Would like to lose 20-25 pounds...but I can't stop eating!!

Hello! I'm new to this, but I would ideally like to lose 20-25 pounds in the next 3 or 4 months or something. I have gained a considerable amount of weight since going to University where I have been very lazy and started eating rubbish food!! I really want to start being healthy and exercise again, but I just can't seem to stop eating!! Does anyone have any good motivational ideas?? Thanks a lot :D ... also please feel free to friend me...seeing everyone else doing well must be a good incentive!!


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I also love eating, I just don't buy "snack" foods like chips, candy, etc. I buy fruits and veggies, hummus, and I air-pop popcorn when I want to snack. If none of that sounds good, I'm probably not really hungry and I have a glass of water or tea.
  • jtblack1414
    I am in the exact same boat. I started to gain after university because all i do is eat and work. I am 4 weeks into getting back to the gym,and down 12 lbs, but the eating is still the hardest part. This is what i have started to do and i find it helps.
    -Drink lots of water I bu a 2 litre in the morning and fill upthroughout the day
    -Start to replace crap with things like chicken and fish
    -Cut all Pop (coke is my kryptonite)
    -Eat more protein It makes me feel full longer
    -Work out like an diot

    Logging my calories also makes me realise how bad i am when i binge so its a decen deturrent.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Keep healthy options at your finger tips. Think peanutbutter/celery, carrots/hummus, yogurt. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN/JOURNAL IN MFP. I do this FIRST THING IN THE AM so my food is planned for the day (before I eat it).

    Friend me for motivation :)
  • bmorgan27
    Thank you for these suggestions!! I do actually realise when I write down what I am eating (with their calories!) I tend to eat less!!