I feel stuck!

dm123 Posts: 14 Member
Has anyone else stalled with their weight loss after losing the first 10-12 pounds? I even lowered my calorie intake a bit, but I have stopped losing. I am going to add more exercise, but it it normal to stop losing?


  • dm123
    dm123 Posts: 14 Member
    Has anyone else stalled with their weight loss after losing the first 10-12 pounds? I even lowered my calorie intake a bit, but I have stopped losing. I am going to add more exercise, but it it normal to stop losing?
  • amberc82
    amberc82 Posts: 25
    I lost 15 pounds before I started using MFP and ever since then I have lost nothing. I have reduced my calorie intake and added more time to working out but I still haven't lost anything. All I keep thinking is sooner or later that ticker will move for me. Keep trying and it will eventually happen. :smile:
  • Cerabell18
    Cerabell18 Posts: 124
    I'm in the same place. I've been in a stand still for about 2 months. I've switched up my exercise routine and hopefully it will start to move for me again. I can't reduce my caloric intake anymore so I've actually added to my daily intake to see if it will jog my system.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    If you all are exercising, it is possible that you are still losing inches, just not pounds yet.........

    Also, I wouldn't lower calories.........

    Raising your calories and eating small, more frequent meals can fire up your metabolism.

    Your body may think you are starving it.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Over what time period did you lose the weight and how many calories are you eating each day? Less isn't always better.
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    I stalled after losing 25 on Weightwatchers online. I did some reading and found that as you get closer to goal you will lose slower. I got discouraged with WWer's and decided to try this site. I feel I have to log everything in order to be accountable. Hopefully this will jumpstart my weight loss again. Once I see the ticker moving down, I stay motivated.
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I stalled after my first 10 lbs. I had to increase my calories, as 1200 was not providing enough to convince my body to start letting go. (1200 is enough for someone with a LOT to lose, but not for someone with only 30 extra pounds or less) The first 10 were probably just water weight for me. I now eat between 1400-1500 daily plus my exercise cals and I find that it's been pretty steady (as long as I log religiously) I do use a HRM so that I know what I'm burning, I can't rely on the database because I found it was very inaccurate for me.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Has anyone else stalled with their weight loss after losing the first 10-12 pounds? I even lowered my calorie intake a bit, but I have stopped losing. I am going to add more exercise, but it it normal to stop losing?
    Never consider it stuck until u have waited 1 full month....but u have to be 100% honest about food intake and excercise effort..a lot of time we slack and dont realize it...add more excercise if your able or just increase the intensity of which you do your current..dont mess too much with calories yet....i can only tell u what has worked for me i havent plateaued yet at all.....watch sodium,carbs,fat, and stay within your allotted calories choosing good foods...walk walk walk.....especially when the weather is nice if your able..good luck