Has anyone else been thin before?



  • simplingrillin
    yup, not only was I skinny til about 3 years ago I was also in shape and thats what im trying to get back to...being in shape.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I was very thin until my mid-twenties.
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    I've always considered myself more "athletic" than "thin" - I've had a bootay and thighs from birth (my mother confirms this), so even in high school I never felt "skinny" because the smallest I could wear was a size 8/9.
    I think I'm now pretty much the same size I was when I graduated high school. Wish I had some old jeans or something to confirm this...I'm definitely smaller than I was in college, though! And with my additional muscle tone, I feel better now than I ever have in my life.
  • tamaranash
    tamaranash Posts: 37 Member
    I was thin, probably 9 lbs lighter then by current.. but I have lost almost 32 lbs since my son, and 19lbs since MFP.. I remember my gym teacher (at that weight) telling me to be careful as I was overweight (wearing a size 8) and very fit and muscular.. and it was tough to swallow.. I didn't think I could get any lower then that..but he made me feel bad about myself.. I hope to judge my final weight by how I look.. and I am pretty happy now at my college weight.but 9 more would be great.. then. re-evaluate.. I hated being heavier.. I would look in the mirror and wished I was seeing myself in highschool so I could tell me to ignore that teacher.. funny how somethings have a big impact..
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    Well as a kid I was pretty skinny (not scrawny though). In high-school I was never "thin" but I was curvy & lean and in-shape... then college happened. I'm still curvy of course but I am trying to get back to lean.
  • SweetChilly
    SweetChilly Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'10 and used to be 170ish in high school (it was considered oveweight back then) but I was tiny and scrawny as a child, and then ballooned in high school... and Now even more today (220lbs on average).. I'm trying to get back to 170
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I was 'skinny fat' not healthy.

    Me too for years, then some medication threw my metabolism out of kilter and the rest is history, and after seven and a half months of hard work, so is most of that weight!!!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I like to think I was alwlays thin BUT my sister says I always had big hips, so ...
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I to was thin but by down fall was getting married and because I was a night worker doing 12 hour shifts she made sure that I was well stocked up and I mean a 4lt ice cream tub full with sandwiches and another full with crisps and choc bars at first you dont notice the weight but as time gos on you just get used to that amount so now its time to get back to been slim lol
  • TrefG
    TrefG Posts: 112 Member
    I was think up until my 1st birthday. All downhill from there !
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I guess I'm the first no then? I have never been skinny or really ever been ok with my weight. When I was 9 my mum took me to the doctor and told him she wanted him to put me on a diet because I was fat. Looking at the photo's I was a very healthy weight but my sister was very underweight. It was around this time that my unhealthy relationship with food (eating in private, binging etc) started and I've been battling it ever since.

    Me too! I was fat as a kid, got down to 130lbs by eating pretty much nothing last year of high school, went to college, put weight back on and have been up and down several times lowest 170 highest 256 since then :(
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I guess I'm the first no then? I have never been skinny or really ever been ok with my weight. When I was 9 my mum took me to the doctor and told him she wanted him to put me on a diet because I was fat. Looking at the photo's I was a very healthy weight but my sister was very underweight. It was around this time that my unhealthy relationship with food (eating in private, binging etc) started and I've been battling it ever since.

    Me too! I was fat as a kid, got down to 130lbs by eating pretty much nothing last year of high school, went to college, put weight back on and have been up and down several times lowest 170 highest 256 since then :(
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I was always a little chubby growing up. I lost weight during my first marriage( I learned when under extreme stress I lose weight) but after I ran from my first husband I gained a ton of weight. I lost weight while in nursing school ( 45lbs without trying) and when I graduated I gained it all back.once I got remarried I ate like hubby and gained even more weight. I got pregnant, miscarried and ate for comfort too. I'd like tone able to get to a healthy weight so I can enjoy my life and buy cute clothes
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I was never skinny, but there was a time I looked good and had my curves. My lowest weight was 135 and I LOVED that weight and I looked good. Hoping to get back there someday. I am only 5'4, but that weight suited my body.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I was perty skinny in the beginning of highschool...it wasn't pretty. I never want to look like that I want to be strong and awesome looking :)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes I considered myself thin in high school (105-110) but very athletic and college (115-120) just busy and didn't eat out as much w/ limited funds. I have always been bigger at the bottom so butt, thighs, calves were the big assets that kept me curvy. Now after getting married and having 2 kids I gained. I'm back down to 131 (on a good day) and I consider myself fit and healthy with some much needed toning after having kids. I don't want to be as thin as high school and college, but I want to get to a comfortable weight I can maintain w/ fluctuations 120-124 is the range.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Yes I was thin all my life until I hit 30. Besides a desk job, I was drinking alot and just ate whatever I wanted. The problem was that every time I looked in the mirror, I saw the old skinny me. It wasn't until someone (mom) pointed out that perhaps I should lose a few pounds that I realized what I had become. It's just like how fat people get skinny and when they look in the mirror they still look fat to them. I was the opposite. Strange eh
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    yeah all my life! now im a hungry hippo and guess what i dont want to embrace my curves i want to fit in my size 4 jeans again
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    In highschool I was a size 1, 105lbs and I am 5'2 I got pregnant shortly after and had my son which with him i gained 60lbs. Not healthy at all... and only lost 10lbs after he was born... with my daughter i lost a lot of weight pregnant with her then only gained about 20lbs which put me at 145 after. I toook the depo shot about 6 months ago a nearly gained 12lbs.. I stopped that and hope to lose weight now I just wanted to see who shared my experience and how I really wanna see my skinny body again.... :(
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    nope :-P