I need help...or just someone who can relate



  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    I went to a Christmas party and ate a lot on Friday. Half way through the plate, I decided not to be angry with myself because every thing tasted good! I also ate snacks that I didn't need because I thought what the heck I have blown it today anyway! Going to school IS nerve wracking and I applaud you for even thinking about dieting. When I was in college, I would get upset and drink a diet coke plus eat a snickers bar. This happened on a daily basis and I would get a snickers one or two times a day. I will bring my rambling with a close that you understood the fact that you were over eating and that is a lot of the battle! I have faith in you. It will get better, just hang in there and keep trying. You will begin to eat correctly if you stay on this site and interact with the people here. Everyone out in cyberland is cheering for you!!!!!
  • I have found that the more carbs I eat, the more I want and it turns into a never ending cycle for me.

    Once I realized that I was hooks on cards, I tried to reduce my carb intake as much as possible. It took a lot to do it and I felt sick for a few days (probably no different than getting off some types of drugs or smoking) but after a few days I starting much better and in control of what I ate.

    It is a life change and will be difficult but you can do it!
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    First off .. you are clearly a wonderful person to be so honest and post this.

    Here's the dope:

    You are suggesting that something other than your self is doing this. Like there is some easy answer to why you are eating stuff you shouldn't. My guess is that you are depressed and instead of dealing with your depression, you are eating. however...

    You are choosing to eat that crap, moreover ... you are ALSO choosing to do nothing about it.

    when I Eat crap -> I PAY THE PRICE! go workout for an hour.

    Its on you to become stronger than your desires. Thanks to your past you have trained yourself to eat this stuff. Now its time to train yourself to not eat this stuff.

    You want simple answers... here they are ...

    I screwed up and ate something I shouldn't have, what do I do?
    well you calculate the amount of calories it was .. burn double that many caloies.

    How do I stop this behavior?
    You explore they WHY and accept it and then deal with it in a postive way. (i.e., if you are stress eating .. then try stress exercising :) )

    What happens if I can't stop?
    you keep trying and You get professional help
  • I have struggled with this issue as well so I can TOTALLY relate. One suggestion might be that even if you snack, you track as you go and stay honest with yourself. It sucks, but sometimes the initial part of the binge isn't even as bad as you might think!

    For instance, I had a really stressful morning on Saturday.... Without thinking I ate several cookies and chocolate. I was able to tear myself away and list everything I had eaten. It wasn't even *that* bad -- and with my long run planned that day, I ended up far under my calories for the day in the long run, which was bizarre!

    If I hadn't logged everything, I might have thought it was much worse/"irreparable" and just said screw it and kept going.

    So my main tip is just try to pause and collect your thoughts at some point -- you can even promise yourself that you will "allow" yourself to keep eating afterwards. Usually just stopping and thinking will slow things down dramatically.
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    Let me tell you why I think you are going to be successful...you are being honest with yourself!!! You aren't making excuses, you aren't intentionally lying or omitting things from your food diary. You said sometimes I just binge!

    It is perfectly normal! Don't beat yourself up. Just keep being honest with yourself and be mindful of what you are eating. And when you do fall off...just start again tomorrow!

    I was getting frustrated because for weeks I was not getting any results...I finally got the snacking under control and lost my first 5 lbs! Just get to know yourself and what triggers you to binge. There are certain foods I can't say no to...so I try to stay away from them as much as possible.
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    Great advice!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    There is nothing wrong with you. Lots of people binge on food. I was surprised to find out that even my skinny younger sister binges and feels depressed about it every once in a while!

    I think that not having the "bad food" in the house is a fine idea for some people, but I know that if I'm gonna binge I'll find ANYTHING and binge on it! (eating loads and loads of healthy food may be better than loads of chips and candy, but it is still tons of calories and I still feel awful after doing it!) So I'm working on trying to curb my overeating and binging with temptation all around me. I figure that if I can get in control of my eating it shouldn't really matter if there is "bad food" around or not.

    I absolutely pre-log. (I've finished logging for the day and I haven't eaten dinner yet!) This is the thing that has helped me the most.

    I've been doing this for about 4 months and though I've been much better about feeling like I have my eating under control, I still have those pesky urges to binge every once in a while. I try not to beat myself up about it. Take it day by day. You will be ok! Hang in there!
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    i dont blame u! if i found nutella i would eat and eat until the whole jar is gone! this is why the stuff is not allowed in my house..
    i am having a bad eating day as well...(a cookie and a latte, and a i added few things to my lunch!) but it is still early in the week and i can make it up in the next 6 days :o) i will be logging every bite that entered my mouth...if i am over today it is ok, i will eat better and workout more during the week!!:o)
  • lynn5866
    lynn5866 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey hun. Trust me, we've all been there. If this were an easy process, we wouldn't be here. Get back on track, you'll be fine I'm finding that having friends to work with is helping me stay focused.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    when i do it, i talk to myself out loud.."put it down and walk away" remember WHY you are here..it may not help, but worth a shot..or just take all the junk food to a local food pantry or homeless shelter, and stock up on healthy snacks..good luck
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Hehe thats a good one......... perfect way to look at it.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    This is me! In every way. I have pretty good eating habits in general, but some days, I just cant keep it together. I just try to remember that tomorrow is a new day and I will have a clean slate. Human nature is to splurge when you have been reserving and reserving and reserving. It is like when you have watched your budget for so long, the first little bit of extra money just eats at you until you buy something for yourself. Try not to beat yourself up and remember that you used to eat like that EVERY day, and now you dont, so you are doing good things!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    I found the hidden nutella and ate some with breakfast and lunch...then continued snacking..whenever I mess up I continue to eat crappy for the rest of the day and now I feel like crap..sorry if this is a negative post/topic I just really hate doing this to myself but it never stops. Right now I snacked so much I can't even log all that I ate because I didn't count and can't remember exactly how much I ate...I feel so gross. and some of you will say drink tea, chew gum, drink water...these things only work so many times :(

    last week I blamed my binges on finals..but to be honest I just have a binging problem I have nothing that sets it off it just happens...SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.

    Okay now I feel a little better for writing this.

    but if anyone has any advice or comments whatsoever (that aren't putting me down or yelling at me because yes I know I make mistakes and this is dumb but I don't need you to tell me that)

    Oh my! I really can relate to this! I do the same thing and know how you feel! Tomorrow is a new day sweetie!
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    The best part is everyday is a new beginning and one bad day won't ruin your progress for ever. It happens to everyone.

    Shake it off and go for a walk to burn off a few of those calories.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, I can relate - been there, so you are not abnormal.
    And this is not to be negative, but....
    Not tomorrow - NOW!

    And get off your rump and go for a 2 mile walk.
    Seriously, when I mess up, it helps to stop, gather my energies and do something positive RIGHT THEN.

    No, that won't offset the calories, but doing something positive will make you feel better.
    Do it TODAY - RIGHT NOW!

    You can reach your goals - we're all in the same boat, so don't let the sun go down on your failure. Make the last act you do one that will bring you closer to your goals.

    You'll be happy you did.

    All Is Possible!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I am going to say maybe start journaling? You said that it made you feel better to write so maybe that will help. On days when you feel like bingeing you can go back and read how it made you feel after you did. That might help you not do it next time.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    I can totally relate. If I truly want something I eat it. Then I feel guilty as hell and punish myself in the gym the next day. The thing I found that helps me is when I get the craving, I log it, when I see those numbers on my diary a lot of times I change my mind. My major weakness is Peter Pan creamy peanut butter. I eat it by the spoonful and once I get that 1st one in me I usually don't quit until I've had 3 or so. And at 210 cals a serving it adds up quick. But once I do it, It's too late so I don't beat myself up about it (unless it's in the gym)
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Everyone has triggers and trigger foods. Find yours and eliminate it as best as possible. I don't believe in hiding food but I make for sure that junky food is closed up and put back up as soon as they have been used (out of sight out of mind). Next time you get stressed, go for a walk or just drink a huge glass of water and work through whatever without the use of food.
  • AprilEC
    AprilEC Posts: 32 Member
    I can totally relate! That kind of eating is extremely hard to get past. We're American....and woman! It's hard not to eat like that! Bad day...smash on food. Bored...smash on food. Have 5 minutes of free time....why not smash on some food! For me,I noticed that I HAVE to stay busy. If I give myself the time, I will fill it with food. I'm not the biggest fan of fruit but I did notice that eating apples will give me a full feeling. Oranges, you have to work to get those suckers ready to eat, but its taking time to do it, then when you finally get to eat it, its fairly filling especially with all the juice. I like to eat Yoplait light yogurts...Boston Cream Pie and Red Velvet Cake are my favorites! And they can for sure be filling....and only 100 to 110 calories! Long story short, try to fill as much time of your day as possible and you can only try your best to "smash" on things that are better for you, rather than satisfying you for a few minutes, and then you're hungry again! You're gorgeous and look great! Everything will fall together, just wait and see!
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    /Big Hugs It happens. When it does hit your workouts with some of that aggravation. Doing so really helps.