Calling all mommys/daddys. A little help plez



  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    1) He might be allergic to something. Wheat, soy, milk just to name a few.

    2) He might have H pylori That is an article about symptoms in children.

    I know you said they have run some tests, but I would insist on a full complete panel being down. Blood work, urine samples, and feces samples.

    Praying you get it figured out quickly.

    Thank you for the link im going to look into that one. He had urine and feces check last dr apt but no blood test. So I think I will go with that next one. : /
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    Most people seem to be only addressing the symptom of vomitting. You mentioned "low temps." How high are his fevers getting? I wouldn't think a food allergy would cause a fever. My daughter had an immune disorder that would cause fevers, and frequently vomitting (although not all the time) but her fevers were HIGH. Usually somewhere between 103-105*F.

    There normally low. And the highest I have let them get is 102 cuz of an issues when he was way younger. He woke up with a temp of 105. So at night if its 102 around bedtime I give him something for it. Ill have to bring this up with his dr when I see her agin.

    I guess I should have clarified that my daughter's temps would get to be 103-105 even after taking tylenol and motrin around the clock. Does your son have any other symptoms? When my daughter would get the "virus" (as her ped kept calling it) she would have fever, vomitting, and on physical exam, inflamed tonsils, but would never complain of a sore throat. When they would swab her throat it was always negative for strep. Cultures wouldn't grow any organisms. Stool, urine, and blood tests were always normal. After seeing multiple doctors, she ended up being diagnosed with a syndrome called PFAPA (google it if you're interested). It's like she would be sick with some sort of infection without having an actual infection.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    One of my sons and daughters had this too. I kept Popsicles and pedilite (sp) in the house until they were 8. The doctor told me it's something they outgrow (after physical exams 4 times a year). The best he could tell me was there was something that they could be a little allergic to that we used in the house, but over time, the kids will outgrow the allergy.

    Unless they are losing weight and lethargic, the doctor told me not to worry.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    One of my sons and daughters had this too. I kept Popsicles and pedilite (sp) in the house until they were 8. The doctor told me it's something they outgrow (after physical exams 4 times a year). The best he could tell me was there was something that they could be a little allergic to that we used in the house, but over time, the kids will outgrow the allergy.

    Unless they are losing weight and lethargic, the doctor told me not to worry.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Most people seem to be only addressing the symptom of vomitting. You mentioned "low temps." How high are his fevers getting? I wouldn't think a food allergy would cause a fever. My daughter had an immune disorder that would cause fevers, and frequently vomitting (although not all the time) but her fevers were HIGH. Usually somewhere between 103-105*F.

    There normally low. And the highest I have let them get is 102 cuz of an issues when he was way younger. He woke up with a temp of 105. So at night if its 102 around bedtime I give him something for it. Ill have to bring this up with his dr when I see her agin.

    I guess I should have clarified that my daughter's temps would get to be 103-105 even after taking tylenol and motrin around the clock. Does your son have any other symptoms? When my daughter would get the "virus" (as her ped kept calling it) she would have fever, vomitting, and on physical exam, inflamed tonsils, but would never complain of a sore throat. When they would swab her throat it was always negative for strep. Cultures wouldn't grow any organisms. Stool, urine, and blood tests were always normal. After seeing multiple doctors, she ended up being diagnosed with a syndrome called PFAPA (google it if you're interested). It's like she would be sick with some sort of infection without having an actual infection.

    He dosnt seem to have anything else wrong. He has a sore throat this time but so do I. He did at random have just fevers from time to time when he was around 2-3 years old. But no dr so far will see him like this because of they have all just said its the flu and dont want it in the office unless they dont stop vomiting or gets dehydrated.

    @Amy911gray ill have to keep popsicles in the house from now on i never though about having them and he wont drink pedilite anymore. So ill have to get a bunch of them.
  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    We had to deal with pnemonia twice, then they got strep and i've got 6 children!
    My neighbor told me about proboncis (hope i spelled that right) you can get it at the drug store just ask, they might even have the store brand. Centrum is making it now for adults it all over the t.v. We gave this to our children for a week straight, then spaced it out to everyother day, now it's just maintaince its every 3 days.
    We have also used lyscol in all central air vents (heating guy told me to use it in each vent for a count of 3 sec. so that when it comes on the air isn't bringing the germs in every room.
    We also put bleach into our floor cleaner and bathroom/kitchen cleaners.
    Knock on wood FINALLY after 4 mos. of a household of 6 children being sick all the time and me and my husband, we have all been well for 2 mos. !!