When am I supposed to fit in FITNESS???



  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Nobody ever came to me and said...
    "I have some extra time on my hands; maybe you can help me get in shape".

    Stop making excuses. Either you want it or not.
    Everybody has the time when their health and fitness become a priority.
    Amen. What he said. And get your Hubby to take up some slack. He doesn't know how to cook, or do dishes? Or bathe a child, or make lunches?
  • frugalmomsrock
    I say: husband does dishes between 6:30 and 7:00 while you take some you time. Then spend time with him and your son. Or abandon dishes at 6:30 and take an after supper walk with your husband and son (still spending time with them) and do the dishes upon return! :)
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    you should look into making larger meals when you cook, or cook a lot of things on the weekends when you have spare time. this can save you a lot of time during the week in both preparation time, and with less dishes to clean.

    ^^^ This is a smart man! Use left overs for lunch so that you can easily pack them up before dinner begins. Cook your meat and rice, etc on the weekends and portion it out. Can you do a little work out at lunch?

    I really like the idea a lot of people had to get up on the days you get to "sleep in."

    If you want it, you will make time for it. I'm a single mom which means that even though I don't have to find time to spend with a SO, I have to play the role of mom and dad. If I can do it...you can too!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    how old is your son? You might want to move bedtime 30 min earlier for him giving you time to exercise. My children went to bed by 8:30 on week nights. (sun- thurs.) Well, until they turned 8 anyway. good luck.

    edit: I don't mean to sound critical but even 20-30 min 2x a week plus 60 mins on sat or sun will make you a happier person and help you handle that tough schedule. depending on his age and health allowing your son to join you with fun games/ walking will make him happier and easier to handle as well. and DH's have to help out. Mine now does dishes everyday and cooks/ provides dinner 3x a week at least. I do laundry, and cook/ provide dinner 4x a week, and we share trash duty. I do the grocery shopping cause he pays no attention to the labels or the price lol.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I am on board with everyone else saying DH has to contribute a bit more. One of the great things about a 2 parent household is there are 2 adults to share chores. If he says he's too tired from work, maybe he doesn't understand that you work hard too. Raising a family with 2 working adults is hard and everyone needs to contribute. If he is working or in school while you're home, maybe you could hire someone an hour a day to help out so you can do a workout DVD or go for a run.

    If you're serious, you have to make health and fitness a priority. If it's a luxury it will be first to be eliminated when time or money gets tight. Make sure your hubby knows how important this is to you, for yourself and your family.

    As long as working wives & moms think of husbands as "helping out" with chores, we'll continue to make ourselves primarily responsible for the home. Times have changed; you can't be a both 1960s housewife AND a modern professional working mommy. We can, however, come damn close to having it all if we let our husbands share some responsibility for the home.

    It's not too hard to fit everything in if you (a) give up some responsibility; and (b) have a tight plan. You're pretty handy with the schedules I see so I'm sure you can make it work!

    Some tips that work for me:
    - Husband does shopping, laundry, dishes & floors; I do daily cleanup & cooking; housekeeper comes once a month for the rest.
    - I cook for the week on Sunday and pack 5 full dinners in baking dishes and 10 lunches in containers. Husband and I can each grab whatever meal we feel like for lunch, and dinner gets reheated in the oven for 20 minutes at night (I do a mini-workout when food is reheating). Whatever we don't eat at the end of the week it goes in the freezer.
    - I do double workouts on the weekend to make up for not getting in full workouts during the week.
    - I work with a trainer for a super-intense 25 minute session on Mondays.
  • amiee3578
    I love my zumba dvd's and they have a 20 minute one and that really kicks butt.. so with that one you only need 20 minutes.. but i go for walks to. I let the kids ride there bikes and i walk..
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Unless you're washing dishes by hand, it doesn't take 30 minutes to do dishes. And using a dishwasher is more efficient with water if you are doing them by hand. Toss em in and now you have almost a half hour to work out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    All I can tell you is that when you are ready to start fitting it in, you will.

  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback! My husband is a great man with many family responsibilities as well... we are both busy! I can not possibly put everything I do in one day. I mean I have to fit in homework, laundry, etc... But with the ideas you gave me and slaps in the face, I'm going to make it work on my time!! Thank you everyone! For the record my husband isn't doing nothing our doing only for himself :) I love MFP, y'all are awesome! :drinker:
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    get your husband to help you out so you can train for an hour?

    It's awesome to see a man say this! ^^^^^^

    Try to work out 3x a week on the days you don't get up at 5am to shower. Instead get up at 5 and do a 40 min (or so) workout! Best of luck!
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, ripped in 30, yoga meltdown, 6week 6pack, killer buns & thighs and shred & shed all under 30mins long.
    Metabolism boost contains 6 circuits so you coud do 3 one night and 3 the next.

    And wtf is your husband doin? LoL

    You don't even need a full hour

    Thanks for listing all of Jillian's workouts! Now I can write them down and buy them for myself!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my suggestion is you exercize while HUBBY does dishes, bathes your child and makes lunches.That would give you plenty of time for decent workout (30-60 min is all you need a day) It looks like it to me that you are doing all the child care, cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc etc......and your old man needs to step it up a notch and help out so you can have some quality "me/fitness" time.
  • dcarreno
    10 pm or 5 am just pick a time hop on the treadmill and look back at this question as a desparate cry for help..
  • MattArcade
    MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you! :)

    get your husband to help you out so you can train for an hour?

    It's awesome to see a man say this! ^^^^^^

    Try to work out 3x a week on the days you don't get up at 5am to shower. Instead get up at 5 and do a 40 min (or so) workout! Best of luck!
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    First thing I see- get up at 5. That's what time I get up, or even 5:30, you can fit in a good 30 minute work out before your shower