snipping this from another thread, touching pregnant ladies



  • loserit
    loserit Posts: 21 Member
    I've never touched a pregnant woman without asking, but when I was pregnant with twins, people were beyond fascinated. I had one girl who was a sales rep at a newspaper where I worked and she would sit by me and scratch my belly for me. It itched so so so so so bad. She did ask first though.

    She asked if she could scratch your stomach, or if you needed help scratching your stomach?
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I dont know what it is about being preggers that makes people want to touch random strangers. I am not a touchy feely person at all. There were times I wanted to punt people for touching me. Its not like am arm either.... its your freakin stomach. No touchy! And then when your kid is born - the same thing continues. Random germy strangers come and try and touch it. Hands Off!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I snapped at people that I knew when they did that without asking first. It used to piss me off royally.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I've never been pregnant but when I was younger (about 20) I had waist-length hair, and on two different occasions random strangers felt free to start running their fingers through my hair. I was completely freaked out so I can imagine I wouldn't react well to having my belly touched. It's really weird to touch strangers like that.

    Yes the hair - happened to me quite a few times... last time was some crazy man on the subway, then another man stood up, told him to back off and stop touching people before I could even react.

    I would never purposefully touch anyone I didn't know.

    Unrelated to pregnancy, but seriously, stranger touching is not cool. My partner has super curly, bright red hair and he can't stand if I touch his hair because he had so many strangers who would just walk up and pat him on the head as a kid. It still freaks him out. :\
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    OMG yes! I had to check out of babycenter. The arguments over circumcision and breast feeding were as bad as exercise calories and HCG!

    To the OP. Yes I had people wanting to touch me all of the time. Usually co-workers and friends but sometimes strangers. Honestly it didn't bother me. Its human nature to be excited and fascinated by the prospect of new life. Especially for other moms. Its brings back so many memories. The few times when a stranger did it - it wasnt creepy to me because they were mostly old ladies. But when I was about 7 months pregnant I did get hit on at home depot. That was super gross to me.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Considering that I was going to college full time during the last 2 pregnancies, I had quite a few people wanting to have a rub. I didn't mind if they asked. It's a natural curiosity I guess. It's cool when the baby kicks or moves and they feel that, well it's a little freaky when you let others watch the baby flip and kick or so I've been told.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I was touched several times when pregnant, and once by a big hairy biker in a bar who quite drunk and came over and just touched me with both hands, said it's a boy and wandered off. He was wrong, and later I got interviewed by the police and there was a fight in the bar later and this guy was involved. Weird creepy and unpleasant and I would never do it myself
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    When I was pregnant, I thought it was creepy, except for once. I was in line at the ATM and a very elderly man laid a hand on my stomach and prayed that my baby would be healthy and strong. I thought that was really cool.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hell no. And I did smack a few strangers hands. People who know me, knew better.
  • bens_momma
    I only had one crazy lady try and touch my belly and was quite persistent, and I warned her that if she laid a hand on me I would call the cops.

    I'm not big on people touching me.

    That only happened once, though. My nightmare story comes from another crazy lady who first asked if she could bum a cigarette from me. (Keep in mind I've never met this woman and I was 9 months pregnant.) I said I don't smoke. Then she asked for a lighter, and I said I couldn't help her.

    She asked when I was due, and I said, "Anytime now!"

    "Are you having twins?" she asked.


    "Are you sure? I'm almost positive you're having twins!"

    "Excuse me?"

    "You'd better check with your doctor, I'd put money on the fact that you're having twins, you're huge!"


    and that was when husband promptly ushered me into the car and we left, and I broke down sobbing.

    Oh pregnancy hormones and ignorance. :ohwell:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I've only ever done it to friends or family who I knew were totally fine with it, and that was the same when I was pregnant. The only unsolicited touch I got was from a boy with autism who came over to my house with my cousin. She was explaining to him that there was a baby in my belly. He lifted up my shirt and said, "Where?" :laugh: Then when he left, he kissed my belly and said, "Bye baby." It was the sweetest thing.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Never had complete strangers do it, but if it happened, I probably would have touched their belly right back. One lady I didn't know well at church always wanted to touch the belly, so I started carrying things out in front to block the hand. I got a little freaked out after I had him when people would come out of nowhere and exclaim how cute my baby was and just about crawled into the stroller with him. It was sweet but it would scare the bejeebers out of me when they just popped out of nowhere. Most notably, a tiny Asian grandmother who barely spoke English who clung to the side of the stroller until the cross walk light turned on, and a very tall, stocky Italian mob boss looking type stepping out of his very expensive car, and just about bolted across the gas station lot to come take a look. I almost ran away. Haha
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I would never go up to a stranger and touch their baby bump. But it really doesn't bother me if some one wanted to touch my belly. Baby bumps are beautiful and to be admired :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I said it on the other thread, and I'll say it again...

    ...people lose brain cells when they see a pregnant woman.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thats how it starts, light touching. Then heavy petting. Next thing you know you're sinning.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I really didn't have this problem with strangers but I did have a lot of family members that would rub my belly for an uncomfortably long amount of time. Also, I had a coworker who'd put her hands on my belly, rub it and make small talk with me at the same time. I'm not a hugger and I'm one of those people who don't like people invading my personal space so when someone is rubbing my belly and simultaneously chatting me up about the weather, I'd get super uncomfortable. All I could think about what a way to end the convo so I could bolt. I avoided that woman like the plague while I was pregnant.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    No kids yet, but I don't touch strangers and they don't touch me either!
    Hail to the NO!
  • Kristy1214
    This happens to me! I don't get it!
  • Kristy1214
    This happens to me! I don't get it!
  • Kristy1214
    This happens to me! I don't get it!