5.2-5.3 ft girls on tying to lose 15-20 lbs, success stories



  • Warning: I'm just shy of 5'4" and aiming on 25 lbs, but I still think this will apply to the rest of you girls.

    Lift weights. Heavy weights. You won't get bulky, trust me.

    Pick up a heavy thing and put it back. Repeat it. Can you lift it more than 10 times, it's not heavy enough. Forget high reps, they do nothing. You're physically incapable of getting real, proper bulk.

    NROL4W (New rules of lifting for women - it's a book) is a good place to start, this is too: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/womans_lean_sexy_bible.htm

    Those girls you see with a buttload of muscles? They work hard for it, really hard for specifically that. If you don't want that look, just eat a bit more, and you'll look sweet as sugar.
  • jettygirl3
    jettygirl3 Posts: 8 Member
    ppuuhhlleeeezzz you don't even have a dog in this fight...however you might have a borderline eating disorder... you don't need to lose weight sister..:noway:
  • scoyne999
    scoyne999 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all - I'm 5'4 and in the 138 - 140 lb range. Would like to lose 20 lbs by the summer. I wish you all luck. If any of you would like to friend me, feel free!

  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    Great thread! I am having the same issue. I am 5' even and 29 years old. I did such a great job when I started MFP over the summer. I lost 14 pounds. School started in August and the eating healthy and working out stopped. I started counting calories and working out (P90X) again 2 weeks ago. Since then I've gained 2 pounds. What gives?!?!?!?!?!

    I will definitely use some of the suggestions made. Thanks.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Hi all! Just thought I'd post my before/after pics since I'm 5'3.

    The first picture was taken in February 2011 when I was about 140 lbs.


    The second was taken around Thanksgiving at 119 lbs!!!


    I'm still working on upping my endurance and toning up, healthy lifestyles are a journey, not a destination! Good luck to all of you, feel free to add me if you'd like some motivation and support. I couldn't have done this without MFP!
  • same here. im 5'4'' thought, but I would love to lose 15 - 20. i have best results when i avoid eating late at night. and a food journal is the most beneficial tool to losing pounds. A good 15 - 20 min. of weight-lifting before doing cardio will really help with toning and losing pounds. U also really need to exceed 30 min of cardio to maximize your weight-loss.
  • mzjstef
    mzjstef Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All! I'm a 5'2", 133 lbs, 42 years old. I've noticed in the past few years that it is much more difficult to lose those stubborn 10 lbs. My lowest has been 113 lbs and I'm now 133. My goal is to get to 120. 113 was actually a little thin for me. Tracking my calories has really been enlightening!! i'm hope this helps me get the eating thing under control. I'm also doing Jillian's 30 day shred and I joined a spin class at the Y. Good luck everyone. It's nice to hear from others with the same build!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I've lost 16 of the 25lbs I'm trying to lose and am 5ft2. Not trying to get super skinny mind you, just to about 130lbs.
  • lina20
    lina20 Posts: 130 Member
  • bump
  • Hi guys. I am 5'2 and lost about 7lbs earlier last year using a low carb diet it worked really well but i just find it very hard to maintain and now all the weight has come back on. At the moment i weigh 131 (9st5) but would like to get to under 120 and then take it from there. I tried calorie counting diets before but i wasnt properly dedicated but so far on my first day I have been doing well. I really dont like exercise but am going to try and do a DVD tonight and stick to me 1200 calories. But I have been very hungry this morning does anyone have any tips on dealing with this?? Thanks all :-)
  • Bump! <3
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    HI, Welcome. I am 5'3 and have lost 17lbs .
    With MFP. it was easy! 1200 cals. and exercise is the key.
    You can do it!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm 5'2", 33 years old and started this time at 153. My goal was 121, but now that I'm at 125-127 (yep, I bounce between 2 lbs as well), I have decided to forget about the scale and focus on my fitness, strength, and BF%. So this is my timeline:

    May 2012-
    My grandfather told me I was packing on the weight at his 90th birthday party. I was able to laugh because I knew it was true, but that was kind of the first push to work at it this time. I was wearing a tight size 12 pants and would estimate my BF% at around 30%.

    June & July -
    Got a new job that provides a stipend for a gym membership...started going. Didn't focus on diet, just cardio and some cardio style lifting classes. I did join in on the HIIT classes. I felt out of shape and even commented that I looked like a little sausage while doing planks. I lost 9 lbs and 2.5 inches from my midsection in the two months without changing my eating habits.

    August -
    Fell off the proverbial wagon. I think I made it to the gym like 3 times that month. My husband asked if I was done with this time. I said no and got my butt back to the gym once things settled down.

    September -
    Got back into the swing of things by late September and kind of consider it my current start point. I was 144 ish. I started increasing the frequency of my gym visits to 5-6 days per week. Again, doing a good deal of cardio, but keeping with the strength classes twice a week. Strength has always been important to me.

    October -
    My gym had a weight loss challenge. I signed up. I stayed the course with cardio and strength training in the class. I changed my diet and started watching what I was eating. I lost 7lbs in October and another 2 inches.

    Nov & Dec -
    Stayed the course. Continued with the gym and reduced calories. I tried the 1200 calorie thing, but my body started revolting and by the end of the week I couldn't think. My brain was seriously not working well. So I bumped back to 1500-1600 and felt better and continued to lose weight and inches. I also started to make food choices that were more whole food than packaged overly processed junk. I lost weight because of the deficit. I felt good from eating healthy. The holidays were rough, but I managed to lose a little while out visiting my parents. I Weighed in Christmas eve at 128, an even 25 lb loss. I was down 7 inches from around my waist since May and fit into a size 4.

    January to now -
    I decided to get back into weight lifting. I am also eating 1800-1900 calories a day to support the workout. I haven't lost much since Jan 1 scale wise (again bounce between 125-127), but I am down another inch on the waist and my BF% is roughly 21%. I don't really care about the number on the scale anymore and only weigh in to calculate the BF% (bioempediance scale). I

    I guess in saying all that, it can take time to figure out what works for you. Most of this thread has been "1200 calories and cardio" and while it worked for them, it may not be what works for you. I've seen better body composition results at the higher calories combined with strength training. That has worked for me. I do have some older "before and after" pics in my profile, but nothing since the beginning of the year. Be patient and just keep at it. The best way to never hit your goal is to stop going for it. Try looking at different things other than the scale. How your close fit or even start measuring yourself. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you!

    ETA: My current macros are 45% carb/30% protein/25% fat. I strive for 80% whole foods or meals I make from whole foods. I don't deprive, I budget in the things I won't go without. Cookies shall never be denied!
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    It is really hard but it can be done! Being petite means far fewer calories to play with. Tracking everything (EVERYthing-even bad days) and weighing/measuring my food has been key. I'm not even an avid exerciser, although I have been walking and doing light biking. Just stay active and diligent. You'll get there.
  • Citygal212
    Citygal212 Posts: 11 Member
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I'm closer to 5'4" than 5'3", but was aiming to lose 20 pounds. I wound up losing almost 30 though. I found it to be super easy. It took around 10 months though. I mostly followed the 1,200 calorie diet. Sometimes eating back some of my exercise calories, sometimes not depending on if I was hungry. I had at least 1 cheat meal a week where I ate whatever I wanted though, sometimes more. I didn't always log cheat days.
  • dinoring
    dinoring Posts: 23 Member
    Just under 5'2", I've lost 23 lbs as of today and would love to drop another 16 or so. I have to say, the big game changer for me was to be ok with losing it slow! It took me about 7 months to lose 20, and I maintained for about another 6 months or so. I'm now revving up for round 2! I have yo yo dieted for a super long time, and the difference this time was a commitment that I made to myself, to my health. Rather than emotionally tying myself to the scale, I celebrated each healthy food choice I made, revelling in the fact that I was becoming a healthier version of myself. Because of that attitude adjustment, I was able to be ok with the fact that it took a while to see any drastic change in the mirror, and was able to see the changes I was making as a gift to myself, rather than as torture wrapped in a pair of skinny jeans.

    Best of luck- you can do it! :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    wow thanks everyone, i just realized others were now posting on this old thread,lol... i posted this over a year ago when i started my weigh loss plan. It did take me a year to lose my 20 lbs, who knew it woudl take so long but it did. BUT i am now 20lbs lighter.... actually 24 :) i re-adjusted my goal another 5 lbs so i would have movement room monthly, i have never hit that goal but come close but just seem to bounce around 3-4 lbs... i am happy with my weight but just need to lose some more lower belly fat, that is my challenge now!
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    My current weight picture. I was 135 and was able to get to 120. I am 5' 3.5".

    It took more work then I expected but after twp kids and getting closer to 40 it does not come off as easily as it did when I was younger
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