does anyone do insanity dvd's

Hi, although I'm in the UK I have got the insanity dvds, I am currently starting my 8th week, which will finish christmas eve, then i'll start again 2nd jan, Does anyone else use these and what results have you found? Im doing well weight loss wise, and have notice im getting smaller, but have a long way to go yet!


  • Bottlegnome
    Bottlegnome Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in the first week of my second round and I love it. The results have been incredible. I've lost inches from my waist, chest, and thighs. Overall I just feel so much better.
  • Dellie22
    Dellie22 Posts: 167
    Yesterday, I did the fit test !
    I'm also in the UK.
    I did Plyo Cardio Circuit today and only managed 25 mins... Please tell me it gets easier... lol
  • donnalord
    donnalord Posts: 18 Member
    It does get easier............ Then u start the second month! But seriously it does get easier and you'll find you do the moves more effectivly, I spent the 1st week on ibuprofen and radox bath salts! :)
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    I recently finished my second round of Insanity. I think the Fit Tests are almost the hardest workouts! While it does get easier, it never really gets easy. :-) Month 2 is a bear - but it is also a total body changer! You will see amazing results both physically and mentally - you've got to be a pretty determined and dedicated person to stick to this. That says somethings, to me, about character.

    Good Luck!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    On week 2 of Month 2 and it's pretty rough. I know I'll get through it, and hope to see the definition even more (started to notice more in the last few weeks). I'll finish probably first week of January 2012, and then I'll start another round, rinse and repeat until I reach my goal weight. Once I get down far enough I'll do another round of P90X and then probably start hitting up the weights again.

    My eventual goal is to be somewhere between 10-15% body fat and weight about 200lbs. I am a 5'11" man.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Hi, although I'm in the UK I have got the insanity dvds, I am currently starting my 8th week, which will finish christmas eve, then i'll start again 2nd jan, Does anyone else use these and what results have you found? Im doing well weight loss wise, and have notice im getting smaller, but have a long way to go yet!

    I've done them a few times before (I've owned the program for 2 years now). I lose size and pounds while doing it and my cardio goes way up. I do, unfortunately, lose muscle and strength though because of the lack of weight training. I now just incorporate the DVDs into my balanced program instead of making it my whole program and have seen even better results.
  • Done one round of it & I love it!! Planning on doing it again after the holidays when I have more time!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yep I have used Insanity. Do a search under Scorpioangel1 on Youtube to see my results from P90X and Insanity :)
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I love insanity for the cardio and the lower body strengthening. It's really helping me with my general athleticism.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    I love insanity for the cardio and the lower body strengthening. It's really helping me with my general athleticism.

    Totally agree! It helped me build up the endurance to run a 5K in 24:27 Now I'm aiming for a 10K. :noway:
  • I'm doing P90X, but doing Insanity for cardio rather than the P90X cardio. It's not easy. I'd be curious to try to do Insanity after P90X, but I honestly don't know if I could do it. The weight lifting days are a nice break from huffing and puffing and pounding of Insanity.

    ScorpioAngel- I looked on youtube and WOW! Holy crap! It looks like Asylum really got you cut. Did you think Asylum brought the biggest changes? Or was it because the previous programs got you into good enough shape leading up to that? I'd have to get into much better shape to even attempt Asylum.
  • I've never heard of this workout till my partner mentioned it this week and that he has ordered the DVDs. He's going to be moving in with me late Jan and wants us to do the workouts together starting at begin of Feb. Now I'm up for a challenge but is this workout suitable for seriously overweight people?

    I'm 5'7" and weigh 256lbs (18s 4lbs) at mo but should lose around 7-10lbs by Feb. I am currently going to gym 3-4 times a week so not totally unfit either. My only problem is any high impact exercise (jumping etc) as am big breasted which become painful, even with the most supportive sports bra. I don't have a clue what is involved with the workouts, only seen a couple of photos and feedback.

    xVC (Una)
  • I am on Week 2 right now. I like it, but I'm getting my *kitten* handed to me each day!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I am on Week 2 right now. I like getting my *kitten* handed to me each day!

    Fixed! :happy:
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    My only problem is any high impact exercise (jumping etc) as am big breasted which become painful, even with the most supportive sports bra. I don't have a clue what is involved with the workouts, only seen a couple of photos and feedback.

    xVC (Una)

    You can certainly try it at your own pace/intensity, but Insanity mostly all running, jumping, and pushups. Lots and lots....and lots of jumping. I've got really strong legs (genetic gift) and I still feel like I get my *kitten* handed to me on the 2nd month with some of the predominantly jump focused workouts.
  • If you are "seriously overweight" I would hold off on this workout. It's constant jumping, and many people who are not overweight report knee injuries from all the jumping. I can't imagine what it would do to your joints if they have to bare a siginifant amount of excess weight. Even the people on the videos have to sit some parts out because its too intense. When I first started, I wondered if I was getting much out of it because I was unable to do much of it. If you give it a try, you risk injuring yourself, which will impede your efforts to exercise, or will just stand there watching (or do something else, my fiance likes jumping jacks) while they do exercies you can't do. Try this: hold your elbows to your side, and keep your forearms parallel to the floor. Put your forearms out to side as much as you can (keeping elbows in and forearms parallel to the ground). Now jump into the air, and bring your knees to your forearms midair. Do that over and over and over. That's an idea of an Insanity workout. I would work on weight loss with less impact exercies before starting insanity.