. All the girls he looks at on line do not have these problems. It is intimidating to be with out close in front of him.:blushing:


    Please don't take this the wrong way, however it sounds to me like you are in a very unhealthy relationship/marriage. No one should have the power to control/determine the way you feel. Have you thought about seeking some therapy, if not together, at least for yourself?
    Please take care of yourself, because if you don't, no body will. :flowerforyou:
  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216
    He got so mad and said so many bad words and made treats of hurting me.:noway: I was not going to allow that to happend! He said he was fid up and that when I got home we were going to set on the table and have a real good talk! (This usually means divorcee) :cry: I got so afraid that I calmed him down and changed the subject. I told him that I was hungry and he sent me some food. When I got home things had calmed down and I went to bed. We never had that talk and I am glad.

    You need to muster up some self confidence. He's bluffing. Let him leave if he's not. I would never intimidate anyone I respected, and it's obvious he has no respect. You will never realize your goals with this stinking pile of **** holding you down like this. It's not worth it.

    Pack his things, put them in the front yard, and go to the magistrate and get a restraining order for domestic abuse. Don't hesitate to call the police and have him arrested if he attempts to come back into the house. DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK until you've talked to his therapist, which he needs.

    (Not that I think fantasy is bad, but it's something that doesn't need to be a secret from your significant other. Then, it's just sneaky.)
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642

    It's hard to give advise for your situation. But I can tell you being alone is not that bad, better than being verbally and emoitinally abused. I hope you can find it in yourself to move on. I know its difficult but it will be worth it. I've traveled down that road, unforunately, more than once. you can do it. there's a better life for you out there!!!

    take care
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    [quoteI hate that I can not see the true light of this.:huh: I hate that I make excuses for him and make myself believe that at least he is trying to please me like taking me dinner to work.:blushing: What is wrong with me?:grumble: I hate me right now!!! :explode: I hate that I am over weight! I hate that I have so much cellulite on my legs it is not even funny? I have dieted and exercise but the cellulite will not go away. All the girls he looks at on line do not have these problems. It is intimidating to be with out close in front of him.:blushing:
    If he really loved you, he would love you cellulite and all. Don't let him do this to you. I agree, call his bluff. He is a control freak and you need to stop it NOW! Until you get some self esteem (which you will never get if you stay in this type of relationship) you will never feel you are doing enough and you will find it harder to reach your weight loss goals. I wish the best for you!!!

  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216

    If he really loved you, he would love you cellulite and all. Don't let him do this to you. I agree, call his bluff. He is a control freak and you need to stop it NOW! Until you get some self esteem (which you will never get if you stay in this type of relationship) you will never feel you are doing enough and you will find it harder to reach your weight loss goals. I wish the best for you!!!


    You're cool. I'll miss you.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm not going anywhere.
    Where are you going?
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    It would aqppear he deactivated his account but not before leaving a nice present in the form of a middle finger :happy: I wonder who that was meant for? I find taht absolutley FASCINATING

    what a class act... :sick:
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Thank you ladies. :smile: You all have brought some very interesting facts too the table that I need to read over and over again until I can get this truth into my head. :blushing:
    So far I have begun to pack some of my and my children stuff while he is at work. I am not sure where I am going with all this but at least it is a starting point. :wink:

    I hate that he could be so selfish and not even care. :explode: He makes it seem as if this is what he wants. To be free and single.:cry: I dressed up for him the other night and I know he enjoyed it. He seemed to be satisfied and it made me feel very happy to have pleased him. I guess this is why I do not understand WHY he would go and and get on line in search for other girls the very next day!!!! :explode: