What do you do?

Now that I have my HRM, I am finding that instead of going for a a time goal while I'm working out I am going more for a certain amount of calories burned. I aim for 500 calories usually 5 times a week instead of doing an hour.

What do you do?


  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Now that I have my HRM, I am finding that instead of going for a a time goal while I'm working out I am going more for a certain amount of calories burned. I aim for 500 calories usually 5 times a week instead of doing an hour.

    What do you do?
  • cryt11
    cryt11 Posts: 51 Member
    I just got mine too. Lets see what everyone else does???:smile::smile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I know me.
    Given unlimited time, I would go after a caloric goal too. 500 would probably be mine. I'd probably try to inch it higher every day. I love competing with myself.

    But I'm limited in time, working out during my lunch break, so I can only do about 35-40 min a day.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I used to do 30 min a day and now it's not enough....stupid HRM ;) Gotta get my 500 in or else I feel bad! :laugh:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I also used to go by time and now go by calories. :-D I try to work out every day and if I do, I go for at least 600 calories every other day and 350 on my "off" days. If I skip a day, then I for sure do 600 the following day.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I have an eliptical with an IFIT SD slot. I have different SD cards with varying programs. I work now on an intermediate program of a half hour. I usually burn between 500 and 525 in this 30 minute program. I do it everyday in addition to whatever else I have going on. So, for me it's not a problem to exercise that many away, what's hard is eating all those calories back. Generally 650 to 700 daily. :grumble:

    Good Luck to you!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    oooh.....eating them back would not be a problem! :laugh:
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    My gosh...I have to ask....how long are you working out to burn 600 calories???? I am petite (5') and weigh 108 and it takes me 40 mins on the arc trainer on level 3 hill interval adding in HIIT throughout it and I only burn 350-400!!!! Man, I feel cheated!!!! I could probably go longer, but, I stength train for about 45 mins prior to this as well and wasn't sure if it would be too much.....I am looking to tone mostly, but I sure wouldn't mind having the extra calories to eat a bit more on certain days and not feel guilty....please, please tell me what the heck you are doing that burns 500-600 calories!!! Even when I am hiking (extreme terrain) I can't get my Polar F6 to reach 600 (hiking for 1 hr 45 mins) . Dangdarnit!!! I thought I was doing good!!! UUGHHH!:grumble:
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    What's an HRM? :blushing: Feeling kinda dumb for asking, but seems like it's something good. :bigsmile:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    My gosh...I have to ask....how long are you working out to burn 600 calories???? I am petite (5') and weigh 108 and it takes me 40 mins on the arc trainer on level 3 hill interval adding in HIIT throughout it and I only burn 350-400!!!! Man, I feel cheated!!!! I could probably go longer, but, I stength train for about 45 mins prior to this as well and wasn't sure if it would be too much.....I am looking to tone mostly, but I sure wouldn't mind having the extra calories to eat a bit more on certain days and not feel guilty....please, please tell me what the heck you are doing that burns 500-600 calories!!! Even when I am hiking (extreme terrain) I can't get my Polar F6 to reach 600 (hiking for 1 hr 45 mins) . Dangdarnit!!! I thought I was doing good!!! UUGHHH!:grumble:

    I workout for an hour and a half (average) on my 600 calorie days. I do Turbo Jam Cardio DVD's and I walk/run at least a mile on my treadmill. The dvds are what really does it for me. I burn a couple hundred on the treadmill and the rest doing the dvds.

    ETA: I am 5'3 and currently 171 pounds. I am guessing I burn more because I am way larger.???

    HRM is a heart Rate Monitor. I have the Reebok Precision.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    What's an HRM? :blushing: Feeling kinda dumb for asking, but seems like it's something good. :bigsmile:

    Heart Rate Monitor There are no dumb questions!!

    I use mine to compete with myself.

    - aim to burn 10 calories a minute or more.
    - aim for certain # of cals in certain time period ( like 200 cals in 15 mins or 350 cals in 30 mins, something like that that really pushes me)
    - go for the calorie count total only
    - keep me heart rate above XX% at all times for the entire workout
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    My gosh...I have to ask....how long are you working out to burn 600 calories???? I am petite (5') and weigh 108 and it takes me 40 mins on the arc trainer on level 3 hill interval adding in HIIT throughout it and I only burn 350-400!!!! Man, I feel cheated!!!! I could probably go longer, but, I stength train for about 45 mins prior to this as well and wasn't sure if it would be too much.....I am looking to tone mostly, but I sure wouldn't mind having the extra calories to eat a bit more on certain days and not feel guilty....please, please tell me what the heck you are doing that burns 500-600 calories!!! Even when I am hiking (extreme terrain) I can't get my Polar F6 to reach 600 (hiking for 1 hr 45 mins) . Dangdarnit!!! I thought I was doing good!!! UUGHHH!:grumble:

    I workout for an hour and a half (average) on my 600 calorie days. I do Turbo Jam Cardio DVD's and I walk/run at least a mile on my treadmill. The dvds are what really does it for me. I burn a couple hundred on the treadmill and the rest doing the dvds.

    ETA: I am 5'3 and currently 171 pounds. I am guessing I burn more because I am way larger.???

    HRM is a heart Rate Monitor. I have the Reebok Precision.

    You are correct, weighing more means you will burn more calories given the same exertion.
    As a reminder, be sure to adjust your HRM profile as you lose weight. I try to adjust mine for every 5lbs I lose. This way it's not overcalculating the calories I'm burning.
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    My gosh...I have to ask....how long are you working out to burn 600 calories???? I am petite (5') and weigh 108 and it takes me 40 mins on the arc trainer on level 3 hill interval adding in HIIT throughout it and I only burn 350-400!!!! Man, I feel cheated!!!! I could probably go longer, but, I stength train for about 45 mins prior to this as well and wasn't sure if it would be too much.....I am looking to tone mostly, but I sure wouldn't mind having the extra calories to eat a bit more on certain days and not feel guilty....please, please tell me what the heck you are doing that burns 500-600 calories!!! Even when I am hiking (extreme terrain) I can't get my Polar F6 to reach 600 (hiking for 1 hr 45 mins) . Dangdarnit!!! I thought I was doing good!!! UUGHHH!:grumble:

    I workout for an hour and a half (average) on my 600 calorie days. I do Turbo Jam Cardio DVD's and I walk/run at least a mile on my treadmill. The dvds are what really does it for me. I burn a couple hundred on the treadmill and the rest doing the dvds.

    ETA: I am 5'3 and currently 171 pounds. I am guessing I burn more because I am way larger.???

    HRM is a heart Rate Monitor. I have the Reebok Precision.

    How do you log the DVD workout with the exercise diary on this site? i do videos too, but can't figure out how to correctly enter the info
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I usually do 1 hr 30 mins to 2 hrs at gym and burn 600-900 cals depending on what I am doing.
  • btgeisey
    btgeisey Posts: 7
    Well I have just started, and I am just dumbfounded by the calories I gain back:sad: . I just decided today that I am going to go by calories not time as well, so its funny that this is what is being discussed. I have a husband that works opposite shift as me, so finding the time to actually work off my extra calories is the hard part. I started walking on my lunch break, but that is not going to cut it. I am thinking about doing wii fit more, has anyone had any weight loss success with this?
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Lauryn-thanks for the reminder! I changed it after the first 5 pounds but haven't changed it since my last 5 pounds. I will do that tonight!

    Rowie-I just created my own workout called " ____ video" (insert biggest loser, cardio party, ab jam.....) and then I input how long I did it for and my calories from my HRM. If you don't have a HRM, then I am not sure how you would log it... Maybe someone else on this thread will know??
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    for me to burn about 500-600 calories I do a mix of 15 min on the bike, 30-35 min on the elliptical trainer and 20 min on the treadmill on high incline @ 4.5 mph. I get bored if I'm on something too long!:bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    for me to burn about 500-600 calories I do a mix of 15 min on the bike, 30-35 min on the elliptical trainer and 20 min on the treadmill on high incline @ 4.5 mph. I get bored if I'm on something too long!:bigsmile:

    I'm going to have to start mixing up the machines. Even my short 30 min workouts are getting boooooring on just one machine. Sometimes I feel so ADD about life! :bigsmile:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    for me to burn about 500-600 calories I do a mix of 15 min on the bike, 30-35 min on the elliptical trainer and 20 min on the treadmill on high incline @ 4.5 mph. I get bored if I'm on something too long!:bigsmile:

    I'm going to have to start mixing up the machines. Even my short 30 min workouts are getting boooooring on just one machine. Sometimes I feel so ADD about life! :bigsmile:

    Oh...I can't even begin to imagine being on one machine for an hour. That'd drive me nuts!! Plus it's good to mix up your routine because your body adapts to something if you've been doing it for too long.

    I'm gonna have to work out longer today since I broke down and had a freaking sugar donut today! BOOOO!!!!!! It's my one weakness!! :grumble: :grumble: