Weightloss... ambition... dreams.... life!

As I near my goal after losing 35 pounds, I've noticed a complete shift in my mental attitude. More and more avenues seem to be opening up for me... in terms of life... love... career... in terms of changing bad habits globally (not just in terms of exercise and nutrition). Change is difficult... but as I've discovered recently with MFP, it's by no means impossible. The formula for weight loss is simple... calories in, calories out... it's NOT EASY, but it's simple.

I'm curious... have the rest of you noticed a shift in attitude as you've found yourself conquering your struggles around excess weight and healthy eating? How has your life changes since you've begun your journey toward fitness?

Please share! I'm feeling inspired and I'd love to hear everyone else's inspirational tales.


  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    Its a life change not a diet.

    Where to start, yes.

    I have lost 10 inchs from my pants. Started size 42 now 32.

    You start to feel like a younger you. Feel great if start working out.
    Leaning how to eat, what to eat.

    calories in, calories out... it's NOT EASY, but it's simple.

    One day at a time. I just hit 199, so I am below 200 for the first time in a long time.
    5 to 10 more lbs to go.

  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    It's definitely changed for the better. In the course of a year, I have lost about 70 pounds (some before I signed up with MFP). And as stupid as it sounds, the thing that pops out at me the most is being able to climb Pixley Knob (on my bike). Pixley is a fairly steep hill on a bicycle route near where I live. One of the steepest around (even though kinda short really.) I had never successfully ridden to the top of the hill until this year. Always had to bail about a quarter of the way up and walk the bike up to the top. This year, I bagged it. It was exhilarating. Just doing that seemed to change a lot of other things in my life. I feel MUCH more positive about things. I know now that I can climb other hills, literally and figuratively. And that's not all. It's not just climbing the hill. It's the fun in preparing. It's the joy in the doing. Hill as metaphor. Hmm. I kinda like it.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Last night I was sitting and thinking, why did I start this? Why do I continue? What happens when I'm done? Why is this so important?

    I read an article in Runner's World about Ben Davis, this huge guy who had yo yo dieted and then finally found his place in running and has lost and kept off the weight. It was really inspiring, but they reminded me that the majority of people who lose weight gain it back. Like, almost all.

    I certainly like the way I look and feel, but this takes energy. Being healthy doesn't just happen. Ever heard of the Law of Thermodynamics? It's the best argument I have against evolution...but this isn't a post about evolution. The law basically says that things don't get better, they get worse, unless you put energy into them. Matter decomposes, given enough time, everything will wear out. Once my body reaches the optimal level I aspire to achieve, I have to continue putting energy into it in order to sustain that level.
    This has really made me look at people in a whole different way. I used to believe there were the "lucky" ones who had a great body and the "unlucky" ones that had to work and work for it and still don't. Totally false...there are people who take care of themselves, and there are people who do not. That's it.

    So I really needed to come up with that answer--why did I start this and what is going to be my motivation to continue? Because, probably, once I get my rockin body, well, I'm gonna get married and have kids and then it's going to start all over...
    I suddenly remembered someone from the Biggest Loser a few years ago. He said that he wanted to be able to do anything and not have his body be a limitation. That resonated with me then and it does now. Sure I will have to train if I desire to do an Ironman, but I want to have the ability to train for it. I don't want to be so obese though that I have no energy to do anything.

    So that's my long winded answer...I want control over my body. I want to feel strong and active and alive!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I have a complete change in myself. I am more active, I get down on the floor with my daughter and play, I am not embarrassed now if my husband sees me. I have more self confidence!!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i love your post! congratulations on your successes!!!

    i've found since beginning all of this (for the upteenth time, but for the first time with real results!) that not only am i 10 lbs lighter (yahooooooooooooooooo!!!!), but i'm more self-confident, i have way more energy, i'm stronger, i can feel and see muscles, and i'm just all around happier.
  • mmacintosh321
    mmacintosh321 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts, everybody!
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