Has anyone else been thin before?



  • I was always 100 lbs in my teen years up until i had my first son at 19 and the pregnancy weight fell right off quickly, I was 105 a month later. After my second son at 22 I weighed 140 and worked it off down to 115 lbs. I had my third son at 28 and hit 189, now I'm 29 and at 137. Really trying to get to my ideal weight which is 120.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I was skinny in high school and thin after having had 4 kids. I was probably at 110 or so at that time. After a few surgeries and comfort eating my weight reached 168 lbs. This was accomplished in 4 yrs... I know it's hard and will be hard but I know my body knows what healthy weight is and so I will work hard to get it there again. I want to be healthy and toned not skinny and scrawny so I don't expect to be at 110 again...

  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I was slender (5'6", 130 pounds) up until I turned 20 or so and gained about 50 pounds, my metabolism slowed down I think. Its been different having to track what I eat and think about what I eat because before MFP the only thought I gave to food was "what sounds good?" and I had never exercised in my life. It has been a big change but I am glad that I am making it sooner rather than later and I plan to stick with this for life :)
  • lkrause74
    lkrause74 Posts: 37 Member
    Yes.. once upon a time I was a slender 155lbs when I got married 15 years ago and today Im ...dare I say it... 207. I'm 5 ft 10 so its not horribly overweight but its still 40 lbs higher than I'd like to be. So yes, Ive been there. Its not easy to loose but its not impossible, or so Ive heard.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i was thin as a kid, and then started yo-yoing after puberty. i'd lose the weight and then gain more back each time. when i finally hit 270 in '03, that was it. have been doing my best for a few years now to make sure it does not happen again.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    yup have been skinny 5'8" 130 lbs till age 35, then I got a tumor and hormonal problems and it went up faster than you could eat a cookie...
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Yes, I was always thin till I hit 30. Then I slowly crept up. I was 95 lbs. as a freshman in high school, 110 at graduation, 117 when I got married and 128 when I got pregnant 6 years after that. Had no problem getting the baby weight off. Then came my 30's.... I was up to 165 by the time my daughter was 4 yrs old!
  • SURE!
    Was thin and athletic up until about age 31 when I had my last child and them some complications afterward.
    I gained and gained b/c I had to be on my back for about 3months.
    Tried a few times to get it back off but nothing I stuck with until this past March when I found MFP and the motivation to DO IT for once and for all.

    Keep pushing forward...
  • I was really athletic and actually a solid 20 lbs. underweight until I had my first child at 24. The best I've ever looked was about two months after having said child when I was at 140, and totally ballooned with second child. Now want to get back to 140.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Yep. In high school I was 5'8" and 108 lbs. Couldn't gain weight if I wanted too, Was normally slender after my son was born, around 145-150. Very active until health changed and put on most of the weight in my 40's. Fighting the big fight to get down around 175-180 which looks good on my frame at my age, 58 yrs. Advice to younger women...don't let life slow you down as you enter your 40's. It's SO much harder to get slim and active again when you're older.
  • Leah_Nicole219
    Leah_Nicole219 Posts: 63 Member
    Awww yes, I remember it fondly. I was 5'7 128 at my lowest. I was typically between 130-140 when I was younger. I got up to 150 after a breakup and thought I was the fattest thing in the world! So I dieted hard core and got down to 128. After I had 3 kids I put on weight and got up to 200 pounds. I have lost weight and I am at 178 now, which is the lowest I have been in 2 years. My goal is to be back at 150 because I looked pretty darn good at that weight, even though I thought I was fat at the time.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Off and on. But the only time I never had to try was when I was a kid.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I am just curious. I grew up scrawny. and thin, no curves haha then I had to babies and got curves with some added 40lbs of fat :) I don't consider myself fat however... unhealthy and a lil chubby yes but not fat. I wanna get that pre baby body back but with more curve. My husband likes it... anyone else doing this as well :) FRIEND ME!! if you need support

    Not since I was a little girl, chubby kid/teen/adult.. I have been closer to a healthy weight range in the past but never quite made it there. I would love to know what I would look like thin
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Not since I was young enough to barely remember. I started gaining weight when I was around 13. I was never really "fat", but definitely bigger than I should've been. Just kept getting bigger and bigger till I'm where I'm at now.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    thank you everyone who replied to this I have finally read everyones response! It is so interesting to see :)

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  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thin before, thin now. The most I've ever weighed was 118, and the least I've ever weighed (as an adult) was 104 (ack, after a particularly stressful semester in college: 18 credit hours, with three labs: Genetics, Organic Chem II, Physics II, Calc II and Logic, and carried a 4.0 for the semester, but I paid in stress, and for me apparently that means weight comes off).

    I still wear the same clothes I wore back in high school. I still shop in Juniors. I have a very healthy relationship with food (well, healthy for me, the food gets turned into poop). I eat when I'm hungry and I eat what I'm hungry for. I've never tried to either lose or gain weight. Why am I even on here now? I want to try to eat healthier (whole foods) in general, and I wanted some background data on what I do eat (amounts/macros) that works for me so well. I want to have a baby, and I'm wondering how that will change me.
  • I was barely 115 until I was 20. (and I too was CURVY) I am 5'6 and I was 130 when I got pregnant with my first kid (at 24). I didn't gain hardly any way and lost it all VERY quickly. Then I stopped nursing her and I gained about 40 pounds in one month :( YES I know it was nuts I was the biggest I had EVER been... I thought I was going to die... (good thing my husband likes my curves ;) but I did P90X, insanity, jogged did every diet took pills... NOTHING worked... I was so screwed up with hormones and going back and forth but then we had our second baby and I guess she helped regulate my hormones because I am FINALLY loosing weight I don't consider myself fat either but just heavier than I would like to be... And my tummy is yuckier than I would like :( but I always skinny with LOTS OF CURVES.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life. I had never had the feeling of being thin or skinny. Down 49 lbs..with 23 to go to goal..and trying to learn to love the new me. Hard to do when youve never seen that person before.
  • I was thin my whole life. In fact I'm pretty sure I was anorexic. My grandma was super obese and as a kid I hated the though that I would become that. So I rarely ate and played every sport there was in school. After my marriage I put on a little weight, but it wasn't until my second child that I got huge. Lazyness and my love for baking. Now trying to lose the weight I struggle with what I want my goal to be. More so I find people that have always been heavy don't take me serious. My acomplishments mean nothing cuz "ive never been fat" or that "I don't know what a struggle to be thin is", but I do know what it feels like to go from a size 5 to a size 20, from shopping in the Jr. Section to walking down the plus size. I'm never going back to that 20. Just not sure if I'll ever see a 5 again. The greatest feeling so far on my journey was buying my first pair of skinny jeans Jr. Size 13.