Binge Drinking



  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Drinking was a main reason why I almost hit 200lbs. Once I had a high blood pressure scare, I scaled back quite a bit. My fiance and I would drink at least 3 beers a day, and probably 15 a night on the weekends. Since I've started my weight loss and healthier habits, we have cut back to 6 beers one night a week. I know it probably slows down my weight loss a bit, but I've been lucky to be losing consistently. I know it can be tough to cut it out completely, which I tried at first, and failed miserably at. I need my booze! I also started working out on the days I know I'm going to drink because drinking=food binging for me as well. I also switched to just water every other day. And I'm somewhat guilty of staying way under a day or two before we drink. Good luck, I know it can be tough when it;s so much fun :)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Definitely a problem! I only have one more semester of college so I'm hoping once I'm out of there it'll get better. I've been trying to limit myself to nights that are more special-- formals, etc but it doesn't always work. Hopefully, since I'm stopping drinking to prepare for Penn State's THON, there will be a noticeable difference to motivate me to stop drinking.
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Totally been there! So many empty calories in a good mixed drink or beer! I am now on anti-coagulants after having a pulomnary embolism. So, I have had to not binge drink at all. I have a 2 drink maximum these days, and I can tell my wieght is much easier to manage. And my cravings :)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just stop drinking altogether - no alcohol at all - NONE!
    And if you find that you are unable, maybe you're an alcoholic and should join AA or something.

    I used to drink much - loved getting drunk! When I decided to get fit, drinking was no longer in the cards. Now I have my glass of vino in the evening, and that's it.

    Again, just stop; it's that simple unless you are an alcoholic, then get help for yourself.


    Get real. Some of us ENJOY our cocktails, and want to find ways to fit them into our new lifestyle. There is NOTHING WRONG with Alcohol...................or any other food/drink we ingest.

    Getting fit means making positive changes in all does not mean GIVING UP things we enjoy.

    so, get off the high horse, and live a little.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member

    Being from Wisconsin, it's in my blood to binge drink :ohwell: Just found the group - thanks :smile:
    I would like an invite also! Weekend social gathering completely UN-Do everything I"ve done that week to try to lose !
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Oh the drinking is killing my diet!! I made myself the promise no more drinking weekend. I get soo stressed that I will have two or three beers at night after my daughter goes to bed.. What is the group you created>??
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    You are not alone out there. I just cannot put that bottle down. Monday thru Thrusday I'm good but soon as Friday hits it' all down hill from there until Monday again. Just need to break this cycle.
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    I totally agree w/ that
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Just stop drinking altogether - no alcohol at all - NONE!
    And if you find that you are unable, maybe you're an alcoholic and should join AA or something.

    I used to drink much - loved getting drunk! When I decided to get fit, drinking was no longer in the cards. Now I have my glass of vino in the evening, and that's it.

    Again, just stop; it's that simple unless you are an alcoholic, then get help for yourself.

    ^^ This to a point...and if you need some motivation to stop binge drinking, send me a message and I'll tell you how I just had to bury my 40 year old xhusband and father of my 2 children (ages 13 and 10). Social drinking...occassional drinking is one thing. But if you are "Binge" drinking...that's irresponsible and damaging. Before he died, his skin was translucent yellow (reminded me of looking at a bottle of yellow pine sol)...he spent two weeks on dialysis with the entry point through his neck...which they ultimately decided to sedate him for because it was so uncomfortable...and he never woke again after being sedated. Try explaining how something so controllable and by choice took their father to preteen children!
  • athensguy
    Just stop drinking altogether - no alcohol at all - NONE!
    And if you find that you are unable, maybe you're an alcoholic and should join AA or something.

    I used to drink much - loved getting drunk! When I decided to get fit, drinking was no longer in the cards. Now I have my glass of vino in the evening, and that's it.

    Again, just stop; it's that simple unless you are an alcoholic, then get help for yourself.


    Get real. Some of us ENJOY our cocktails, and want to find ways to fit them into our new lifestyle. There is NOTHING WRONG with Alcohol...................or any other food/drink we ingest.

    Getting fit means making positive changes in all does not mean GIVING UP things we enjoy.

    so, get off the high horse, and live a little.

    I don't understand why my post was deleted, but I agree with your post.
  • lttlelille
    I'm sooo glad other people understand the struggle as well. it's so frustrating
  • KerstZab
    KerstZab Posts: 7 Member
    If you have room for one more, I too would like to join your group. My career includes going to many dinner and after hour events that are killing me slowly. It also makes it hard to want to get up and work out in the morning!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I'm glad to know others have this problem.
    I'm a full time teacher and a parttime bartender.....ironic, I know...but teacher's don't make nearly as much as they should and I need the extra income.
    I binge drink on the weekends...It's part of my social networking. And, it's the only thing to do in a small town like the one I live in. I'm also a very fussy drinker and will only drink beer. I'm not a cosmo kind of girl...I guess growing up in a farming community does that to a person.
    I've really tried cutting back on how often and how much I drink, but sometimes, I just have to give into the social aspect of drinking and go all out. I too, pay dearly for it for the next few weeks. Lately, with the holidays being here, it seems like I've been out every weekend after I've gotten off shift. My weight has not dropped an ounce because of it. Hopefully, once the holidays are over, I can get back into routine of going home after work.
    Even though the scale isn't moving because of my alcohol consumption, I still keep working out because it helps me keep the extra poundage away.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    frick...double post
  • chakson
    I was also addicted and in much worst condition (pot belly ) I decided to quit drinking But i was not willing to join AA ( although it was a nice option ) but finally i decide to take big step by setting goal of not to drink for 1 month but i failed miserably but a friend adviced me on setting short term goal and i succeeded in it and now I am a non alcoholic but still the pot belly is there ;) and i need to work on that issue. you could check the quit drinking method given in this website
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    Just stop drinking altogether - no alcohol at all - NONE!
    And if you find that you are unable, maybe you're an alcoholic and should join AA or something.

    I used to drink much - loved getting drunk! When I decided to get fit, drinking was no longer in the cards. Now I have my glass of vino in the evening, and that's it.

    Again, just stop; it's that simple unless you are an alcoholic, then get help for yourself.
    I was wondering this. Normally, I have a glass of wine every evening, but haven't been losing weight anymore, so I've decided to try to stop that and I gotta say, it was the best part of my day and I miss it. Are you saying you've continued this habit and kept losing?? (please, please, please)
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    can I join the group please?