what exercise burns the most calories quickest?


  • simon_pickard
    simon_pickard Posts: 50 Member
    Sort term? Running.
    Long term (as in keeps on burning cals). Compound weights. Squats, deadlifts, brench press, pull ups.
  • jodz90
    jodz90 Posts: 19
    how long do u have to run for to burn 600 cals
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Zumba!!! I burn about 900 calories an hour according to my HRM.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Martial arts based kick class!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    how long do u have to run for
    Um...I'm guessing there's another issue here???
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    There is no such thing as a "best" exercise. The best one is anyone that keeps the workout interesting enough for you that you can commit to it. Running will only work if you enjoy running and are able to do it. There are 1000's of other exercises, and take some time to try some different routines to see what works for you.
  • Jumping rope, running, and swimming!
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Zumba!!! I burn about 900 calories an hour according to my HRM.

    wow serious?! That's amazing... I definitely do need one now :laugh: Santa better get one for me!!!! :heart:
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member

    Although it's tough to do it more than a minute or two :smile:
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    how long do u have to run for to burn 600 cals
    his is based on your physical makeup and pace you run. Another poster also hit the nail on the head, gotta find what gets you interested and use that.
  • If I run for an hour, I supposedly burn nearly 600 calories. Depends on several factors.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    how long do u have to run for to burn 600 cals

    To burn 100 calories you roughly need to run one mile so six miles.
  • SPIN is a 750 calorie burn for an hour and you sweat from the time u get there till u go home! It's awesome!
  • Try bikram hot yoga. You can burn 900 calories in 90 minutes, and its very good for you because you cleanse all the bad toxins out of your body when you sweat. And I can promise you, you sweat a lot.
  • Swimming is low impact and works all your muscles at once. The amount of calories you burn will depend on your size and how fast you go.
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE MY SPINNING BIKE.... I go an hour a day and today i burned 850cal and maintained 68% of my max heart rate pretty much throughout the session... felt good..

    but you have to find what works for you running just wasnt my thing.... maybe when I get a little fitter and my endurance increases it will be ....:bigsmile:
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    how long do u have to run for to burn 600 cals

    To burn 100 calories you roughly need to run one mile so six miles.

    Not an expert but that answer is wrong. The number of calories burned doing any particular exercise is different from one person to the next. It depends on age, weight, exertion level, etc. If you want to know how many calories you are burning you might want to get a heart rate monitor. Good luck with your goals
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    how long do u have to run for to burn 600 cals

    To burn 100 calories you roughly need to run one mile so six miles.

    Not an expert but that answer is wrong. The number of calories burned doing any particular exercise is different from one person to the next. It depends on age, weight, exertion level, etc. If you want to know how many calories you are burning you might want to get a heart rate monitor. Good luck with your goals

    True its not an exact number but that's why I said roughly... Here is the generally accepted formula to calculate burned calories.

    Net burn rate per mile = 0.63 x weight (pounds)