Food Weirdness: What's Yours?



  • ravenmom
    ravenmom Posts: 6 Member

    Sliced bananas mixed with walnuts and mayo.

    GROSS! that's really weird!! Haha!

    I know it sounds gross doesn't it? My mom made it all the time, I don't eat it alot, but every once in a while for some weird reason, i crave it!
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    peanut butter and banana sandwiches :)
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Too funny, I thought I was the only person who ate picante or salsa with my biscuits and gravy. My husband thinks I will eat salsa on anything...Not true....but, I love it.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    So... after reading these I guess I'm relatively not picky. lol. But mine are:

    Hate microwave food (don't own a microwave, so no problem).
    Hate any meat "on the bone" (probably cause I was vegetarian for 3 years, and then only ate poultry and fish for another 10... since November 2010 I eat any organic meat).
    When I cook eggs, I have to pick out that little white spot that is attached to the yolk (I feel like it's the baby chick, but since most eggs aren't fertilized, I may just be crazy)...
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    hmmm i refuse to eat steak... wont even allow people to cook it inside if im around cause the smell makes me wanna vomit...

    wont eat hamburgers from a resturant... ( well except fast food...but i dont eat many of those these days) will only eat homemade BBQ ones that are burnt,,,,
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Most fruits (all tree fruit, bananas, mangoes, etc.) have to be crunchy for me to eat them. Once a banana is all yellow, I won't eat it.

    I put salsa on my mac and cheese.

    I eat my salad (in a bowl, never a plate) at the end of my meal, rather than at the beginning.

    On the rare occasion that I eat ramen, I crush all the noodles into teeny, tiny bits.

    I'll only drink milk if there's ice cubes in it.
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    Weird Combinations:
    Waffles with crunchy peanut butter and apple sauce
    Grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in ketchup (my old roommate used to make grilled cheese and put strawberry jam on it... never built the courage to try that- she now admits to adding bacon)

    Picky details:
    Will NOT eat eggs and have a glass a milk within a few hours
    Milk has to be super cold
    If food is hot it has to stay hot or I'll stop eating or run to warm it up in the microwave
    CANNOT stand the sound of people chewing!
    Can't eat raw broccoli but cooked is fine
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    I only drink from plastic or paper cups. when I go out to eat I ask for a togo cup. And if its a fancy restraunt and my hubby wont let me ask (or maybe they dont have togo cups) I MUST have a straw.
  • lhanks89
    lhanks89 Posts: 90 Member
    Lays Masterpiece BBQ Potato Chips and baby carrots. SO GOOD!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I put cayenne pepper, valentina, a lot of lime juice and salt on all my fruits, doritos, lays chips.... yeah that grosses my hubster out, lol!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Most fruits (all tree fruit, bananas, mangoes, etc.) have to be crunchy for me to eat them. Once a banana is all yellow, I won't eat it.

    I put salsa on my mac and cheese.

    I eat my salad (in a bowl, never a plate) at the end of my meal, rather than at the beginning.

    On the rare occasion that I eat ramen, I crush all the noodles into teeny, tiny bits.

    I'll only drink milk if there's ice cubes in it.

    Glad my family isnt the only one with a banana issue! We MUST find atleast half green bananas in order to buy them
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    This reminds me, a few years ago i was working at TGI fridays and one particularly slow shift my friend Marc decided he would take a poll and see if "category eaters' as he called them (have to eat one food entirely before moving onto the next) were also people who do not like their food touching. most of the time, it was the case! we also found a strong connection between anyone with a military background and this behavior (we lived right near an AFB).. obviously this could all be coincidence. but my husband does both of those things and he was Army.

    i am not picky about many things but if something is supposed to be cold it must be COLD and if it is supposed to be hot it better be HOT. No room temp for me. I like my fruit cold too. and i never eat ice cream "normally" i have to swirl it until its really smooth, like a thicker milkshake... it takes me forever to eat it.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    exit strategy.

    all about having that one last bite with the perfect balance of whatever is on my plate - like saving the biggest crumbles of blue cheese n bacon til the last bite of my salad, or the prettiest raspberries for my final bit of chocolate cake. and the middle bites of hamburgers are always last.

    I do this sometimes too! also my uncle got me and my sister eating popcorn with a side of mayo and mustard mixed together and we dipped our popcorn in it. (my husband thinks its gross) and I also eat my waffles with peanut butter. *yummy*
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I eat one thing at a time, usually in a clockwise motion around the plate. I don't mind if it touches another food slightly, but I definitely finish one item before I move on to another one. I will not put two foods in the same bite on my fork/spoon.
    I have to have the same number of bites on each side of my mouth, and I will count in my head and make sure the number of chews is an even number. Bites also must be the same size throughout the meal.
    I cannot stand the sight/smell/taste of bloody meat. If I order a steak or a burger, it has to be well done on the verge of burnt before I will consider eating it. And yes, I will cut it in half as soon as it comes to me to make sure there is no pink in the middle.
    If I eat eggs, they also have to be completely cooked, nothing runny.
    I LOVE burnt popcorn. The more buttery, the better.
    When eating a round food on a plate, I cut around the food clockwise and eat the edges first, then continue in a clockwise motion eating toward the middle. I don't do this with non-plated foods, like burgers or doughnuts.
    Bananas cannot be green or yellow. I like them brown, almost rotten.
    I don't like tomato slices on sandwiches, but will pull them off and eat them separately before eating the sandwich.
    I eat multicolored candy by color, in order of preference, saving the best for last.
    When eating Reese's peanut butter cups, I will nibble the ripple edges of the chocolate off, then peel off the rest of the chocolate and eat it, then eat the peanut butter center. Sometimes I'll save the pb centers and roll them all together in a ball to eat after first eating all the chocolate. There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's, right?
  • It drives me crazy when people talk with their mouth full, chew with there mouth open and make noises while they eat or drink, and I never say anything to them about that cuz it would be rude...I just breath deeply and deal...For myself, I am hyper vigilant about not doing any of these things...I am forever wiping my mouth...
  • I have some texture issues and a serious issue with soggyness!! No food can touch on my plate:)

    Nothing soggy, no oreos in milk, no chicken and dumings and I eat cereal weird. Milk goes in the bowl first then I eat it one layer at a time so nothing gets soggy:smile:
  • KLynnBear
    KLynnBear Posts: 16 Member
    I am a very picky eater.

    I NEVER, ever eat/drink: eggs, raw onions, any kind of stuffing, any game meats, cocunut milk, or pumpkin pie.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    Vegemite and cheese... on pancakes :)
    for all you people wh dont knwo what vegemite tastes like

    imagine a thick aus-jus sauce, with cheese, on pancakes :)
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    If I'm at home or at work (I'm alone during my shifts) I will eat just about anything with chopsticks that conceivably can be. It's probably for this reason and the fact that I'm a bit clumsy that I also overwhelmingly prefer bowls to plates. Lastly, I am not a sharer. I think because I count every last calorie, I want to get 'em all in and it drives me nuts when people (mostly my husband) want to try a bite. Get. Your. Own.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I did not come up with this, I was introduced to it by my future sister in law last Christmas when I offered her some left over candy canes.
    So, you take a sour whole pickle, slice a small hole on one side, take a candy cane, the original kind, break off the hook piece after you unwrap it, stick it in the pickle and wait for a minute or so. Bite right into it. The taste is shocking and unbalanced and just so wrong that it's right! I'm hooked on this. As soon as candy canes were at the stores I stocked up. It's just a crazy strong explosion of taste. Everyone should try it just for the heck of it.