It's been Four months....And I really feel like I've failed.

My whole plan of losing weight. I stop counting calories working out and even trying to lose weight, I feel so let down by myself and really sad! I just want to do something were can be proud of my self.

I really need motivation! I was doing so amazing in the summer but I fell off the diet and gained 15 pounds now! I need motivation and help desperately getting my life and diet back in control!!

Please some one give me some words of wisdom!


  • smiles4support
    I agree losing weight is work! When I get tired/overwhelmed with it all & I take a break, I usually have a gain too! The thing is now that u know what works stick with it & hopefully you'll start to see a loss again! Feel free to add me as a friend & maybe I can be some help...GOOD LUCK!
  • Tjm288
    Tjm288 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you, Now I feel like i am not the only one who this has happened too. I just want to be successful and in control! I really appreciate your kindness.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Find what motivates you - it's different for everyone - and write it down. Post it on a mirror or something.

    For me, I want to keep my joints healthy, not damage my cardiovascular system, keep my organs in optimal health for as long as possible, etc...

    Then you just focus on one. day. at. a. time. If you look too far down the road, it can be overwhelming.

    Just make today great, you'll go to bed feeling so proud of yourself.

    Worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

    Log every day. Every bite. No matter what.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Losing weight takes a lot of work, mostly mental to keep yourself motivated. If you really want to lose the weight you will do your very best and then some. Its all about a change for the better.

    Everyone can do it if they just put their minds to it!!
  • Manda_H
    You haven't failed... you are here aren't you? You only fail when you totally give up and coming here says to me you haven't given up. I went and found a bunch of quotes and also graphics (pictures with quotes) to read when I was missing motivation. I also look at before/after pics here on MFP. It charged me up big time! look at those things!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe you were trying TOO hard if you burned out and fell off the wagon. Go slower. Make smaller changes that are most sustainable for the long term. Don't think of it as dieting and don't severely limit your food intake or go all buck-nutty with exercise. Keep your food intake at a level that's comfortable, and your exercise at an amount that doesn't feel like punishment.

    Think of it like running a marathon. Most people can't run one in 3 hours. I could run as fast as someone who could run a 3 hour marathon, which would be about 8.5mph... but only for about one mile. Then I'd be shot and wouldn't be able to continue. But I probably could walk at 3 miles per hour and be able to finish the full 26.2 miles. It'd take a lot longer, almost 9 hours, but... so what? I'd get there, and I wouldn't kill myself in the process.

    Pace yourself. Be kind to yourself. Stop telling yourself you failed. You didn't. You just took a detour. Now recalculate your destination. :smile:
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    Take a deep breath.
    Remember why you want to do this!
    Try again and never give up on yourself.
  • Zero2hero2013
    i personally look on it like so.
    i am trying to get where i want to be, which is muh better then i have ever been in my life.
    i didnt gain the weight overnight so i wont lose it overnight either.
    i have my entire life to lose the weight, so if i fall of the wagon i pat myself down and jump straight back on. i have problem fallen off it for 2 months out of the last 9, but i have still managed to continually get back on.

    the results, 57lbs lost and 8lbs of muscle gained!

    i see my self as a project and i am going to keep chipping away at it untill i get it finished, and then i got to maintain it for life! maybe excluding xmas's in the future hehe.

    if you fall of the wagon from now on, as soon as you can jump back on! in the long run you will get where you want to be as thats where that wagon is headed!
  • cxxviii
    Go slower.

    It took me two years to lose the first 30 pounds, but I did not go up and down in those two years. It was just a slow, slow, downward decent. I kept telling myself I'm not in a hurry and that this is for the rest of my life. Every time I lost a pound, I said "that's a number I'll never see again."

    When I lost the last 10 I got really determined and cut my calories and got very strict with myself. Lost them pretty quickly.....gained them back pretty quickly too! I know how you feel.

    This time I'm losing the last 10 (again) the same way I lost the first 30. Slow, Steady, Surely!
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I have to do small goals myself. If you put 15 on, start with that. Just work on that. I'm working on 27 lbs right now. Just 27, though I have so much more to lose. But if I looked at the big picture, I'd be so overwhelmed I'd never start. So, I'm focusing on 27 pounds to my first super secret goal that I'm embarrassed to share here yet. I'll be really happy if -- no when -- I make that. Then I'll set another small goal. Probably 25 lbs then. Take it in little bites.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    Everybody has ups, and downs.
    Try enlisting a friend (IRL) to be on the plan with and exercise with.. and SO is the best place to start!
  • Tjm288
    Tjm288 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! I appreciate that!
  • Tjm288
    Tjm288 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you every one! These comments all really helped! I feel like i can really get on track now =]