5'4" 187 F seeking "like-bodied" chicks

Okay. So here I am. 5'4" and at my all time highest weight of 187. I'm a little freaked out about it right now.

I'm pretty proportional in regards to how I carry my weight (with the exception of my chest-so I when I gained weight my friends just say stuff like "oh, I'm so jealous, you gain it all in your chest - blah, blah, blah") But now, I have... "The GUT" . "The GUT" came on quickly with a new love, turning 40 and the dreaded birth control. WTH? My boyfriend is good to me but I think he may be considering a refund. (kidding, I swear.)

Anyway. I REALLY would love to have some friends that are similar in size with similar goals (mine is ultimately 120 but I'd be deliriously happy with 135ish as a BIG HURDLE) to help give me that push. I work at my home office in male oriented "business" type field and my boyfriend is "too nice" to say "ahem...get to the gym little lady!"

Kick my a**, b*tches and I will do the same in return! Let's work together do get this DONE! :)


  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 190 right now if a three inch, three pound difference is "like-bodied" enough :smile:
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Totally the same as you. I'm a bit shorter and a bit heavier right now my goal is 135. I'm 5'1 and am currently 207. I like you am fairly proportional but have recently gained it all on my belly.

    Don't you just hate it when people think you're lucky to have a large chest? Buying clothing... jumping jacks in fitness class... jogging or jumping of any kind... pain in the butt! Of course I wouldn't probably complain if I had a skinny waist to go along with them. LOL

    So I'd love to be your buddy.
  • I'm 5'1 191lbs. (4 months post baby) i'm trying to get to 130ish. i'd love to stay in touch and motivate each other and hold each other accountable! :) i've been down the road before...summer of '10 i was running 15 miles a day and lost 25lbs pretty quick. However, being a single mom now that's going to be extremely difficult! BUT it can be done...maybe just a different way lol :)
  • I'm 5'1" and around 187 and would like to be 125 or so...:)
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I am 5'3" and while I'm close to where I'd like to remain weight-wise, I want to tone up for what I like to mentally call "Team Beach Body 2012" because my hubby returns from deployment right before summer :)
  • like bodied in that i'm 5'4" and 157 and my ult goal is 130 and i'm all gut!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Add me y'all- I would LOVE to have people "my size" supporting me though this journey!!!

    We can dooooooo it!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello I'm new to this jut ated t get in here and say hello evryone and good luck on our most easy thing ever losing the weigt we desire!!!:-)
  • torkmdeg
    torkmdeg Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there! :) I am 5'4" and 180 pounds, and my goal is 130.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 5'5 and currently weight just under 190 and I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby. It's not my highest weight, my highest non-pregnant weight was about 195. Before I got pregnant this time I was down to 170. My goal is to see where I am health wise, body fat wise, etc. when I get around 135-140 and then I'll reassess my goal.
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    I'm currently 180. & I am 5'4.
    My beginning weight was 191.4. Which was probably about 2months ago or less.
    So right now i'm just trying to eat within my calorie goal. & I need to work on my exercise..But that would help me to lose more weight.
    I'd love to stay in touch with you, so we could motivate eachother..share tips..and things. I know we can do this!
    My goal is 120-125lbs.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Once we get a list of ladies we should create a group for all of us :happy:

    If y'all are in lets start thinking of group names
  • I am 27, 5'5", and 178 lbs. I would like to lose 25-30lbs, it seems like a very reasonable goal to start with. I need friends on here to for motivation. My cousin Gabbie is on here, she has lost 60 and trying to lose 20 more. She is about our height and weight also.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Bumping this to the top :flowerforyou:
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    5' 4" on the way down from an embarrassing 202 to hopefully around 135ish!
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    5'5" started at 175, now 155. Feel free to add if you like.

    I would like to edit to add that my ultimate goal weight is 130-140 but muscular, and a low body fat percentage!
  • bizlady
    bizlady Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4" 185 and 40ish. My goal is 135. Let's do this.
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently 147. I started MFP at 160, but between 3 kids, I have seen 190. You can do this! I highly recommend the 30 day shred dvd and the couch to 5k app.
  • I'm 5'4" and 182 as of today. Have been as high as 216, but that was a few years ago. I go back and forth with my weigh, which I really can't stand and have to stop doing.

    My goal right now is to just get to 165 by my wedding (March 23!!!!) and see where I can go from there. I've never been skinny and I have a largerish frame, so I'm not aiming too low to begin with (plus, I know that if I don't make my goal, I'll just throw in the towel completely.)

    I am now a gym member again, and I think that will help a lot. But I still need somebody inspiring (nagging if you prefer) me to get in there every day I can (it's about an hour from my house, but just 3 minutes from my fiance's house, so I'm only there on the days I'm at his place, which is about 4 days a week.)

    Love meeting other people in the same body frame!