I am new here and could really use some help.

Hello My name is Valerie and I am from Maryland. I have two wonderful childern an amazing boyfriend. I am currently at my heaviest and am really struggling to get on track and lose weight. We have a gym membership that we can bring the kids to but I always have an excuse on why I can't go,I am a snacker so i enjoy snacking through out the day and I will start eating healthy snacks but then one day it all changes and it is hard for me to get back on track. I am really looking to meet new people that I can relate to and that I can come to for advice. I look forward to talking to you!!!.:smile:


  • MaruaSDL
    Hi, I have the same problem I love snacks. What I do is when I get hungry I eat nuts (Macadamia nuts are the best) or I make fruit smoothies (make sure they are homemade) And with the gym membership just try to find something that you really enjoy doing there (I love Zumba) so that going isent a chore its fun :)
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    welcome to mfp :) Just take it one day at a time and I really find it helpful to log everything I eat to keep me from eating too many snacks or things that will have too many calories.
    Getting back on track is always the hardest thing but you can do it and you will do it :)
    So now it is the time for you to grab your workout clothes and work out when you bring your kids there :) no excuses as to why you can't work out when you are already driving to the gym :)
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    A lot of support and great community here. Feel free to add me.

    My story: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/403233-lost-96lbs-and-made-top-10-in-physique-contest
  • Anliena
    Anliena Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Valerie, I'm new too and we have a lot in common. I have two kids (just had the baby) and from experience, I know I'll never lose the baby weight unless I do something about it. I never lost my first, and just added to it with the second. I've been overweight most of my life, but I did lose it once so I know it's possible. I never used the gym after my son was born so I understand the 'just making excuses' part as well. And I'm such a BAD snacker. Maybe we can be friends and help hold each other accountable! Good luck to you in making big changes in your life now.
  • suehue
    HI! I'm Sue. I'm new also. I have a 14 month old, and I am heavier now than I was the day my son was born. UGH! I had morning sickness for 6 months of my pregnancy, so when I finally could eat, I was eating all the time. I didn't stop after he was born! I have been working to lose weight since August, and I've lost almost 20 lbs! Sadly, I still have a lot more to go. I find that when my husband comes home, he usually takes over and does the sleepy time routine with our son. It gives me enough time for a 20 minute work out video. I found some through our on demand dvr and also I sometimes just use our Wii Fit. Also, I've been wearing a pedometer, so I can make sure I get in enough steps for the whole day. I am a working mom, and I am on my feet all day at work. The pedometer helped me realize that on the weekends, while watching my son, I don't walk hardly at all! I mostly sit on the floor with him! We were taking walks to the park near by when the weather was warm, but it's too cold now. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I will help any way that I can.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    I too am new, have two kids, and am a sahm. I am a terrible snacker! I am bfing so try not to over do cutting back on cals, but need to focus more on quality. My second child is 4 months and the gym won't take her till she is 6 months.

    I am trying so hard to be patient but it's taking so long to feel like I am getting anywhere, but have been inconsistent with my eating/exercising. For my workouts, I like to use dailyburn.com. They have a great variety of videos and trainers. I wonder if others here use it?

    Good luck to everybody!