How much do you work out??



  • dolphin8075
    I started about 3 1/2 months ago. I started with working out 3 days in the first week doing 1 mile. Then I went to 5 days the second
    week and started doing 2 miles. Of course with a warm up and cool down stretching afterwards. The 3rd week, I began 7 days a week, and 3 miles a day. I have done so since only taking a day off if needed for soreness to let my muscles repair. I then started realizing I needed to kick my workout up again, so for my cardio I did my 3 miles which is a 45 minute video every other day, then I started doing a 45 minute extreme kickboxing video every other day. Once I got to where that become easy and not a challenge I started doing one day the three miles, one day the extreme kickboxing, the next an interval training video for 45 minute with weight training & cardio intervals. I am now up to doing 5 miles which is 75 minutes and alternating between that video and the weights training intervals with cardio. I at least workout an hour every day and I usually try to do more. I let my body tell me when to step it up as my workouts get easy. I have also decided to start taking Sundays off for rest days but I still usually try to do something active with my kiddos like a dance game on the x box 360.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    My Current Routine:

    Monday--Warm-Up, Speed, Agility, and Plyometrics for 15-20 minutes; Chest and Triceps 30-60 minutes; Cardio 30-60 minutes; Cool-Down, Stretch 15-30 minutes
    Tuesday--Cardio 60 minutes, Stretch 30 minutes
    Wednesday--Warm-Up, Speed, Agility, and Plyometrics for 15-20 minutes; Back and Biceps 30-60 minutes; Cardio 30-60 minutes; Cool-Down, Stretch 15-30 minutes
    Thursday--Cardio 60 minutes, Stretch 30 minutes
    Friday--Warm-Up, Speed, Agility, and Plyometrics for 15-20 minutes; Legs 30-60 minutes; Cardio 30-60 minutes; Cool-Down, Stretch 15-30 minutes
    Saturday--Warm-Up, Speed, Agility, and Plyometrics for 15-20 minutes; Shoulders 15-30 minutes; Abs 15-30 minutes; Cardio 30-60 minutes; Cool-Down, Stretch 15-30 minutes
    Sunday--Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, or Rest depending on how I feel.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I try to do 7 days a week for 30 min-hr.

    But since schools out for the break I am upping my workouts to 25-45 min in the am, 35 min in the afternoon, and 45 min at night. I haven't been as strict as I used to be with workouts due to school, but since I have a 2 week break I am going to work myself as hard as I've every done!:flowerforyou:
  • skinnyminny_
    I just walk 7 days a week, I'm always going places so instead of getting a lift or catching a bus i walk. :)
    I' started doing sit ups the other day but I'm not a so great. I think I'll start doing them more often to add them in. But anything else more is too much for me. :)
  • mrfitness_28
    7 days per week - 45 mins per day 5 weights - 2 cardio
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I workout every day.
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: weights for 30 to 40 min each, each day different part of the body, then 1.5 hour of cardio.

    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
    In the morning:
    30 min treadmill max speed 4, max incline 2. 1 hr stationary bike max resistance 5, max speed 90 revolutions. 25 min calisthenics and stretching.
    In the evening:
    Tuesdays and Thursdays, over all what was mentioned earlier, I come back to the gym in the evening for their Zumba, Saturdays I take an extra Kickboxing class. I also try to get my hubby to come to the gym with me, not always very successful but wont stop trying :happy:
    Sunday I go window shopping and play tennis with hubby.

    I also try to play tennis anytime my hubby will play with me for at least 30 min, so far it has been 2 X a week.
    I am trying to make it longer, we will see :)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Right now I do six days a week, usually 30-45 minutes. When I get busier next semester, I plan on doing 3-4 days a week 45-60 minutes. The only reason this schedule has been maintainable for me is because I've had a lot of free time recently.
  • KendaVSG
    KendaVSG Posts: 147
    6-12 hours a week usually 4 days a week.... 3/4 cardio with resistance and 1/4 of the time is concentrated strength training.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Right now, I am on a break to try and get a back injury to heal completely. Giving myself the last almost 3 months off from the gym has helped a ton and I think I should be ready to go back on January 1.

    I will be going 3-4 days a week (probably 3 to start - only on the days I don't work to not overdo it).

    Thursday - This will be 1/2 cardio/1/2 weights

    Friday - all cardio

    Saturday - This will be my bench presses/push ups/squats/etc day. I will warm up/cool down with cardio -- but nothing overly intense

    All 3 days will be 60 mins.

    If I find my body can handle adding another day, I will go Wednesday nights and probably do the circuit training loop at the gym.
  • SparksFly460
    Due to my work schedule I go about 4 times a week, maybe 5 if I can squeeze it in. Usually about 60 minutes of Cardio. If I have the time, on one of those days I will do a double workout, maxing out at 120 minutes. Minimum cardio is 45 minutes, and when I do strength training it's about 30 minutes, once a week....I do gym workouts, or running...I don't count "chores" (cooking, cleaning etc) as workouts.

    I have lazier weeks, I have more active weeks. My working out is a part of my life. A way to destress. It's not a rigorous routine since I am not an athlete/body builder. If I feel I'm pushing too hard, I ease off. If I'm leaving something to be desired, I push harder. Just find what works for you
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Do you work out every day? For how long?
    What's a hard workout to you?

    I usually do 5 days a week and try to run 30min and do weights 30min

    Just interested in how much and what people usually do. In the beginning I felt like I did a lot, but now it's just a norm.

    How much is too much in your opinion?

    I workout either 5 or 6 days a week depending on how busy I am that particular week. My workouts are between 45-60 minutes long.

    As far as how much is too much, my opinion would be if you worked out all 7 days of every week, then it would be too much because you need rest to recover. Or if your workouts are 2+ hours unless you are a pro athlete or training for sports...but for most people just losing weight, I think marathon workouts daily like that is overkill.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I usually work out about an hour for 5 days a week.
  • Alishia_655
    I try for every day at about 20 minutes, then log the extra stuff (cleaning, walking more than normal) that I do. Some days I do more, and some days I do less. I usually try kickboxing or step aerobics. In the spring when it's warmer, I am going to start walking to pick up the youngest boy from school. (its only a 10 minute walk) and hopefully by summer I can run the whole way.

    I am really out of shape, so basically everything is difficult for me now.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    12-15 hours a week (6-7 days weekly)..doing a lot of cardio currently before starting another session of P90X. I'm looking forward to cutting back to to 8-10 hours a week with more interval training and strength training.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I only do 20 to 30 minutes on my treadmill 5 or 6 times a week. Seems to be working as I have lost 32 pounds so far.

    That is awesome!!! I have been here for 100 days, only lost 15.
  • Mikelan
    Mikelan Posts: 27 Member
    This is going to sound insane, but it is only because im confused on what I should be doing at this stage in my "lifechange".
    Mon- Wed - Fri for my lunch hour it is core workouts
    Tues - Wed lunch hour row machine and jogging and planks.
    Monday nights its arms and chest 1.5 hours
    Tuesday night is a bootcamp class (1 hr) then legs for about 1 hr
    Wed night is chest
    Thurs night is another aerobic style class for upper body,
    Friday night usually take off.
    Saturday I do a total upper body and run workout usually takes a couple hours
    Sunday is core and running for about 2 hours.
    I have in the last few days started to train myself on how to run for a 5k with my teenage sons. Wish me luck this will take a while.
    So I guess my answer is alot. :tongue:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    5 or 6 days a week.

    1-1.5 hours... 1 hour cardio half hour weights every second day then 1 hour cardio the others
    But next year I am doing my course to become a PT so that might increase :)
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    OMG obviously NOT enough LOL

    3-4 times a week cardio 45-60 mins
  • Kev383601
    I feel lame. I just work out at home on the my Nintendo Wii. Biggest Loser, Wii Fit Plus, and EA Sports Active 2. I usually only do half an hour or so....whatever the workout is for the day. However, with all three games, I'd like to get more into doing all 3 of them.

    I'd like to join a gym, and after recently quitting Weight Watchers, I think I can probably afford that now.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    7 days a week, 60 minutes minimum. :)