How much do you work out??



  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    I do 5 days a week of 1 hour to an hour and a half 45 min cardio 30 min weights...
  • iPhone4fotos
    I work out Monday-Friday for an hour in the morning before work where I do incline intervals of running/power walking. On the weekends I'll do my weekday workout plus add in weights. I will rest every 10 days or so...something I have to force myself to do unfortunately.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    6 to 7 days a week, this time of the year, I'm doing P90X Mon - Fri, I will either run or bike on the weekends. Spring thru Fall I will bike 6 to 7 days a week. :happy:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    7 days a week - 1 hour run min (treadmill or outdoor-aim for 12km) every week day min + 1 hour min cycle... EVERY WEEK DAY, on some weekdays I also add weights... try to do 5 sets of 10 pushups a day and 4 mins crunches. Weekends I go on very long brisk dog walk round the hills plus usually a shorter run but overall less workout time.
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I do a workout DVD 6 days a week - I used to do this 7 days a week, (One cardio DVD, Next day Strength DVD) 50+ minutes each. 30 minutes on the elliptical 6 days a week. And I've been doing some running exercises which lasts about 30 minutes 3 days a week. Plus countless hours of cleaning every single day.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    This is going to sound insane, but it is only because im confused on what I should be doing at this stage in my "lifechange".
    Mon- Wed - Fri for my lunch hour it is core workouts
    Tues - Wed lunch hour row machine and jogging and planks.
    Monday nights its arms and chest 1.5 hours
    Tuesday night is a bootcamp class (1 hr) then legs for about 1 hr
    Wed night is chest
    Thurs night is another aerobic style class for upper body,
    Friday night usually take off.
    Saturday I do a total upper body and run workout usually takes a couple hours
    Sunday is core and running for about 2 hours.
    I have in the last few days started to train myself on how to run for a 5k with my teenage sons. Wish me luck this will take a while.
    So I guess my answer is alot. :tongue:

    I LIKE YOUR STYLE! I'm a double workout on weekdays girl with milder but still at least one workout on weekends!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    6 days a week - 2 days strength training, 2 days cardio, 2 days Pilates. I love, love, love doing cardio, but it will not get rid of belly fat, so you need weights too!
  • filmfanatic29
    When I was at college, I would do 1 hour of Zumba 4x a week and then would do 1-1.5 hours of Just Dance 2 on Wii 2x a week. Sunday generally was my rest day. I have to change my workout schedule now that I have winter break; I'm still in the process of figuring it out. I've just started 30 DS so I've been doing that every day.
  • becky2967
    i tend to do lots of walking with my little boy + hubby, which is usualy 5-7miles and thats my main workout due to health problem, but if i have had a slow day i'll do agod hours intense dance/kinect so normaly 6-8hours aweek,.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Wow, a lot of you are work-out go-getters! :laugh:

    I try to fit in 5-6 hours per week, usually with a mix of cardio/strength.
  • sasa23x
    sasa23x Posts: 3 Member
    I normally go about 4x a wk for jogging, running and aerobic exercises.
    In addition, I would walk 45 mins everyday =)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I do 3x a week power lifting.
    And cardio 0-3 times a week now. (I used to do HIIT 3x a week).
    How much is too much in your opinion?

    Too much is when you stop improving. As long as you are improving - strength, intensity, or endurance, then you are not working too much.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    Well I'm a graduate student and time is limited and precious, even if the student life doesn't seem that way to people. I don't have the structure of 9-5 work days, but I do have an odd schedule working as a research assistant on different days and times, and when I'm not working I'm doing independent research, so no coursework either. But this allows for some flexibility, so I try for about 6 days a week. This week I've done cardio and strength training for two days and then took a rest of two days (though I only intended for one) and I'm trying this out. I started doing cardio 6 times a week and strength training every other day, but switched it up with different moves, weights and schedules this week.
  • Mikelan
    Mikelan Posts: 27 Member
    This is going to sound insane, but it is only because im confused on what I should be doing at this stage in my "lifechange".
    Mon- Wed - Fri for my lunch hour it is core workouts
    Tues - Wed lunch hour row machine and jogging and planks.
    Monday nights its arms and chest 1.5 hours
    Tuesday night is a bootcamp class (1 hr) then legs for about 1 hr
    Wed night is chest
    Thurs night is another aerobic style class for upper body,
    Friday night usually take off.
    Saturday I do a total upper body and run workout usually takes a couple hours
    Sunday is core and running for about 2 hours.
    I have in the last few days started to train myself on how to run for a 5k with my teenage sons. Wish me luck this will take a while.
    So I guess my answer is alot. :tongue:

    I LIKE YOUR STYLE! I'm a double workout on weekdays girl with milder but still at least one workout on weekends!

    Thank you. I read your profile, sounds like when it comes to work you are not shy about it either. You look great, good luck with your outdoor adventures
  • MissDiscipline
    WOAH! Never expected this many replies!!! I will be coming back and reading through this when I need motivation for working out. Knowing other people are working as hard or harder makes me feel like I can do even more! THANK YOU!!

    Ps. After reading this I decided to add another 30min to my workouts per day, changing it up with 30min more cardio one day and then 30min more weights the other.

    THANK YOU!! :flowerforyou:
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    20-30 minutes during the work week and I try for one day of rest and one day of 60 minutes on the weekend.

    This weekend I'm having to rest on Saturday (sad face) and maybe get in 20-30 minutes tomorrow.

    I guess over doing it would depend on the person's goals. If I was trying to get into marathon or "K" running, I'm sure it would be more than I'm doing now. I'm trying to tone as I lose and strengthen my upper and lower body at the same time. I started with walking, then aerobic exercise and now kickboxing. In the new year, strength training a couple of days a week.

    And really, after leading a sedentary life for the past 10 years, this chapter is pretty exciting---pain and all!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I exercise 5 or 6 days a week. Typically 2-3 days where I strength train for 30-45 minutes at the gym, and usually get on the bike, treadmill or elliptical while I'm there, and maybe 3 days of running between 3 and 7 miles, depending on what's going on in my life and what kind of weather Mother Nature throws at me. If it's very very cold, very very hot, very wet or very windy, I'm not running.

    Some days I don't want to bother going to the gym and don't want to run, and I'll just do a custom workout on EA Sports Active on the Playstation.