Could you stop if you had too?



  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I'm terrible for not taking rest days, I just get all aggitated and usually end up at least walking if not doing something else, a few years ago I ended up having to have surgery on my knee because I simply couldn't rest long enough for it to heal. I'm currently trying to take one rest day a week but it's so tough! Christmas is going to be a grouchy time if I'm not allowed to fit my runs in!

    Glad I'm not the only one though.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I generally work out 3-5 days a week. With the holidays here, I have been so busy with work and such, I'm lucky if those numbers drop to 2-3 times a week. My lack of exercise is something I'm dealing with. Next month when things are less batty, I'm sure I'll get right back on track.....

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I find I need to exercise everyday. One rest day leads to two rest day, 2 to 3 and then its been a month since I really exercised :(
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I have been thinking about this quite a bit over the last few months. I work out 6 days a week for about an hour every day depending on what I am working on. A few months ago I hurt my foot so I had to take some time off of running to let my foot heal. It made me feel like I was going to lose my mind. To counteract that I started amping up my strength training finding new ways to work out that wouldn't irritate my injury.

    So my question is for my fellow fitness nuts, can you rest even when you know it will do you good. I take every Saturday as a DOR and I value a day to let my body heal, I am talking about long term rest.

    I do not remember the last time I went for more than 3 days without working out. The thought of doing it freaks me out.

    you would. i run track for my college, and I see girls who have been running their whole life unable to run because they are injured. However, they still bike or swim to keep their cardio up. Working out is a huge part of my identy as well, but I do think that I could completely give it up. I would just have to get a new hobby lol.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I really don't take rest days. In fact, I was thinking of this very issue this morning. I get anxious when I don't exercise. Mostly it's a fear that once I stop I won't want to restart. But also, I enjoy doing it. I generally exercise 90-120 every day. There are easier days in there, where I try to keep my heart rate lower, but I don't know that I could skip excericse. I have when I've been sick, but that's really about it. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    ven on "Rest Days" I walk at least an hour, usually.
    :ohwell: I guess maybe there is a part of me that is afraid if I don't Move/Exercise EVERY Day, I will go back to not moving at all. I do try to do something different every day, not the same workout 7 Days a week.I even choose different Paths or Routes to walk on consecutive days.
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    Wow! All you guys who have trouble NOT working out - I really hope I can be like that some day. I guess it would help if I had a gym membership. Maybe then I'd get more out of working out (hard to stay motivated when my workouts are just boring floor exercises that I can do in a tiny apartment).

    Hmmm Maybe I should start a fund for a gym membership- a Help the Fat Girl Get Healthy Fund. lol

    Yes, you should either join a gym or maybe find a nearby park to jog in! I personally would never exercise if not for my gym membership.

    I too hope I someday have trouble not working out-- as it is I have trouble getting off my lazy *kitten* and going to the gym 3x or more a week. My body has no desire whatsoever to work out (but my mind does, so yay).
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Good question...even though I'm almost to goal weight and feel pretty good, I feel like taking a break (aside from a day or two at a time) is a "slippery slope" for me. I'm a morning gym-goer, and its not easy to get yourself into a consistent fitness routine that requires getting up at 4AM, but its VERY easy to fall off the wagon and stop going. I was sick back in October, and had to take like 4 days off, because I was coughing and hacking (and didn't want to piss everyone off at the gym). I was anxious the whole time because I felt like I'd lose my mojo.... so, to answer your question, it freaks me out too!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    ven on "Rest Days" I walk at least an hour, usually.
    :ohwell: I guess maybe there is a part of me that is afraid if I don't Move/Exercise EVERY Day, I will go back to not moving at all. I do try to do something different every day, not the same workout 7 Days a week.I even choose different Paths or Routes to walk on consecutive days.

    I think I'm having this issue, too. It just feels so good coming back from a walk knowing that even if I blow the rest of the day I at least did that much.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i feel like i could stop if i was unmotivated. if i had no plan for future workouts i would stop. that is why i try and plan out what type of workout i'm doing next. as soon as the excuses start "well i'll skip 2 days this week, it will be ok" that is when i start the slide back into not donig anything. this i know about myself. i was so lax before about workouts that i let it get out of control,lost all motivation. so yes, i coudl stop. but i don't want to. i want to keep the momentum going for life.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    I am not yet to the point where I feel I have to exercise everyday. As hepful as a gym membership would be for me atm, my daughter is not yet 6 months and the gym won't take her till she is.

    To StacySkinny - I like using for my workouts... they have an awesome variety of workout videos with great trainers, using little to no equipment. Hope this helps!
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I have been there and I miss it!!!

    For the first 6 or 7 months of 2011, I was working out 7 days a week, sometimes doubling up. I back-to-backed TurboFire, Insanity, Asylum, while climbing and playing sports. I hurt my knees pretty badly finishing up Asylum and had to take a break. In hindsight, I went way too hard for too long, my body and mind needed a break and when I stopped, I wasn't able to get back into it. It's been maybe 4 months of sporadic workouts, only 4 times a week, and I hate it. I am just getting back into it, but I think this time I am going to commit to a couple low intensity days a week, and that missing one day a week isn't going to kill me. It's not worth it to be out for this long as a result of pushing too hard.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    Rest days good.

    Weeks lost to injury or illness bad. Do not like.


    I was working out 6-7 days/week, and varying my workouts: running, spin class, and elliptical/yoga (there was not much strength training though). But I've been experiencing a chain of injuries related to overtraining that have made me severely cut back my workouts since the beginning of november. I can't run - I can barely walk. I can swim (not as fun as running), but due to a different injury I can't do that too often. It's very, very frustrating. My job has become more stressful, and I don't have my normal stress-relieving activities to use to cope. I'm proud of myself for not completely falling off the wagon and eating my stress. I can not wait to run again.

    So take some rest days voluntarily before they become mandatory!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, I just got home from the gym and I love all the responses. I'm very happy to see that I'm not alone. Part of it is the mental, running especially is a huge stress reliever for me so when I can't run I feel like I can't get my stress out in a healthy way. For me the other part is missing the calories lol. I eat my exercises calories regularly and I get used to having an extra 500- 1000 calories to eat every day without guilt.
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    Yeah, I can rest, actually I consider it one of my greatest strengths, the ability to recognise that we adapt and improve when we rest and recover after working out. I schedule 1week in4 to have extra recovery, 1week in 12 to be almost completely no activity, and at least three weeks mega easy after my ironman race.
  • laurentapia
    laurentapia Posts: 39 Member
    I injured my left ankle last week and I am having to forgo my circuit training, stair climbs, jogging, etc. The only thing I can really even do is walk slow (totally sucks) and get on my bike trainer. What workouts did you do while you were "out of commission" with working out?!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have had to due to university. I don't get any child free free time any more, so I have had to go from exercise 6 days a week to 2. It's pretty grim tbh, but I'll live.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Running is my passion but I do a lot of cross training. I teach a cycling class 3 days a week and a strength training class 2 days a week. When I was injured I started doing the BodyRock workouts. More recently I started doing work with TRX bands.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Wow! All you guys who have trouble NOT working out - I really hope I can be like that some day. I guess it would help if I had a gym membership. Maybe then I'd get more out of working out (hard to stay motivated when my workouts are just boring floor exercises that I can do in a tiny apartment).

    Hmmm Maybe I should start a fund for a gym membership- a Help the Fat Girl Get Healthy Fund. lol

    Yes, you should either join a gym or maybe find a nearby park to jog in! I personally would never exercise if not for my gym membership.

    I too hope I someday have trouble not working out-- as it is I have trouble getting off my lazy *kitten* and going to the gym 3x or more a week. My body has no desire whatsoever to work out (but my mind does, so yay).

    Yeah, if I can figure out how to get money for a gym I'd be all over that! :D I used to work out in a gym a few years ago, and have since moved and now can't afford a gym membership. I absolutely loved going to the gym (except for the stares and dirty looks I sometimes got - some people think it's funny watching a 350 lb woman working out lol). I really would love to work out at a gym again.

    I can't really jog here in the winter time as I have a bronchial issue that makes my lungs unable handle the cold air if I breath it in for more than a few minutes. But man, if I had a gym membership I think I'd go at least 4 times a week. I really did enjoy working out at the gym near my house before I moved. I always felt so good after. I wonder if there is some sort of program that pays for a gym membership if you're poor and over a certain weight? I don't have insurance so I know that wouldn't cover it.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    If I don't workout, I am a total witch. My husband couldn't care less about what I look like, but he sure does want me to work out so I don't kill him by the end of the day.