low calorie hunger surpressing foods



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Trying for a 2lb/wk loss is too much for most people, which is why MFP recommends 1lb/wk. This will give you more calories so you won't feel hungry. You will also retain more muscle and will be more likely to stick with your diet and exercise habits. You also need to make sure you're eating your exercise calories.
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member
    black coffee with 1 or two mini meringue pieces does the trick for me, they about 15 cals.... if you buy a box of 12, useful to have in.
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
  • I always found water, squeezed lemon, and a packet of splenda to help ease my hunger!
  • "i substitute two meals a days with meal replacement shakes "

    ^^^ that's your problem.
    one: those Slim-Fast type of meal replacement shakes are not going to fill you up like REAL food will. no wonder you're so hungry at night.
    two: really the whole point is to change your diet to something that you can maintain for life- dropping 2 of your 3 meals out of your life is not something that can be realistically expected to do forever, right?
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    Having a hot drink will calm that hunger feeling. I have a cup of tea

    I do the same. I've been drinking a lot of large cups of hot tea, no calories except for the teaspoon or two of sugar I use and it keeps me full for a few hours. I love it.

    same here, except I use Stevia from Trader Joe's for sweetener.
  • DeborahGY
    DeborahGY Posts: 3 Member
    Eating protein helps me curb hunger. I also snack a lot about every 2 to 3 hours I will have carrots, or hard boiled egg, or beef jerky, or even a good protein bar that is high in protein and lower in sugar. The sugar is what causes me to get cravings, the more I stay away from them the better I do.
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    Eat a large breakfast to have less hunger throughout the day.
    Skip breakfast and enjoy the grumbly tumbly!

    Eh. To each his own on this. I had much MORE hunger throughout the day when I ate breakfast. Since I started fasting from 8 pm to noon, I have had way less hunger pangs overall.

    I am so glad to see someone else say this! I have a cup of coffee for breakfast. If I eat I feel like I'm starving all day long. I don't eat anything until I finish my workout at 2:00. Everyone is on my back about not eating breakfast but I know what works for me.
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 170 Member
    I also focus on protein snacks: BEEF JERKEY!! I just had 2 oz of Turkey Jerky from Trader Joes and it was only 120 cal! Or...a handfull of veggies and LOTS of water!!

    BTW...I have been losing 2 lbs a week for months and I'm fine with hunger and otherwise. Everyone has something different that works for them, in fact there are things that worked at the beginning that I cannot rely on anymore a year later, so switching things up throughout the process is a must!

    Good luck and welcome!!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I have found that when I feel really hungry and feel like I need something, I get a handful of frozen fruit (mixed berries, peaches, strawberries) and mix them while still frozen to a small 70 calorie low fat yogurt. The little activa ones. The frozen fruit is coated with the yogurt and it also kind of clings to the fruit and freezes. Takes awhile to eat it because it is frozen and so is satisfying. Reminds me of eatting ice cream and the whole bowl is maybe 110 calories.
  • Personally I find oatmeal very filling and it's low in calories. Plus it's good for you. You should make sure you're eating back some of the calories you burn at the gym. You should be netting close to your calorie goal.
  • Nairn's fine oats milled or museli & wheatbix and hot milk.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat a large breakfast to have less hunger throughout the day.
    Skip breakfast and enjoy the grumbly tumbly!

    Eh. To each his own on this. I had much MORE hunger throughout the day when I ate breakfast. Since I started fasting from 8 pm to noon, I have had way less hunger pangs overall.

    I noticed IF is great for those who have been eating well for a while. But for beginners he should start eating more frequently to get that metabolism revving.
    I know Mark Berkham would hollar at me for that but its true!
  • Wow. This seems to be quite the hot topic!! Thanx for all the info. I have figured out why you couldnt see my diet but it is now definately open to everyone to see.

    Honestly the diet i am using at the moment is working for me. I can see a difference. If you saw a pic of me a month ago you would see the huge gut that is now gone. I wouldnt say im starving, im getting all the calories/nutrients i need. I was just looking for something satiate myself in afternoons and evening, this greek yoghurt seems to be a popular one. Also gonna add a cup of hot tea to each meal as that also comes up quite a bit.

    Thanx for all the info. Please feel free to look at my diet and give any advice. the 17/12/11 was before advise and really first go at this. todays (18/12/2011) is second stab at it. Plan on adding the tea and yoghurt later. Havent added exercise yet (will be doing later)

    Thanx again guys. you are all great
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    It seems like you are eating meal replacements at every meal. I'd suggest looking into real foods instead... Meal replacement are not a long term solution and do not help you make a lifestyle change. You should be adding more fresh fruit and veggies to your diet as well. :) High fiber foods have a higher satiety factor and so does protein! Your protein macro is set pretty low, especially for a male!
  • It seems like you are eating meal replacements at every meal. I'd suggest looking into real foods instead... Meal replacement are not a long term solution and do not help you make a lifestyle change. You should be adding more fresh fruit and veggies to your diet as well. :) High fiber foods have a higher satiety factor and so does protein! Your protein macro is set pretty low, especially for a male!

    I know its not a realistic end game but at the moment ill take all the help i can get. I want to replace them with actual meals but thats why i joined the site, i dont know what to replace them with! Also in regards with the fibre, thats what the site defaulted it to when i entered my info?
  • Having a hot drink will calm that hunger feeling. I have a cup of tea

    I do this too, and it really makes me feel full. I usually have a cup of green tea with a meal, or with a snack. I'm liking green tea with lemon and ginger at the moment.
  • It seems like you are eating meal replacements at every meal. I'd suggest looking into real foods instead... Meal replacement are not a long term solution and do not help you make a lifestyle change. You should be adding more fresh fruit and veggies to your diet as well. :) High fiber foods have a higher satiety factor and so does protein! Your protein macro is set pretty low, especially for a male!

    and trust me, my lifestyle has changed from 2 months ago. DRASTICALLY!!!

    I was a 2 pack a day smoker, 10-15 cups of coffee with 6 sugars in each. Never ate anything healthy and would eat once a day at night and i didnt care what it was and then i would binge again just before midnight (usually six slices of bread with peanut butter) so i feel for where i am now i have made alot of lifestyle changes.

    Oh and i went from never stepping foot in a gym in my life to gyming 6 times a week

    Please dont take the above as hostile. Just saying i really have made drastic changes so i see the meal shakes as a fair trade off for now
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think it's awesome you made the decision to change your lifestyle. You should be proud of what you have accomplished and I am not diminishing your progress by any means!

    However, if you are not feeling full and are hungry often, you definitely need to make some changes. Otherwise, you'll feel discouraged and end up bingeing or getting back to your old habits. Here's what a well-balanced meal looks like:

    1/4 Lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, lean cuts of red meat, eggs, low fat dairy, canned tuna...)
    1/2 Veggies
    1/4 Whole grains
    1 Tbsp healthy fats (olive oil)

    Of course, that's just an example. Some people go for a low carb diet and eat little starchy stuff. Seems to work for them as well! If you're not much of a cook, start with easy stuff like chicken + steamed veggies + boiled rice and haunt the forums for new ideas (skinnytaste.com has some good ideas too). You can also add people with open diaties to friends to get inspirations from their meals!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Yeah, by contrast with what asyouseefit says, my macros are as such: Protein-whatever it takes %-wise to get 1g per lb of bodyweight. Fat-roughly half of my protein grams. Carbs-whatever is left over (works out to about 20%). And most of my carbs are fresh veggies and fruits. I eat almost no grains or starches anymore.

    Both are viable!!!

    If you are just trying to start eating healthier, here's what I, personally, recommend, having come from where you are now:

    Staples to keep in your rotation would be tuna, plain greek yogurt, a casein-based protein powder, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables plus bags of frozen mixed veggies, low-sodium peanut butter, and bags and bags of frozen chicken breasts.

    You can mix plain greek yogurt with tuna to make a good tuna salad, and eat it with green peppers, apple slices, a good multigrain bread, or even on its own. It's a great lowfat, high protein staple. Chicken breasts are the same.

    Whole bags of frozen mixed veggies can be popped in the microwave with a lid on and steamed straight from frozen quite easily, and is a good little meal.

    Greek yogurt mixed with flavored protein powder makes a pudding-like dessert that tastes sweet but is really a protein-packed hunger-destroying bomb.