Hi Everyone....
I need help before i go off the deep end. I loved myfitnesspal and i was so successful on it. I started last feb and went from 228 to 198 i was so proud of myself. i gained it all back i just stopped everything and i feel terrible but i dont know what to do, i need a good kick in my *kitten*, and i need to get this weight off once and for all. Any tips? Words if encouragement?

Thank you


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    So, you know what to do to get back to feeling good again... just do it!
    Don't waste time feeling bad about what has already happened - use that energy to log what you ate today and plan what you are going to do tomorrow.
    Good luck!
  • Look ahead. Small steps. You CAN do this. Keep your food journal. Get moving any way you can. I think about what my brother taught me in golf, when I would take a swing and the ball would move three feet. "Did you move forward? Good job! Good job!" ALL PROGRESS COUNTS, even the internal decision to step back on the journey to health..
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, if you've already done it once, you know what you need to do. The only thing you need to change is not stopping everything this time! You have to figure out why you REALLY want to do this, and I don't mean what pants size you want to wear. What is it that you want out of life that you haven't been doing because of not being happy about your weight. For me it was that I was always telling my young son "maybe later" instead of doing something fun with him because I was too lazy to get up. I want to be an active and present parent! Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Only person who is going to do it, is YOU. YOU have to want it BAD enough! You have to be PISSED enough and TIRED enough of the way things are NOW. So, the question is, are you fed up enough to make the change for life?
  • Hi! I can understand your frustration. I just joined myfitnessspal and learning how to use the site. Give yourself KUdos for losing before and now realizing the need to get back on the weightloss bandwagon. I have about 50 lbs to lose and don't even know where to start. From reading the posts I know a drastic change in my eating habits has to take place...I eat whatever whenever. so maybe being bi on this site will help motivate you to lose your remaining lbs. We can do it if our minds are made up!!!!
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    You know how it was done before! Just start RIGHT NOW and do it again! Go for a long walk, eat healthy and get started! Go through your cupboard and throw out all the cr*p stuff. Start clean again TODAY!

    Sounds all a bit mean but you said yourself you need a good kick :). I wish you all the best of luck! Hang in there and it will be worth it in the end! Read through the success stories, this could be you in a couple of months if you turn your life around again!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I don't know if you're in the same situation as me, but when I started in April at 228, I knew it was an entire lifestyle change, and I would have to watch what I eat, exercise, and be diligent about it forever. Eating is a problem for me. So I've had to change my lifestyle. I slip up often...and my weight loss has slowed down dramatically because I'm not always diligent.

    However, I log into MFP every single day. Even if I don't log perfectly (or at all due to whatever), I still log in every single day. It reminds me to watch what I'm eating and to not over do it. I try to comment on my friends posts every single day. I weigh myself every single day - I realize this is not necessarily a good habit, but it keeps me in check. If I'm up more than 2 pounds for two days, I need to seriously work to get it under control.

    I have a work out buddy who I have to explain myself to if I don't go to the gym. This is a big one for me...he keeps me honest and accountable.

    This is a hard thing to accept - that I won't just lose it and it will stay gone by itself. It will be hard work, and it will be hard work for forever - but if I can get my habits changed, it won't be quite as difficult.

    Friend me...I'm always struggling (and always will), but am doing my best to try and stay on top of it...
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    WOW! When I clicked 'reply' there had been no replies yet. When I clicked 'Post Reply' there were already 5 people who are trying to encourage you! This is such a great website. Add all the motivators as friend and come here everyday to log what you are doing and before you know it you will be back on track!
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    Well you've got step 1 completed - you logged back in to MFP and have asked for help! Give yourself a pat on the back for that and now lets do step 2 - make a plan for this week on how you are going to get back to losing the weight! What did you do before? Cut calories and add exercise? Whatever you did obviously worked, so go back to that! You can do it girl!!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Just give up!!! What? That's not an option! Good, that's what I wanted to hear. It's not an option! Giving up is for the week. They have all kinds of built in excuses. You have NO excuses. You dropped a bunch of weight once and you know what to do. You can feel as bad as you want about gaining it all back. (at least you didn't wait until you gained it all back and more) or you can learn from it. You can't change what has happened and it's now OVER. Forget it and start back right now. Not tomorrow, not Monday, not the new year...right now. Don't let anything or anyone get in your way. You are a focused person cuz your health and happiness depends on it. Get busy. Put together a solid plan and follow it. You are going to get up every day, you're going to eat everyday. Make every meal a battle and win more battles than you lose. You can so do it. We are all here to help. Just ask us and we will do everything we can to keep you focused and motivated.

    Now go get that *kitten* you want! Yeah!!!
  • gbers
    gbers Posts: 55 Member
    “Failing is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night.” Zig Ziglar

    I think, not even knowing you, that you are a brave smart woman. You have the courage to get back on your feet and begin again. This time you WILL do it. I really think that we repeat our mistakes over again (and again), because there is a lesson in there somewhere, that we haven't learned yet.

    I have also lost 40+ pounds 5 years ago and gained every one back. Devastated...Depressed...Angry at myself yet again.
    I have also just reached my goal weight here on mfp about a month ago and quite frankly am scared to death that I am gonna gain it back too.
    BUT this time it is different because I log in each day, I exercise each day, and I have my support system literally right here each day -right at my fingertips -on this very keyboard on which I write.
    And this time it is different,
    because I am different.

    Friend me if you like. Maybe read 1 or 2 of my blogs.
    I really know where you are coming from.

    But you don't have to stay there.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    You can do this!!! Just take it one day at a time. Do not hold the past against yourself and continue to punish yourself with eating more and gaining more. The first step in making a change is changing your choices today. If a 1000 calorie deficit is too hard of a goal to meet at first, then start with small goals - try to lose one pound per week instead of two. If you mess up one day, it is no big deal, you just wake up the next day and do better. It is when we have day after day of "bad" days that gets us in trouble.

    I just want to add that I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. I don't know if you recall, but I have stated before that I have been down this path before. I lost 88 pounds in 2007 I gained it ALL back plus a couple of more. Then I "dieted" my way up the scale another 35 pounds (basically dieted, lost 5ish pounds, binged, gained 10, wash, rinse, repeat). I know what it feels like to accomplish so much and then to let it slip away, only I did it on a much larger scale. My road is longer this time around, but in the end, I will be better for it. I have lost 64 pounds out of 125 so far. Sometimes I have bad days, but they are WAY outweighed by the good days, which is steadily taking off the weight.

    Again, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Feel free to message me if you need additional support. :flowerforyou:
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Everyone has made a great point... You have done it before. So, you know that you can do it. You just have to keep logging and counting those calories, and don't forget to exercise.

    While it took the unfortunate event of gaining the weight back, it seems to me that it was a good reminder to you of what you need to do!

    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you need more support. And welcome back!
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I felt the same... knew what I needed to do, knew something needed to be done, but didn't know where to start!

    So I started at the beginning... logging what I was already eating.

    Then I started realizing what I was already eating was insane, so it made me want to go to the grocery store.

    It took a week of experimenting to find a food plan that worked out for me and was cheap enough.

    Then I did it.

    Then I fell off the bandwagon for 2 days.

    Then I did it again!

    Just start SOMEWHERE! And start NOW! We have your back!!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Living a healthier lifestlye isnt really that hard. People make it hard because the dont have the knowledge they need to change. My suggestion to you is start incorperating exercise back into your daily routine. Start out small. At the same time, makes little decisions to eat healthier, like lean meats, alot of veggies, ect. Make it simple at first and as you go along, keep making minor adjustments. Eat well, stay calorie defecit, and exercise. And if you cheat, jump right back on the wagon and keep going!! Good luck and if you ever need to know something, ask people on this site! That is why everyone is here. To support and be supported!!:)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You already know what worked for you so..............
    mystery solved? Get going already.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    First, stop beating yourself up. That is what is going to keep you where you are. You slipped up, now move on. This is a long term forever change. You will not be perfect everyday. Start now doing the best you can today. If you don't do as well as you'd like tomorrow is another chance. You can do this one day at a time!! Good luck. If I can lose 40 pounds and maintain now for 6 months and counting you can do it too!!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    First, stop beating yourself up. That is what is going to keep you where you are. You slipped up, now move on. This is a long term forever change. You will not be perfect everyday. Start now doing the best you can today. If you don't do as well as you'd like tomorrow is another chance. You can do this one day at a time!! Good luck. If I can lose 40 pounds and maintain now for 6 months and counting you can do it too!!
  • jenayr
    jenayr Posts: 6 Member
    You have managed it before so you know you can do it!

    If at first you don't succeed, try try and try again!
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,524 Member
    If you have lost your mojo my friend, I do not have your's. But my friend you can have some of mine!! I have plenty and you are welcome to it. You have this my friend. You all have been my friends since the day I started here at MFP. My friend you have shared your mojo with me on numerous occasions. You have picked me up when I have fallen. Whispered in my ear words of encouragement. And when all else failed kicked me square in the *kitten*. For this my MFP community I will be thankful for an eternity. So my friend if you have lost your mojo please , please take some of mine,. I have plenty just take it and run with it, use it and pass it on when you have found yours

    My friend if you need some mojo please take some of mine I have plenty to share. If you need a friend go ahaed and send a request. If not I wish you nothing but success in your restart here on MFP.

    Girl you can get this done!!!!!
