Another Newbie :)

Hi, Everyone, after years of yo-yo'ing I am making the lifestyle changes that will have my happy and healthy. Is a work in
progress that I am enjoying. I had been on sparks but let my participation drop the past couple of years. A move, school and a wedding were my excuses. well excuses no more!! Someone had mentioned this site and how friendly everyone was, so I thought why not try something new? :)
my and the hubby live in the middle of nowhere in Michigan, , and are in a motor home while we develop the land for our homestead. ( another work in progress!) Since I am home, alone and studying in a small space most days, exercise hasn't been the easiest. I am not so good at motivation, have always done my best when I had a workout partner , the whole accountability thing I guess.
Anyhoo I just wanted to hop in and say hi!
