I am so lost. I seriously need some help here!

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I mean, I was taught that I should burn more than I take cause I have so many excess calories of fat that I need to burn. I don't know what to do. =( I simply can't eat more even for my size. It's too hard to eat so much. i am so obsessed with food that sometimes I just don't even want to eat. =( i was told that with all of my exercise I should eat about 2300 calories a day. I still don't understand this calorie crap and its driving my crazy. I put in a lot of effort at the gym. this is just too much. can it be that I am just meant to be this size? What else can I do? Should I just change my goals to maintain my level and just exercise and log that in? Someone help me, this is really breaking me.


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't stress about it, give it time.
    Log your food and exercise (that really does help, you should try it!) and follow the MFP numbers for a month or so and I'd be surprised if you don't see a difference.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    ive been doing this for 3 months. =( and nothing has been working. I havent logged in a few days cause im just not motivated to do so anymore.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Fair enough, I looked back for a few days and only saw one day logged - and it looked like a really good eating day.

    So, if you are logging accurately (are you?) and nothing is working after three months, then you need to change something.
    Perhaps go back and reset your goals - have you got your activity level right? Have you got a realistic goal? Are you expecting huge losses in a few weeks?

    Or maybe, as it's nearly the end of the year it's time to have a break, eat at maintenance for a while and start afresh in a few weeks time.

    Good luck finding what works for you, this isn't an exact science and often takes a bit of tweaking to find what is best for your body and your lifestyle.
  • monkeymouse74
    Could you be building muscle mass with all your exercising? Muscle is heavier than fat, and your weightloss wont show for a really long time. try measuring yourself, that usually is a better way of Gauging your progress when you are gaining muscle. And even with all the exercise, 2000 od cals is way to much. I eat only what I'm comfortable eating, My body will tell me when I'm full and I listen to that rather than a generic plan for everyone.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    From looking at your last two days logged I don't understand either.

    Do you drink enough water? Do you weigh your foods? Is everything logged?

    What exercise do you do?
    Could you be building muscle mass with all your exercising? Muscle is heavier than fat, and your weightloss wont show for a really long time. try measuring yourself, that usually is a better way of Gauging your progress when you are gaining muscle.

    She's eating at a defect so I doubt it. She's also 260lbs (from her ticker) so its not likely.
  • toneesbride54
    I know how you feel. Meal planning is really the key. I try getting the bad foods out of my house and replacing with good ones but I have a husband. Hahahahahahahah. I'm going to be a better supporter.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I mean, I was taught that I should burn more than I take cause I have so many excess calories of fat that I need to burn. I don't know what to do. =( I simply can't eat more even for my size. It's too hard to eat so much. i am so obsessed with food that sometimes I just don't even want to eat. =( i was told that with all of my exercise I should eat about 2300 calories a day. I still don't understand this calorie crap and its driving my crazy. I put in a lot of effort at the gym. this is just too much. can it be that I am just meant to be this size? What else can I do? Should I just change my goals to maintain my level and just exercise and log that in? Someone help me, this is really breaking me.
    don't know if you are using MFP to figure your exercise calories but be careful with that. After I got my HRM I never burned even close to what MFP says. So that may account for some of the issue.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I looked back at your entries from November, and you were posting like 1000 calorie burns most days. If you can't eat enough to refuel from all that much exercise, don't do that much exercise. It's really not necessary to do an hour and a half to two hours of exercise. Thirty to sixty is plenty, unless your a professional athlete in training. :smile:

    Foodwise, it looks pretty good. I think you might just be overtraining.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    I actually use a HRM for my calorie burn.
    I try to make sure I do cardio everyday and I do 45 min strength classes. Before, I was working out almost 3 hours a day. Now, the most I get is 75 cause I thought I was over training.

    I don't know what else. I won't get to see my endo dr till the 5th of jan. My GP said my thyroid was fine but I just have no idea.

    I thought it was my lexapro. I got off it about 3 weeks ago.

    I don't know what to do guys. I am 260lbs and I put a lot of planning and effort in my food. Food is more on my mind now than if I were not dieting. Normally, I don't even LIKE to eat. I feel fed up. =(
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    I do the couch to 5k 3x a week which is only 30 minutes long. The other two days, I like to do a 45 minute cardio of either one of the group classes or a machine.

    As for strength, for 6 weeks I was doing a circuit training 6week program. I decided to change my workout routine and have been doing the strength classes in my gym that are also 45 minutes long. I only do those 4 days a week. Maybe i should bring it down to 3 days a week. Not sure.

    My diet plan has changed every 6 weeks to keep my body going. I am scared to eat more than 2000 because some calculators say I should. I know everyone's body is different. One girl I know started at 280lbs and is now 199.00 after a year. She worked out 3 hours a day and only ate 1600calories. She told me to try this but I did and of course nothing. I am so fed up with this crap. Can people actually just be MEANT to be this big? =(
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    oops...just saw you checked your thyroid
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I'm going to suggest you do an MFP search for Plateau and see what others have done to overcome the plateau. One thing I have read is cycling your calories or zig-zagging up and down day to day, still keeping to the weekly goal total. Helps confuse the body and get your weight loss back on track.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I do the couch to 5k 3x a week which is only 30 minutes long. The other two days, I like to do a 45 minute cardio of either one of the group classes or a machine.

    As for strength, for 6 weeks I was doing a circuit training 6week program. I decided to change my workout routine and have been doing the strength classes in my gym that are also 45 minutes long. I only do those 4 days a week. Maybe i should bring it down to 3 days a week. Not sure.

    My diet plan has changed every 6 weeks to keep my body going. I am scared to eat more than 2000 because some calculators say I should. I know everyone's body is different. One girl I know started at 280lbs and is now 199.00 after a year. She worked out 3 hours a day and only ate 1600calories. She told me to try this but I did and of course nothing. I am so fed up with this crap. Can people actually just be MEANT to be this big? =(

    I highly doubt than anyone is "meant" to be overweight. I would say that's wishful thinking.

    And BTW, your workouts seem awesome and I would not stop doing them, that's a lot of progress, just not on a scale :)
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Don't stress about it, give it time.
    Log your food and exercise (that really does help, you should try it!) and follow the MFP numbers for a month or so and I'd be surprised if you don't see a difference.

    ^^ this

    Weigh, measure and log everything that goes into your mouth. Follow the MFP calorie recommendations and it will all fall into place from there. I would also suggest maybe seeing a counselor to talk about the issues you're having with food, so that they don't escalate into eating disorders. Take care of your body, fill it with wholesome, nutritious food and stay active and it will all work out.

    And if all else fails and you're feeling low, come here and post a message and we'll cheer you up (((HUGS)))
  • erinmac0211
    erinmac0211 Posts: 37 Member
    Stress can greatly hinder weightloss. I noticed that when I am at my most stressed, I either maintain or gain weight. Do some yoga/stretching, deep breathing, or listen to relaxing music (or all three at once like me haha). Turn off everything except the music and just let this whole situation get off of your mind. It really helped me and I lost 10 lbs with ease once I destressed. Also, go to a nutritionalist if you can. They know what theyre doing. You could have an allergy, a hormone inbalance, you could also just be eating too much of carbs etc. Also, you could have a vitamin deficiency. I suggest going to a doctor if this persists.

    Chin up hun you'll get through this <3
  • shawnkturner
    shawnkturner Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not sure if others would agree but i dont record excersise and workouts on mfp. for one i dont think they are entirely accurate and secondly sticking to the calorie intake and not recording exersise means that if your keeping to for example 1600 calories a day, having done a workout will mean your in calorie deficit and should lose weight. also set the calories a little lower than reccomended. mine should be at 2000 but i've set it to 1600 to start.

    Also what someone said about muscle weighing more than fat. its true. the scales are sometimes the wrong way of guaging how well you are doing. measuring areas of your body and if your aiming for cardio your resting heart rate and recovery times is the best way of telling how you are doing.

    For some its more difficult than others but stick in there!!!!
  • monkeymouse74
    There are so many other things that could medically cause you to retain weight, I think you should go back to your GP and ask for a full blood count and check up. I had a severe asthma attack that put me in a coma on life support for a month, the Drs gave me 300mg pednisone(cortisone) for a year to stabilise my lungs, and I put on 5 dress sizes in that year, and now Im really battle to lose it. dont give up. I'm not.
  • c0mmonN3rd
    Logging your food before you eat it helps alot.
    I've been here over a month and i've lost 9lbs slowly. I know it can be stressful.
    Stress in life keeps your metabolism from being nice to us.
    I was doing fine on my weight track till i started a new job with training. Some days you dont eat at all, some you cant stop. It happens we are only human.
    The key is to think and not give up no matter what. This is not just a fad, its a changing in life.
  • ncturbogirl
    ncturbogirl Posts: 5 Member
    Keep logging your food (every bite) and working out. Not being honest with myself about WHAT I was eating has hurt me. Not necessarily how much I eat. Get a few friends who will hold you accountable and who are serious. Definitely helps! I'm starting a New Year Challenge event on Facebook with a few friends if you're interested. Just DM me and let me know...I'll send you a link.

    Feel free to add me here too....

    Good luck and keep at it!

    ~ Mary
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    What is so hard?
    Set your goals here for a 1lb per week weight loss, log in your food as well as exercises and just eat lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Losing weight is actually very simple.