I'm a newbie

Hello! I recently gave birth to my first child and I have about 40 lbs to lose. I used this app before I got pregnant and loved it. I didn't realize that there is also a site :-) I really need support because I know this is going to be tough. Glad to see there's lots of others out there that are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well!


  • Welcome!! Congrats on the new baby!!
  • AutieBell
    AutieBell Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the new addition. I would like to add you as a friend. the more support the better!!!!
  • Congrates on your new born ! we are on the same track. im a new Mummy with a 6 month baby. but i have bout 3kg more to loose by next year march. my husband is on a bet with me if i manage to loose the weights before the time given , he s going to give me $$ for vacation HAHA ,,,,,

    So lets Do it !
  • Hey
    Congratzzzz :) well I'm new to fitnesspall and I'm a in a similar boat as u. Im looking to loose weight as well after my first child. Iv started p90x lean and I'm on week 3. So any one doing p90x do help me out and I'm nit sure how to use this and everything on this site. Is there a group for p90x????