Housecleaning cheats???



  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I found this on stumbleupon recently...I've used a lot of the lists
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've stolen some ideas from Lots of good stuff there, but here are my personal highlights:

    Keep the kitchen sink "shiny." For me, that means running the dishwasher as soon as it's full, emptying it when it's done, and doing the handwashables once a day. Keeps the dishes from piling up.

    "Hot spot" drills. You know those places where junk seems to accumulate. Set the timer for 2 minutes and tackle one. Clear off as much as you can before the timer goes off. Do it again later for a different spot.

    Somebody else mentioned setting the timer for 15 minutes and just cleaning. It works.

    "Commercial cleaning." You're tired, all you want to do at the day's end is watch tv. That's fine. So during the commercials, you clean, and when your show comes back on, you sit and watch.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Try this one!
    I put on some music and dance while I am cleaning.
    I have this apron where I can slip my cleaners - kitchen, bathroom and general cleaner and pockets for rags for specific purposes.
    I do not need to run around fetching stuff, and I get in some cardio in the process.

    I start top to bottom - high dusting, then move to surfaces down to floors.
    I clean our bottom floor in an hour, and it looks like Merry Maids was there.
  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    I just got a different version of the Rubbermaid Reveal Mop. Its like the swiffer wet mop, except it has a reusable microfiber cloth and it has a bottle to where you can use your favorite cleaner instead of using the swiffer which is expensive when you replace the liquid and the sheets.
    So to the microfiber cloth picks up waayyy better then a swiffer or any other mop. And they are reusable.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I am a flybaby. I love having my very short list everyday that I do, and by the end of the month the whole house is done top to bottom.

    As they say, it doesn't get dirty overnight, so it won't get clean overnight. But if you follow the steps, you will also have a cleaner house, but a more organized house as well.

    Time it! (15 mins does the trick) If you go fast, you won't believe how much you can get done, heck, might even work up a sweat.

    Little projects - Don't redo whole closet now if your bedroom is still a mess. If you can't put it away in one day, don't take it all out or you will end up with more of a mess.

    Clean your shower walls while you are taking a shower and your conditioner is doing its stuff. Spray your shower down, go do something, then take your shower. While in there, wash down your walls. Then next time, do the tub part of it. Looks wierd, but works well. I don't do comet because it is an abrasive and will mess up da tub.

    I am also a huge user of my steamer. Fill it, turn it on, steam it, wipe it, done.

    And while I always reboot laundry, I don't always shine my sink. (flybabies will understand)

    Good luck - it ain't easy to start a method that works for you.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Vacuum only where people can see....:laugh:

    Honestly, the best thing I ever did for myself was to lower my standards. I am not filthy or gross, but I feel there are more important things in life than having a perfect house. I try to vacuum& dust once per week, clean the bathroom likewise. Keeping the clutter to a minimun goes a long way to making the house look okay even if there's a little dust. Every once in awhile, I do a deep cleaning of the carpets, wash windows, mop/wax floors, but I try to resist doing it too often. :wink:


    But for the love of all that's NOT open any of our closet doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Buy a ROOMBA. Seriously. It's amazing & I love it. Get it from Hammacher Schlemmer. They have a lifetime guarantee & I've had 4 for one price. I'll probably end up with at least that many more. It's guaranteed to not wear out. When it quits, I send it back & they send me a new one.

    My 5 y.o. daughter vaccumes. She sets it in the room, pushes the button & goes to play while it spins around picking up dirt.

    Don't bother with the Scooba. Seriously not worth the money - unless they've done great upgrades in the last 2 yrs.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member