
How many hours do YOU get? Also, how many do you need to be fully refreshed in the morning? Do you think your sleep is helping/hindering your weight loss at all?



  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I usually get probably between 6 and 7 during the work week. I get about 8 or 9 when I don't have to go to work the next day. If I get 7 I am usually good. Last night I didn't get much at all because I couldn't fall asleep even though I was tired and didn't have anything racing through my mind, so I know today will probably be rough. If I don't get enough sleep, I have a habit of grabbing food that is high in sugar and calories and not care, and plus I have a tendency to skip working out to just get home and get sleep, so I think it does hinder my weight loss.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    An average of 4 hours during weekdays and 7-8 at best for weekends. It IS taking its toll but I'm too stubborn and always end up going to bed late. And quite honestly it is hindering the diet as I binge only when I'm exhausted. It's a 'sleep or eat' response, or so I think. Trying to find a middle way but my body is not cooperating.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    Its a proven medical fact. Yes you need 6 hrs min and 8 hrs preferred. This is your body's repair time. It heals and you will also shed weight at the same time. Also by sleeping well you reduce stress and the body works!! #NoExcusesLetsGo
  • i'm a nighshift nurse, and i NEED my 8 hours. not 7 hrs and 45 mins either. Eight and its a date ;) No matter what, I ALWAYS end up eating way more than usual when i get less than that.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I feel healthy when I'm getting 8 hours. On weekends I like to sleep in a little and have 9. And as an above poster said, poor sleep has been correlated with weight gain. So get to bed all you Aussies who are still awake!
  • Maximus0005
    Maximus0005 Posts: 85 Member
    about 6-7 hours on a work day, 7-8 on a weekend. Sometimes I can feel refreshed on 4 hours of sleep while exhausted on 8 hours. I guess for me it depends on how well I slept or if I was tossing and turning all night
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    I get between 5 to 8. A little more on the weekends, but less when I am crammed with writing papers for school. It is hard to go to sleep most nights, since my mind races and never shuts off; it drives me crazy. I take Melatonin to help me fall asleep most nights. It's a natural sleeping pill and it's something your body already produces.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I aim for 7-8 hours a night. Usually works out pretty well.... and it definitely helps my weight loss.... I notice when I go through times of not sleeping, my weight loss slows..... so not only do I feel better when I sleep more, but I lose more weight -- that's enough reason for me to sleep enough each night!