Are you for or against plastic surgery? :)



  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I didn't read any of this thread, but if you have the money, go for it.

    As long as you weigh the pros and cons, and don't get mad if somehow it drasticlly goes wrong.

    You're not really hurtin/affecting anyone but yourself.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I try not to judge those who get plastic surgery for the wrong reasons, but some people definitely do. An example being people who try to eat through their lapbands... why? You just paid thousands of dollars for this surgery and now you are trying to eat around it?

    Personally I am getting a boob job in Feb. I have a breast deformity so it covered by insurance, like the boob jobs of breast cancer survivors. However, I do not think less of people who decide to get boob jobs, nose jobs, etc for cosmetic reasons. If they believe it will make them happier then so be it, I can see where they're coming from.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not to lose weight - I'd put it right back on. But, I understand why folks do a tuck or two. Totally a personal choice.
  • progresseeker2311

    when I get to 160, I am fixin my booty and I don't care what anybody has to say because it is going to look hotttttttttt!!! I am getting it plumped up and poked out and I am going to LOVE IT as if it came from God himself mmmhhmm. :love:
  • mariah118
    mariah118 Posts: 13 Member
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Well . . . . I have never been that big, however, I don't see what is wrong with it.

    It's an individual decision, not really anyone else's business.

    Just be happy with your own method; don't try to be smug that your way is better than someone else's way.
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    I am very against. I don't care what other people do to themselves, but I would never have non-essential surgery requiring a general anaesthetic.

    This ^

    I used to work in a hospital and have seen people die during surgery from complications from anaesthia. I would Never recommend surgery unless you needed it to save your life. Just my opinion.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    It's a personal decision.

    But if you're over 50 and have a large sagging paunch after losing weight that is preventing you from being active or is causing skin infections, it's not really cosmetic. It's restoring function.

    Don't expect liposuction to be a shortcut to weight loss though. It may sculpt some areas that aren't the shape you would like, but you can't suck out massive amounts of fat without risking getting a lumpy result, especially if you gain more weight with age. And the worst fat is the abdominal fat that diabetics get, which is inside the abdomen, not under the skin.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Plastic surgery is just like any other technology: it can be used, or it can be abused. Using it to correct a deformity, or having a breast reduction to alleviate chronic back pain, or using lipo to allow a 500-lb person to get out of bed & start exercising... those are all good reasons. Getting a breast augmentation because your boyfriend says he'd like you more if you were a DD is not a good reason.

    There are many levels in between these examples. But what it comes down to for me is: do you need it, or just want it? If you just want it, are you motivated by laziness, or frustration, or the opinions of other people, or something else? And most of all, are the results going to really improve your quality of life, to an extent that makes it worth the risks? Because even the most routine surgery carries risk. My aunt died at age 54 after a routine knee surgery because she developed a blood clot two days later.

    So my answer to the question is Yes. I am for and against plastic surgery. :wink:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I recognize that when I've finished losing the weight that I'll likely have sagging skin. At this point I expect that I will wear support / compression garments to help, as I cannot see myself spending money on plastic surgery. BUT, I respect the right of anyone else who believes it is right for them to proceed with it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    double post
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Totally FOR IT - but only after you hit your goal. Why? Because once you are at your goal, you may not feel like you need it anymore.
  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    I've lost 50 pounds twice in my life always doing it "the right way". But I never fixed the real problem which was for me emotional eating. If I didn't know that some people who get lap band or gastric bypass have so many issues (many deal with depression), and also have to work out, I might try it. But I do know about those things and it seems a helluva lot easier just to do the work from the beginning. It might take longer, but I won't have those nasty side effects to worry about.

    For me, even though I was able to lose 50 pounds, I would still consider something like lipo for my stomach, because it never goes anywhere. It might go down, but it is always out of proportion with the rest of my body. So, I would have that fixed, plus a tummy tuck for the little mommy pouch, and breast augmentation and lifting. I want the girls to finally see something other than my feet or the floor! lol
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I'm ok with it. I think it can definately be dangerous, but as long as you're well aware of all of the dangers and you are healthy and you've tried other things and you fill yourself with knowledge about it so you realize how hard it is...why not? I know several people who have had weight loss surgeries and have had VERY different outcomes. It's not an easy fix, that's for sure. It can be scary, but it can also be very good. Do your research thoroughly and it should be fine with a few unfortunate exceptions sometimes. :(

    As far as plastic surgery overall...Hell yea, I for ME getting a BOOB job! My boobies have already shrunk and sagged down to fried eggs, so I'm hoping once I get my body where I want it to be, I'd LOVE to buy me a set a boobs. LoL

    FTR-Again, I know several people who have had different types of Plastic Surgery so... :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Lipo isn't for weight "loss." It corrects imbalanced fat deposits. And it also creates problems if you gain weight back, since you got rid of fat cells in certain areas, other areas will expand. Like squeezing a balloon. If you get lipo on your lower body and gain, you'll gain disproportionately in your upper body.

    That said, I'd be a total hypocrite if I said I was against it, because it's no different than wearing contacts instead of glasses, or getting braces to correct crooked teeth, wearing mascara or lipstick, or washing that grey right out of my hair.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm easy: it's personal choice. Though I love this thing Dolly Parton once said on some late night show I can't remember. She says when she has to lift her skirt up to see her tits, she knows she needs to go in for a little "maintenance." ;}
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I've told my husband after we have our babies and I lose the baby weight I'd like to get my boobs done... LOL..

    But to have surgery for weight loss, I think it's up to the individual them self... I personally wouldn't, but someone wanted to then I wouldn't judge them...
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I haven't done it personally, and probably won't, but I can see why people would do it. Personally, even when I'm thin (I lost 100 pounds, then regained 20 after 3 years of keeping it off) I have a little patch of fat in one spot on the front of my hips, which, combined with all my extra skin looks pretty nasty. I could see having the skin removed and the fat lipo-ed off at the same time. If you put in the work to lose weight, I can see having a few details cleaned up if it's that important to you. I also totally understand women who get boob jobs after losing weight.
  • TamsinEllis
    I see nothing wrong with getting plastic or weight loss surgery if it's needed (or wanted for correcting something that makes you unhappy - which really comes under needed but I thought I'd just add that in there) but what drives me mad is when I bother to log into my Facebook (I hate that site so much!) and all I see are old school friends/old school friends YOUNGER sisters (average age of those I'd put at 15-17) complaining about how fat they are and how they're determined to get liposuction, not a gastric band or anything but liposuction. Full stop. Now normally I leave things like that when people say it because it's personal choice but when a 16 year old girl whose most likely not even over 180lbs goes round thinking that everything is wrong with her life because shes overweight (not obese) and the only way to fix it is liposuction I get so mad not at them but at how people (be it family, friends or the media) have made them think the only way to stop being fat is surgery. So on one occasion I thought I'd suggest exercise, diet and (obviously) this site since I'm not one to lecture/tell people anything about a healthy lifestyle since I'm learning all that myself. And wow, I mean genuinely wow, I'm not saying everyone has this reaction but the females response was a] to shut my pie hole (that's m y nice way of putting it) and b] that they wanted to do it the 'easy' way. Lest to say I haven't even suggested healthy eating to anyone since that. I mean I get it, weight loss/plastic surgery are needed for all sorts of reasons (plenty have already been brought up) and general happiness is one of those, but when a person is probably only 50lbs overweight and they won't even consider a lifestyle change (especially considering their young so it's not like they've struggled with weight problems for 20+ years) it just makes me wary of surgery, I mean sure it might be viewed as a 'quick fix' (though as I know through a friend gastric bands and that are not a quick fix and my friend has been caused a great deal of pain by hers - I'd like to point out shes nearly 30 before people point out I'm 19 and how can I say a 16 year old is too young if I think 19's fine) but the end results will never be what you want unless you put in the hard work to maintain what the surgery has done for you. Saying all that though (yes my mini rant is over!) personally if I find with weight loss that I get saggy skin or saggy anything I would happily go get it fixed because like most people I doubt I would ever be completely happy unless I had done everything I could.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Against for myself, but if somebody had a hook nose or some ugly feature, get it fixed.
    Why not?

    I actually considered a hair transplant - lol