Has anyone else been thin before?



  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    YES, in a dream once :happy: Actually I have never been thin. Was petite and curvy as a kid, then very overweight and very curvy for many years. Now I'm seeing glimpses of the petite me again but a better version!
  • commotionstrange
    commotionstrange Posts: 73 Member
    Yep, I was thin and super healthy until I was around 17-18. I was a competitive dancer and horseback rider, and although I always had curves I was pretty thin (around 125-130 with tonned muscle- I'm 5'7).

    Problem was, when I quit all of that (crazy teenaged reasons) and started working full time in a mall saving up for university (mall food...ugg!), I found out the hard way that I had only been able to eat the massive quantities of food I consumed all the time because I was so active! I had always been so active that I had never learned to eat like a 'normal' person.

    I still have troubles with portion control, but I've gone back to dance and soon to riding as well. My career is full of healthy types (environmental field) so I don't have as much trouble eating well at work. Although I got up to over 190 lbs (gasp!), I've been able to get that down to 163, and am aiming to get back down somewhere around 130 by April/May. Dance is so much easier when you're thin!

    I think if you know you've been there, it's easier to know that you can get back to it. We actually have the easier road than those of us who were never thin or have never really exercised. We know what our bodies can do, we just have to make them do it again!

    Good luck everyone :)
  • I was thin in a very unhealthy way...I never ate and once I took care of my eating disorder I went in the total opposite direction I ate constantly and now here I am. Its going to be hard to not go back to my old ways counting calories because thats how it all started but I believe I can do this the healthy way this time. :)
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    I graduated from HS at 5'7" and 96 lbs. I rarely exercised (except to walk everywhere) and ate whatever I wanted, which is why I am now fighting my way back down from the 160s. The first 20-30 lbs I put on looked great, which is why I didn't get it under control sooner.
  • Yes, for years I was thin; when I got married, 37 years ago (yikes), I weighed 96 lbs. that is thin for 5' 4" - I also ate what I wanted. My weight stayed constant for years until I got a fairly sedentary job and the weight went on. I felt overweight for me, and needed to lose 35 lbs. Now I have about 5 lbs to go. I'll never weigh 96 lbs again, but that's fine...
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    Yeah, I was about 115 pounds in high school -- almost 20 years ago before it was really popular to be super skinny and back when a size 8 was super tiny. I look back on my prom picture and see my collar bone and shoulder blades sticking out -- I think I was too thin for my particular frame, but being fat or thin never ever crossed my mind. We just didn't have junk food in the house and I walked to and from school everyday with 40 lbs of books. I gained weight after I got married and had money for junk food. Even though I'm 5'3", and most 5'3" women want to be less than 120 pounds, I'm aiming for 140. I'm noticing that the older you get and the thinner you are, the older you look -- definitely don't want that! Plus I have pictures of myself at that weight, and I looked AWESOME -- even though I thought I was fat. /sigh
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    growing up i was a toothpick when i meet my husband 12 years ago i was 5'8 and 99lbs. had a dr. told me to cut back on my soda back then a 12 pack would last me a day or 2.so i did and stated to eat more drink less soda and i started to gain some weight then after having 3 more boys my weight went up with each baby..over the years i slow shrunk I'm now 5'7 in Feb. this year my weight was 184lbs. i was out of shape.. right now I'm about 3lbs from what i was right before i got pregnant with our youngest:happy:
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I struggled with my weight in elementary school, but once i hit middle school, i shot up to 5'5" and was down to around 125-130 pounds. Stayed around there, even dropping down to 110-115 in my late teens early twenties...Then I got pregnant and gained 90lbs!!! Lost most of it, down to 150 and maintained...Until I got pregnant again.
  • yep. I was skin and bones when I was 19-22 when I was eyeballs deep in bulimia. Now I weigh more, but much healthier.
  • Before I had my baby I was the weight I am now which is 116lbs so ive always been slim when I was at school I was 110lbs and looked awfully thin. I've always had curves though even at my Lowest weight xx
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    I was super skinny as a child up until I moved in with my dad just before 9th grade. I remenver going back to visit my old teachers and one of them commented that I was getting fat! I was 5'2, medium build and was UP to a "whopping" 105 pounds. I guess I did look fat compared to what I was when I lived there. I know now that 105 was far from fat. I gained a little more during high school, I guess I weighed maybe 120 when I graduated, still far from fat. Now at 200+ I know that I really am fat now but I look at clothes from when I thought I was fat before and wonder what the heck I was thinking. I would LOVE to get back in to those size 11 Rocky Mountain jeans!!! I would like to get down to 140 which is probably still overweight for my height but I will be much healthier and should be able to maintain that weight. Once I get there we'll see...
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Nerp I've always been tubby
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I was always tiny growing up and then became unhealthy in high school - I was SUPER skinny. I never want to be THAT thin again. I gained a bunch after leaving high school and 2 kids later, I'm working to get back down again. I swear I'll make it! Someday....
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I was thin/fit my entire life until about 3 years ago, when I screwed up my knee and received bad news around the same time. Nothing will make you gain weight quite like being sedentary and depressed, its a really bad combo!
  • I was 130 maybe 135 at my peak in High School. Once I had my baby although I only gained 20 pounds, i stopped exercising and eating more since I stayed at home. I am also trying to keep my curves, but I just want to lose my tummy and some legs. :)
  • I've NEVER been thin...I think. I've always had a chubby face and I don't remember EVER being thin. That's why my goal isn't to get thin...just to get to a happy and healthy median =)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    last time i was thin with no chub on my stomach or legs, was 10 flippin years ago!! as soon as i hit the ago of 10 the weight started creeping up! and ive never had the will power to do something about it when i was younger. thats why im here today, to change my life around, go from a really big girl who got bullied all through high school to a nice slim young woman =) i will get there one day ha! will all be worth it tho ;)
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I weighed 125 during my first marriage..then gained tons of weight due to PCOS kicking in and depression from being in a awful marriage.
    I managed to lose weignt and get to 150..but did it without changing my diet..just worked out.

    Now..I am 135..I eat Primal..and work out 6 days a week...I think I am way healthier now than when I was 125..I had no muscle mass. I am trying to get more lean..so will see.

    I dont think I ever want to be 125 again...I had no curves
  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    Last time I was thin... 1988. I am going to make it!
  • barbijean29
    barbijean29 Posts: 60 Member
    I was Tiny in growing up.. when I met my husband i was all of about 85lbs. Until I got pregnant with my oldest and I put on about 90 lbs or so then we got married and I got pregnant with my son put on another 40 i couldn't lose and 7 mo later got pregnant again.. now weighing in over 200lbs can't get it off at all.. its been 9 years since i had my last child. I have tried lots of diets and things but can't get anywhere.. I am hoping MFP helps me..