I need support

dawnsandy1 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support

I joined a gym in February and starting counting calories a couple of weeks later. I have lost a total of 10 pounds but for the last 3 weeks have not been able to lose a single pound. Thankfully I havent gained either. I imagine I met my pleateau weight. I am not sure what I need to do to get the pounds to continue to drop. Some have suggested more protein, like a protein supplement but I am not sure what to get or do.
Can anyone give me some good suggesgtions or ideas? I really need your help.

By the way, hello to all members.


  • dawnsandy1
    dawnsandy1 Posts: 3 Member

    I joined a gym in February and starting counting calories a couple of weeks later. I have lost a total of 10 pounds but for the last 3 weeks have not been able to lose a single pound. Thankfully I havent gained either. I imagine I met my pleateau weight. I am not sure what I need to do to get the pounds to continue to drop. Some have suggested more protein, like a protein supplement but I am not sure what to get or do.
    Can anyone give me some good suggesgtions or ideas? I really need your help.

    By the way, hello to all members.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hello & welcome!
    You're off to a good start. Maybe try changing up or increasing your exercise a little. You could add some fast walking cardio after the gym time, or on your off days when you don't go.
    I don't know much about supplements, but are you staying within your calories daily?
    Keep going!
  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    keep up the good work the same thing happened to me when i joined the gym the scale didnt move for 5 weeks and i was doing everything right.. And then i stopped stressing so much about it and the weight started to slowly come off now i just try to push my self as much as i can at the gym and i am not losing again it is frustrating... But keep working hard and eating good and it will come off good luck
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    I had a wicked plateau @ 10 lbs, too. I went to see a friend of mine who has a degree in this kind of stuff (I feel stupid because I don't know what degree he has) and he said that the first ten lbs are the easiest. After that, your body wants to hold onto the weight because you are taking it out of the comfort zone. In order to lose more weight, I had to change up my workout plan. I added more cardio and the strength training I was doing changed to circuit training. He said that I will have to change up my program every 6 weeks or so. Once your body gets used to the kinds of excercise you are currently doing, it will stabilize and you will have to "shock" it back into the adaptation phase again. He also warned against eating too little to start off. If you freak out your body by se verely cutting calories, it will respond by storing all the calories it can. this is why it is more desireable to lose a little at a time over a longer period. Hope this helps. Good luck
  • UCFLinette
    UCFLinette Posts: 3
    Hey there. I just started on this website tracking calories and hitting the gym hard. I'm happy to hear that you have been doing well and keep up the hard work. I was wondering if you have tried spinning or other exercises classes your gym has to offer. I love spinning. It's a rough workout but you burn tons of calories and it's great for people like me who aren't that fond of running. At my gym, they turn out the lights and blare the music and it's easy to get in the zone. You sweat like a pig, but work those problem areas and shed those calories. :wink:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey there. I just started on this website tracking calories and hitting the gym hard. I'm happy to hear that you have been doing well and keep up the hard work. I was wondering if you have tried spinning or other exercises classes your gym has to offer. I love spinning. It's a rough workout but you burn tons of calories and it's great for people like me who aren't that fond of running. At my gym, they turn out the lights and blare the music and it's easy to get in the zone. You sweat like a pig, but work those problem areas and shed those calories. :wink:

    I do spinning classes, too. They say that spinning classes are one of the highest calorie burns ever...up to 600 calories/hour for a 160 lb person. I burn significantly more than that since I am significantly heavier than 160, but you get the idea.
  • jess42
    jess42 Posts: 11 Member
    If your body has gone into "starvation mode," it will take at least a few weeks to get back on track. Be patient, and remember that you're doing this because you :heart: yourself and your body-- you want to be *healthier*, not less so! Don't let the numbers keep you from keeping up your healthy habits and don't start starving yourself. Everything will be okay=)

    Talk to a doctor if you're concerned, and consider eating *more,* not less-- if your goals are 1.5 or 2 pounds a week, try backing it off a little and see what happens. Yes, if your body is in starvation mode, the scale might creep up a little bit when you increase your calories. BUT, if you find a goal that works for your body without going into starvation mode, after a few weeks, the weight loss will resume and it will continue for much longer. A steady, slow loss is MUCH healthier for your body than several fast drops interrupted by plateaus.

    Good luck=)
    BERSKI Posts: 5
    whenever im in that situation i drink more water and step up my cardio..... make sure that each day you work out you change up your routine.. your mucsles will get use to the same thing and dont have a time to rest and recover for your next workout...good luck!
  • dawnsandy1
    dawnsandy1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanking you all for your great comments almost 4 years later:) I guess I didnt know how to work the MFP cause I had no idea until today I had responses.

    Hope you are all doing well and still healthy and fit.

    I fell off in 2010 but am back on track and down 25 pounds since Sep 2012.

    Again at a plateau but will keep eating right and am switching up my work outs.

    Stay strong ladies.

    God Bless in 2013.
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