I'm going back to sugar.............

rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
I am finding that after drinking a beverage with Splenda, I just feel nausea. I usually don't even finish the drink because it doesn't make me feel good AND it makes me feel very hungry so I am just going back to sugar. It might have some calories but I don't care. I can't drink tea or coffee anymore with Splenda or any other artifical sweetener.

Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe there is some truth in all those studies.


  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I am finding that after drinking a beverage with Splenda, I just feel nausea. I usually don't even finish the drink because it doesn't make me feel good AND it makes me feel very hungry so I am just going back to sugar. It might have some calories but I don't care. I can't drink tea or coffee anymore with Splenda or any other artifical sweetener.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe there is some truth in all those studies.
  • alaskagal
    alaskagal Posts: 326
    I can't use any aritifical sweeteners -- they all make me feel yucky :sick:

    I use sugar and just figure in the calories, but at least I don't feel sick, headachy, etc. all the time.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    a little trick for your tea, my bf uses maple sirop. i'm not sure how many calories compares to white sugar, but at least its not refined and you actualy have some nutrient in it, so you dont have empty calories, only half a teaspoon is enough really and that is about 10 cal, no sure if it would go well in coffee, but maybe its worth a try.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I get the craving for more sugar with refined sugar, and with artificial sweeteners.

    but, if I use honey, brown sugar or maple syrup, I find my sweet tooth is satisfied.

    Just a suggestion. :flowerforyou:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have to use sugar instead of artificial sweeteners, I was mostly using Splenda but like you it upset my stomach. :sick: The only thing I use artificial sweetener in is my diet pepsi.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Wow, sorry to hear you have a problem with Splenda, I have used it since it came out with no problems whatsover. Maybe I am just lucky. But then again I haven't really reseached it. I also use honey or maple syrup depending on what I am making. But I have had refined sugar in I don't know how long.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I get the craving for more sugar with refined sugar, and with artificial sweeteners.

    but, if I use honey, brown sugar or maple syrup, I find my sweet tooth is satisfied.

    Just a suggestion. :flowerforyou:
    I have thought about using honey in my tea, what type of honey do you use and how much for a cup of tea? What do you use the brown sugar and maple syrup on? Hope you don't mind me asking because I am very interested .:flowerforyou:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Use honey. I have conditioned my tastes to like it in both my coffee and tea. it has calories but its better than using sugar all the time. I won't lie, I do use splenda when I get coffee outside but if I make my own stuff, its always HONEY! :wink:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I use brown sugar in place of white sugar in everything. I try to find raw honey for tea and I use about a tsp. It's not super sweet, just enough. I have also heard that for honey, the darker the honey the more nutrients in it, but it's really trace amounts, so I don't worry too much. You can also use maple syrup in place of sugar in recipes. I've been subbing it cup for cup, but it's trickier, since it can change the texture.

    Also, my current favorite treat is:

    I cup of quartered strawberries
    1 cup of plain lowfat yogurt
    and about a tsp of honey drizzled over the top.

    It feels like dessert. I always sweeten plain yogurt with honey, and sometimes for a treat, I put honey in my coffee. I had an Egyptian friend teach me this. Now Starbucks even has a "honey latte". I tried one, and they use some bizarre "honey flavoured syrup" and it was so sweet I couldn't even drink it. They were very nice, and made me a regular latte, which I put honey in myself. I was dumbfounded at how sweet it was! Truly undrinkable. Proof that you can wean yourself from sweets. (I used to put four tablespoons (yeah, you read that right) of sugar in my morning coffee. Now I don't use any usually.)
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh I have gone back and forth on this one too....

    I use splenda now but it was making me sick for a bit...so I went to sugar, now I'm back on splenda...because it was all they had one place I went and so it was fine so I went back to it and so far so good.....I only use it in my morning coffee though ....for cooking I use brown sugar usually or reg. if I have too and I also love to use honey in my tea....(and in my oj when I'm really sick w/ a sore thoat!)

    I think you made the right choice though if it doesn't make you feel good, say bye bye!

    you know your body best!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I like Agave - it's from the cactus plant, available at WF and the like. I sweeten my tea with juice - 1 oz or so (just a splash) - has the same number of calories as sugar. Never liked fake sweeteners.
  • betterme
    betterme Posts: 54 Member
    I can't use the artificial sugars. I have switched to agave nectar in my coffee. It's supposed to have a low GI index. I don't think it gives me cravings for more sugar like when I use refined sugar. The drawbacks are: It has about the same amount of calories as sugar (I just try to use it sparingly); It is pretty expensive (again, I try to use it sparingly); and it is somewhat hard to find. I have only found it at two stores. I would check a store with a good health food selection or a health food type store. Anyway, it has worked great for me! :smile:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I was checking out the pros and cons of Splenda since I posted but I think I will ask my daughter whose in grad school if her school has anybody working on it for a research project. Actually I will ask both daughters (they go to different colleges ) See if I can get someones opinion who actually works in their chemistry dept about it. I can't say I liked what I read but I really don't want to go back to sugar. So I would definately use brown sugar like Vivia. I don't really bake anymore and I ususally just put some on my cereal but then again if I don't get an answer that satisfies me I will opt out for honey in tea or since I live in Vermont I will use maple syrupin my cereal. I don't like the fact that there is chlorine in Splenda.
  • Tgeorge
    Tgeorge Posts: 49
    I am with ya! Switched to All Natural Sugar in the Raw and it has been great! I don't crave sweets and chocolate like I did before. At first I had to use alot of sugar to make up the difference in my 3 splenda habit, but I have been cuttting back gradually to cut back even on the sugar.
  • BritCom Fan
    I like Agave - it's from the cactus plant, available at WF and the like. I sweeten my tea with juice - 1 oz or so (just a splash) - has the same number of calories as sugar. Never liked fake sweeteners.

    Another natural sweetener that doesn't have any calories is Stevia. Stevia is an herb that is very sweet so you don't have to use much of it at all.

    Stevia comes in powdered and liquid forms. I prefer the liquid form since it isn't so messy. Just 3 drops in my tea or coffee and I'm done. You can get it at health food stores.
  • jjackson
    jjackson Posts: 17
    I get the same reaction to any artifical sweetner. I am allergic to them all. Splenda really made me sick. I just use regular sugar in moderation.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    How do they make stevia? And what is Agave nectar?
  • lolakey
    lolakey Posts: 91
    How do they make stevia? And what is Agave nectar?

    Stevia is an herb. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevia

    It's not bad in small doses. My dad loves it in his tea. To me, it has an aftertaste similar to artificial sweeteners It's worth a try. If you like it, it's a good alternative. A lot of times health food stores will let you try it first. It doesn't hurt to ask.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    How do they make stevia? And what is Agave nectar?

    Agave is from the agave cactus. Available in health food stores - similar to honey in texture.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member
    How do they make stevia? And what is Agave nectar?

    Description Label Into Stevia Cookbooks Related Products
    supplement Facts
    Serving Size: 1 Packet (1 g)
    Servings Per Container 100
    Ammount Per Serving %DV
    Stevia Extract Lou,dc
    Calories 0
    Total carbohydrate 1 g cl%
    Stevia Extract (Stevia rebaudiana) (Leaf) (min. 80%
    Ghjoosyhteviosides) “‘9
    * Percent Daily Values are based on 2,000 calorie diet.
    t Daly vaue not estabished
    Product & Usage Information:
    Daily use: As a dietary supplement, add one packet to your coffee, tea, or sprinkle
    on foods.
    Storage: Store nn a cool, dry place.
    ‘ Inactive Ingredients: Rice Maltodextrin and Silica.
    ‘ Contains Ho: sugar, sat, yeast, wheat gbiten, corn, soy, mms. e9g, shellfish,
    preservatives, artificial colors or artificial flavors.

    **sorry about the spellings - must be a security feature on the website **************

    Just came from chat....too speedy for me!