Are you for or against plastic surgery? :)



  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I had a friend that in the past year and a half has lost 100 lbs. She is done having children, so with her loose skin she still saw the "fat" girl in the mirror. She had the skin removed and a little tummy tuck and boob job. She did it for herself, no one else. She feels better about her accomplishments and she is just as beautiful as she was before. I would do the loose skin and boob job to make myself feel better, but I could never do surgery just to take the easy way out.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Wow! Lots of insecure people on this site. Exercise, eat sensibly and be happy!
  • FOR!

    It's your body and it's your temple. Especially a HUGE for if you've already worked your *kitten* off getting in shape.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I don't consider it plastic surgery. Its internal and it's beneficial to control your food intake. I hope all turns out well for you.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I think having massive amounts of liposuction to remove fat is a cheat and not effective in the long term. My SIL had it done and all of the fat came back to other parts of her body. She now has a flat stomach, with huge hips, thighs, and arms. Honestly, she looks ridiculous.

    I am, however, totally for lipo for contouring of small areas. I have had a modified tummy tuck to remove extra skin from my pregnancies and a small amount of lipo was done to smooth down the "dog ears". My surgeon required me to be at a BMI 25 or less before he would even consider performing the procedure. I also had a bit of lipo done to help contour my neck when I got a chin implant.

    I may have to go for some boobs someday. I only want a breast lift, but the surgeons I have consulted said that the skin removal involved in a lift would make by breasts smaller. Since losing weight I have dropped from a D to a small C and and I really don't want them to get any smaller than that, so if I do the lift, I may go for a small implant to keep them at a C.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I don't consider the bypass plastic surgery. Its internal and it's beneficial to control your food intake. I hope all turns out well for you.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Have plastic surgery/weight loss surgery if you want to.
    Personally the only times surgery bothers me are if its a teenager considering surgery, especially since I recently saw a television programme with a teen saying "it's their only chance" to lose weight by having a gastric band, just why isn't a young person in that situation being given enough support and guidance to change to a healthy lifestyle?
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    I say sign me up! I'm only a few weeks into this, and the only place I see noticeable weight loss is in my boobs. When all is said and done, I won't have any left. :) I'll need an augmentation to fill those saggy bags back up!
  • nalliebell
    nalliebell Posts: 61 Member
    I am for plastic surgery as I did it as a quick fix but the 75 lbs that I have lost I have lost from sweat, hard work & more sweat. I think you have a better appreciation when you have earned/worked for it. It is easy to hand over the credit card and wake up slimmer. But nothing beats the accomplishment of working for it AND keeping you money xoxo
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I don't know why people REFUSE to read the OP's question...

  • well To each their own... I mean I am not that big at all and I would still like a tummy tuck just cause I want to rid myself of the few stretch marks I have from my babies. I think that the society we live in promotes it and if you have the money go for it. I do think that people should at least TRY to lose it on their own before under going surgery for health reasons but HEY do what is right for you!

    I am going to be VERY honest.... After we had our first baby and I stopped nursing her I had a lot of problems with my thyroids and hormones and I was having a HARD time loosing the weight... (I gained 20 pounds in pregnancy wearing a size 6 jeans, then had her and lost it all... Back in size 4... stopped nursing and in that month gained 40 pounds) I was watching everything I was eating, working out like a nut, and doing everything by the book. I had a trainer and was going hard! But it wasn't enough I seemed to keep gaining weight and although I was only in a size 8-10 jeans I was COMPLETELY UNCOMFORTABLE with how I looked and felt. (it didn't seem to bother my husband) but I was gaining it in places I WAS NEVER THICK BEFORE... MY ARMS, MY KNEES, MY TUMMY! So, after I was put on 4-5 medications for hormones and thyroids... I WAS SO DEPRESSED... and then I got into a size 12 and AGAIN I DON'T think I was FAT BUT I WAS NOT COMFORTABLE. and after our baby was about 2 my husband surprised me with smart lipo. So, I did it. I got it done on my knees and tummy. And I AM VERY GLAD I DID. it was SUPER STUBBORN and wouldn't have gone away. But even through my pregnancy with #2 I WAS MUCH HAPPIER and wouldn't trade that feeling. I am satisfied with my results. But I literally run, do P90X, and insanity at least 3-5 or 6 times a week. So... I say to each their own :happy: and I don't care what people think of me for doing it.... AT ALL!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I don't know why people REFUSE to read the OP's question...


    FYI- Retarded=/=Stupid. It's an ugly word that needs to go away. My daughter is "retarded" both physically and mentally, but she is far from unintelligent.
  • TakeMyTai
    TakeMyTai Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with the other posters that, no I would not have a surgery to lose wieght, but I would to remove excess skin :)
  • bump for later
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Plastic surgery to LOSE weight? Don't know many docs that will do that - everything i've ever read says that you should be as close to "normal" weight as possible before any procedure, even lipo.

    That said, i'm all in favor of plastic surgery to fix the bits that get out of whack when you have a significant weight loss. I'm up for a lower body lift in March. The extra skin removal and "tidying up" will probably result in a 5-7 pound loss according to my doc, but the weight loss isn't the driving factor for this particular surgery.