Have you lost and then re-gained?



  • My relationship with my spouse has made my motivation and dedcation plunge down, im 10# up since july :-(
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I lost 80 lbs and gained it all back. Not using MFP but doing Adkins!
  • About two years back I lost about 20lbs. and then gained it all plus a bit more back. Very much due to unhealthy eating habits and a lack of exercise though.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    I have lost and regained with every pregnancy. The thing with me is I know I don't want to be there at that weight and I have no problem taking it off, because I know how. Hubs has decided we are done having kids. So I guess I get to reclaim my body-haha. I have 20 more lbs to get off to get back to where I was before having my last. I will not blame it on my pregnancies either. Pregnancy doesn't make you gain fat-I made myself gain the fat-haha!!

    The last part....you said it! I too was the one who put it on the plate and shoveled it in.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    In the past, yes. But this time I'll make sure I never gain it again... unless the weight is in muscle, I'd be cool with that

    There was a time in High School when I had Pneumonia and lost a decent amount of weight, but eventually gained it all back once my appetite resurfaced. There was another time in college I managed to lose about 25 lbs by sort've eating right and exercising but it wasn't enough to develop better eating habits so I ended up gaining a majority of it back
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I had been in the low 120s for years, then had spiked up to 139 as I had an undiagnosed underactive thyroid. I lost 26 lbs - 139 to 113, then went back upt to 122. I guess that's where I'm meant to be. I'm pretty muscular, though; I take 6 - 10 gym classes a week, and do machines too.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Story of my life......lost 146 lbs.....gained back 96 (new baby, injured leg).....now finally ready to lose for good......down 13 lbs since restarting
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    I feel an odd sense of comeraderie within this group. It's not odd that it's there, but I almost feel badly that I feel close to everybody for having the same struggle as me! I wish we could all keep the weight off once and for all...it's so hard to get back on track after you gain weight back (I'm speaking from experience, of course).

    I've been on and off diets since I was 11 years old. The most weight I've ever lost at once was 20 pounds - got down to 154 this January - and I put back on 14 pounds of that over the year. I started trying to lose weight again this September and am back down to around 154 - with my low being 150 and having recently gained some back! - and want to keep going this time! My invisible wall seems to be getting into the 140s, but I'm ready to break down that wall!

    Best of luck to everyone.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I lost like 23lbs and gained it all back plus around 10 more . Its so hard for me to get back into the fitness mode after doing all the work . Loseing weight is just as emotional and mental tooling as the physical aspect . I understand how ya feel .. I need support too so lets all support each other WE CAN DO IT !
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    2 reasons for me.
    1)I had a stressful job that I sometimes have to stay for over 20 hours unexpected until I can fix the bug in the program
    so I end up eat whatever fast and available -Vending machine,Chinese take out, Fast food.
    2)Emotional eating: Eat when I feel helpless, lonely. When my family hurts my feeling and I'm not allowed to express how I feel
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    This is why it is important for it to be a lifestyle change and add some muscle mass to aid in burning cals, makes life a lot easier.
  • onefourone
    onefourone Posts: 212 Member
    Yeah i fell of the wagon and gained it back.. so now i will have to kick my *kitten* back into gear
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I have lost 112lbs, gained 4 and lost 2 dress sizes (weight lifting), then lost 2.
    But I changed everything, and I mean everything. I eat way more and exercise way more too.
    After losing I was so afraid of gaining it back, it took me a couple of months to start a stable exercise routine and mess with my calories or even my kryptonite foods ((Carbs, Dom Da dom dom))
    I had to work through my daemons, food is no longer a reward and a sugar rush is not a normal thing to experience either.
    Once I created an exercise routine my energy levels went up so high that even when I was feeling lazy or on TOM exercise was not going to be skipped.

    The moral of the story here is once you get down to the size you want, exercise and yes it is hard at first but keep it up and it will be worth it! I have been this weight for 4 months now and still maintaining yay!