Tips on how to stop snacking?

rowerrunnercmt Posts: 40
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I've got about 25 pounds to lose at the moment. I exercise a lot (1-2 hours a day, 6 days a week) and eat healthily most of the time.
My biggest problem is snacking. I find it really hard to resist snacking unless I'm physically not around food except at mealtimes.
I'm a college student, and I'll be home for winter break for almost a month--this means that I'll have very easy access to a full cupboard/fridge pretty much 24/7! I usually don't snack in huge quantities, I just eat a little bit when I'm bored, and it adds up.

Do you guys have any tips on how to resist mindless snacking?


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I don't try to stop it, I just plan for it. I work out a basic food plan each day and I specifically include snacks. Since I know what I'm going to snack on already, I look forward to it and find it easier to stick to what I've planned. Snacking on the fly would be a real issue for me. It's much better for me to plan it in advance so that it works into my calories for the day.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    You could buy some land mines on eBay and plant them in the kitchen?
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Nibs Licorice.

    Best defence out there.
  • You don't need to stop snacking just make your snacks super low cal (ie: veggies).
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I struggle with this as well. I like the idea of planning for it.

    Maybe also try grabbing some water or herbal tea and drinking that instead of snacking?
  • lisabert
    lisabert Posts: 12 Member
    Before you eat a snack, drink a HUGE glass of water, then wait a while. Chances are good it will fill you up. If that doesn't work, a few slices of apple and then a huge glass of water might do the trick - the fiber and the water combine and fill you up. Another thing that has worked for me is the "five things" list, in other words - make a list of five things to do (pay a bill, write an email, some work or housekeeping stuff), then do them before you have the snack. What happens to me is I get distracted and forget about the snack. Hope this helps.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I plan out my food ahead of time, including snacks. Really, most of my food is small snack stuff anyway, not really meals, so it's easy.

    If you don't want to be quite that planned, look at your favorite snacks and buy them in little snack packs if they sell them, or separate them into single serving baggies so you're not tempted to eat more than you should.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Be mindful instead of mindless. If necessary, put sticky notes around the kitchen, or a line of tape on the floor, or whatever you need to do to notice that you're heading for a snack.

    Deal with the feeling - you're bored, what can you do about that? Eating actually isn't that entertaining. What do you find enjoyable? Write yourself a list of 'things to do when I'm bored' and do them instead of snack. If your thing to do involves leaving the house, then so much the better.

    Can you talk to your parents around storing unhealthy snacks in an opaque box so you can't see them or even not having them in the house or switching to healthier snacks?

    Good luck!
  • Try putting healthy snacks in a ziplock baggie and have those ready when the temptation comes up, drink a glass of water wait five minutes the temptation should go away, just a couple of tricks I've tried.
  • I don't try to stop it, I just plan for it. I work out a basic food plan each day and I specifically include snacks. Since I know what I'm going to snack on already, I look forward to it and find it easier to stick to what I've planned. Snacking on the fly would be a real issue for me. It's much better for me to plan it in advance so that it works into my calories for the day.

    This. I've always had a hard time with snacking too but planning really helps.

    Also, maybe reconsider the type of snacks you're reaching for. I really like yogurt, hummus, fruits (my favorites are apples and pineapple), 94% fat free popcorn, and nuts.
  • Also, if you portion snacks out ahead of time you won't mindlessly just start eating (I used to do this).
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Plan for it and give save calories for it, and also eat stuff high in fiber.. it keeps you fuller longer.
  • :laugh:
    You could buy some land mines on eBay and plant them in the kitchen?
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Healthy snacks are good - don't try to cut them out just make them part of your day!
  • snack on fruits or veggies
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    You could eat low glycemic index foods (you could google glycemic index fornthe list)...the food is usually high in fiber and low in calories... So it keeps you full longer. good luck
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    1) I plan on eating 3 snacks each day (one a couple hours after each meal) and just build this into my calorie count; knowing that you're going to get the snacks eventually makes it easier to avoid boredom eating.

    2) Brush your teeth instead, since most things don't taste very good with minty fresh breath!

    3) Drink hot tea instead... I particularly like herbal teas, like vanilla rooibos tea. No caffeine, hint of vanilla flavour, and the warm tea in my belly satiates me for a while.

    4) If all else fails, chew sugar-free gum (like the Extra dessert flavours). I don't do this very often, because I try to avoid artificial sweeteners, but I know it has helped me in the past and does seem to help some.

    Hope these help! :smile:
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    water, water, water, and more water!!! I'm the worst when it comes to snacking...and I have the biggest sweet tooth. All the goodies during the holidays are pure torture. The only thing I've found that helps is drinking lots of water!!! The more full your belly is of the wet stuff, the less you want to fill it more with junk! With that being only live once...and it's the freakin holidays. Indulge once in a while!! Enjoy yourself and being at home! Just plan for it and work out a little harder those days...or not! One day didn't make us fat in the first place, it's not gonna do it now!
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Agree with all of the above! Also remove yourself from the vicinity of the refrigerator. For me, my kitchen and living room are side by when I get that wanna snack feeling and I know I don't want to go there I just remove myself and go upstairs to watch tv. Out of sight out of mind!
  • My best defense is to keep myself distracted. If I'm bored, I will think about food and that gets my stomach growling. So instead, I get engaged in video games, writing, art, cleaning the house, etc.

    I allow myself only a few kinds of low-calorie snacks: heart healthy mott's applesauce, a quarter of a pickle, a small tub of berries (under 100 calories), a slice of untoasted whole wheat grain bread with almond butter, or 1 small piece of dark chocolate. The berries, applesauce, and pickle all give a nice shot of flavor, but the bread and almond butter are most "filling". ONE slice of sara lee's 45 calories & delightful bread with 1 tbsp of almond butter will put you in the neighborhood of 150 calories, 9g of fat and 2.5g of protein. It's high in monosat fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. Ah, and it's also a good source of omega-3 acid. I don't go overboard on this, I will snack 1 time a day.

    If I have already had a snack but I feel the stomach rumbling in between meals, I have a 5.5 oz can of spicy hot V8. It's a full serving of "veggies", but the spiciness helps my stomach stop that grumbling while my body benefits from the nutrients.

    Alas, I wish I had the budget to afford shopping for fresh produce daily, but that's not in my limits now. But I hope this helps.

    Also, don't put land mines in your kitchen. Surround your property with them to keep the zombies away.
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    Also, don't put land mines in your kitchen. Surround your property with them to keep the zombies away.

    ^ this!!!
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I plan my snacks out and when I'm feeling like snacking in between, I drink seltzer (or other diet carbonated beverages - bubble are very filling and 0 calories!) and tea. Sugar-free hard candies can be helpful too (I love the sugar free cream savers, yum).
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    Before you eat a snack, drink a HUGE glass of water, then wait a while. Chances are good it will fill you up. If that doesn't work, a few slices of apple and then a huge glass of water might do the trick - the fiber and the water combine and fill you up. Another thing that has worked for me is the "five things" list, in other words - make a list of five things to do (pay a bill, write an email, some work or housekeeping stuff), then do them before you have the snack. What happens to me is I get distracted and forget about the snack. Hope this helps.
    Thanks for this advise! I know these tricks but forget to implement them after a while!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 762 Member
    You could buy some land mines on eBay and plant them in the kitchen?

    lmao :D
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,648 Member
    *black coffee*
  • amh83
    amh83 Posts: 15
    Before you snack, drink a glass of water. Many times you think you are hungry but you are really thirsty. If water doesn't do it, have some fruit.
  • hatescows
    hatescows Posts: 69 Member
    I also plan ahead for snacks with cut veggies and fruit. If I need a salty snack I eat Special K chips. I count them out, (27 chips= a serving @ roughly 100 calories) and I have a satisfying pile to eat and I don't feel cheated.
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    I have issues with snacking as well. I like to sip on something over time to help curb my snacking such as coffee or hot chocolate soymilk or diet coke every now and then. The best thing for me is to just go shopping or do.something that involves me leaving my house and that takes my mind off snacking. But sometimes you just have to know when its best to give in so I always keep some dark chocolate around and have an ounce of that or if I want something crunchy I looooove cucumbers and bellpeppers with hummus, its a super low cal snack that gives you the crunch you want without the guilt (only like 100 cals)!
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