Lose Skin after 60 Ibs and going



  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I would say your belly looks pretty good! I have the same worry I know I am far from being done but when I hit that 100 down marker my belly will be the same I have done some research on this. Please don't ever worry about a guy over this!

    This is one that made me feel a bit better.....


    But this one was I felt more informative! Hope this helps!

  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I would say your belly looks pretty good! I have the same worry I know I am far from being done but when I hit that 100 down marker my belly will be the same I have done some research on this. Please don't ever worry about a guy over this!

    This is one that made me feel a bit better.....


    But this one was I felt more informative! Hope this helps!

  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    First off, your stomach does not look that bad, you are correct that you are your own worst critic. Keep up the hard work, just remember that you have to lose it slower and work out to help with the elasticity of your skin.

    Second, screw the ex boyfriend, what an *kitten*. I can understand you being self-conscious after what the ex said to you, but you have to give the new guy a chance. If he feels the same, then he is an *kitten* too and better to find that out now than down the road. But you might just be lucky enough to have found a guy that loves you for you and will be supportive of your weight loss and what you are trying to do instead of making you feel bad. My guess, if you were smaller than the ex, he was trying to sabotage you.

    Hold that held up and be proud of what you have accomplished.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Okay first off.. Your boyfriend is suppose to love you good or bad not for what you look like or your body looks like. He's shallow on that for sure. I've been in the medical field for many years, and it's a proven fact that it can take up to 2 years for the skin to retract to the muscle and dermis. YES 2 years.. I've seen it in women in their 60's and men as well. It can and does happen. Alot depends on the length of time your skin has been stretched out, how extensive the stretch was for that length of time. We always told our patients to make sure and use plenty of lotion it helps the skin's elasticity if it is not dry. Needs to be moist.
    Big thing here, GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. You have made a major achievement in losing this weight. Pat yourself on the back girl and be proud of what you have done.. You got this don't worry. Keep going strong and don't let a shallow man's opinion hold you back and make you feel inferior... GOOD JOB GIRL...
  • MelissaCristal
    You know my brother lost around the same amount of weight as you I think he may have lost even more and his stomach looked just like that!! but guess what? he runs 2 miles a day, does 80 push ups and 120 situp a day and his stomach has tightened up sooooo muchhhh!! You dont need surgery just a partner to do this everyday with! add me and I'll be more than happy to do this with you!
  • hedwighigh
    Thank you guys so much.
    I hope I don't look stupid for posting this. I didn't mean to make to seem worse than it was.
    That's just how I saw it in my head.

    I feel so much better though.
    It was just really frustrating to hear that from a doctor after you work so hard to one day get into bikinis.

    I guess from here on I need to work on confidence while I finish up the weight loss and work on maintenance.
    I feel like my boyfriend would find my lack of confidence much more frustrating than my stomach.
    I'll work on my attitude about myself now.
  • laurabarrett79
    laurabarrett79 Posts: 39 Member
    Girl you look great! I'm about 10 lbs away from my goal weight and one year post-baby delivery. I have very lose cottage cheesy skin that I am self-concious about :) Your tummy looks fine and is nice and smooth! I too would like to firm up my belly and extra skin and was told recently by a certified nutritionist that the key is cardio, cardio, cardio, and watching calories. Sounds simple, right? :tongue: Also, you're young and just recent from losing a lot of weight, so the firming up of your skin isn't going to happen overnight! At this age please don't stress out about surgery or shallow boyfriend(s). You need a little boost in your confidence and know that you look fantastic!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I would kill to have a stomach like yours. I weigh around 120 lbs., wear a size 4, and have never had kids but my lower abdomen looks like that of someone who weighs about 250 lbs. and has had 4 C-sections -- and that's no exaggeration. Doctors are baffled as to why my stomach looks the way it does -- bad genes I guess. I'm the perfect candidate for a tummy tuck (healthy, thin, pretty much ALL of the excess fat in my entire body is concentrated in one area) but I'm a wimp when it comes to pain and I can't afford the surgery. I've learned to live with it, wear control top undies, and fortunately hubby doesn't mind. :-)
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    Ok 1st of all your ex is stupid... no one should make you feel crapy like that! you are beautiful! 2nd you look amazing ! 3rd I wish my stomach looked that good!!!
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    I just got a groupon the other day that offered a special massage that focuses on restoring the elasticity to loose skin and removing toxins from the body...
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Your stomach doesn't look that bad, I have lost all my weight in the last 11 months and have the same issue. I can't speak for all guys, but that wouldn't bother me. My wife has lost 120 lbs in the same 11 months she has some loose skin, her loose skin bothers her more than me and my loose skin bothers me more than it bothers her. Within the last 3 months I have started working out with a personal trainer to help with the loose skin and improve my strength and core. It has helped, I honestly wouldn't listen to your doctor abou the skin, many factors go into the bounce back of your skin. You look pretty young, you have that going for you. Drink lots of water which what Ihave been told helps a little. You have very minimal loose skin and your young. You look great, don't let anyone tell you differently. I actually went out and bought a Mirdle, I look about 15 lbs lighter with it. I am estimating I have about 20-25 lbs of loose skin. One day when I build up enough courage I will post pics. Kudos to you for posting pics. You have done a great job. My wife was in a depressed mood one night so I shaved circles around my nipples and a nose on my chest and the loose skin area was my mouth. She didn't see it at first and said, "Why did you shave a PEN!S on your chest?". I guess if I put a cigarrette in my belly button she might have got the joke and laughed.
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Wow, your ex broke up with you because your stomach wasn't attractive?? What an *kitten*... I have a feeling that because of that situation, it's caused you to become self conscious about your stomach.. If not, even more self conscious about it. I honestly don't think it looks as bad as you make it out to be.

    Whatever your stomach looks like, it's YOUR stomach. It's the center of some wonderful memories. The laughter you've shared, the wonderful yummy dinners you've eaten, the butterflies you've felt for someone, the children you have carried (if you have kids that is).. I have stretch marks all over mine, and I know those won't go away. So I've learned to love my stomach for what it is.

    Remember, confidence is sexy. Confidence is what makes you attractive. It's more about what's on the inside than what's on the outside!

    But keep working out! Keep building your confidence. Something always seems bad until you see or read about someone who has it worse than you.

    Hope that helped! :)
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Believe the MFP posts -- you should not be stressing on your mid-section appearance. You are doing amazing!

    Your post took me down memory lane . . .

    By the time I was your age, I had lost 130 pounds. (At age 15, I weighed 250 pounds.) I was always self-conscious about my loose skin, but my victorious weight loss was a reminder to not sweat the small stuff. (With clothes, my stomach looked flat, but I had a loose 2" flap of skin - "apron." (While laying down on my back, my stomach looked completely flat.) I became a fashionista and learned all the tricks to conceal the flab.

    When I was in my late 20s, I had a tummy tuck (along with a breast reduction and lift). Unfortunately, in 1989, I packed on some serious weight after losing my baby sister. By age 35, I weighed 190 pounds. In 1992, in a desparate attempt to save my marriage, I lost 60 pounds.*

    In 1995, I was back up to 200 pounds (more family deaths). By age 50, financial and family stress added another 50 pounds. Six months ago, via web surfing, I found MFP -- MFP was my lifesaver. Nine months ago, I started a walking program but wasn't seeing any significant progress. After joining MFP, the weight started dropping off. It's true about weight loss being harder to do as we get older. (The mind is willing, but the body reminds us that we're no longer the spring chickens we once were -- exercising is not as easy as it once was.)

    Bottom Line: Loose skin is inevitable. Learn to live with the loose skin or have surgery and deal with the scars.

    One thing they don't tell you after having a tummy tuck: Because fat cells are removed along with the extra belly skin, if you gain weight, the extra fat will be more prominent in areas other than your stomach. For me, my upper arms got huge. (I am saving for brachioplasty surgery after I reach my goal weight because no amount of exercise is going to get rid of these bat wings!)

    I remember vacationing in the Carribean when I was 23 years old. My thighs were in the best shape ever but still were a wee jiggly. One evening, after completing a three-mile run, my very fit and handsome boyfriend convinced me to stay in my running shorts before taking a tour through the town square. I was shy, but he reassured me that I looked beautiful. We were walking hand-in-hand when a teenage girl slowly approached, rudely staring at my thighs in disbelief. My boyfriend stopped to ask her if something was wrong with her eyes as he placed his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him and planting a kiss on my cheek. The girl was visibly flustered. I felt so loved and protected. I will never forget that moment.

    *I had no idea that my thin husband, 1979-1992, was prejudiced against fat people. I never asked and he never told me. He met me when I was 103 pounds and had told me that he thought I was too skinny and would look better with a few extra pounds. He was pleased with my weight at 125-130 pounds. In 1991, AFTER gaining 70 pounds, reaching the 200 mark, he confessed that he was repulsed by my fat body and that he HATED fat people. Before that incident, I never noticed how he avoided being seen with me in public -- never walking by my side, always lagging behind, pretending to be "involved" in something. I guess I was being selectively ignorant. Well, I woke up and divorced him (1992). Ironically, he now has weight issues and his present (and much older) wife lives in fear of gaining weight because of how he treated me.

    I share my story in hope that it will be used as a life lesson, for guidance. Life is unpredictable. Losing weight is such hard work and there will be times when life tosses you some really hard knocks. Deal with them, don't drown yourself in food. Don't build walls of fat to protect yourself.. We are no different than people who fall back on old addictions. We kid ourselves when we think we're not hurting ourselves ( . . . "at least I'm not an alcoholic . . . a drug addict . . . a cutter . . . . etc.) My oldest brother is dying and I am preparing myself -- I will not go back to hiding in a shell. I will move forward as he would want.

    I am 57 years old and have learned that people of substance do not demean others, no matter the age. If you are truly concerned about being rejected because of your loose skin, be up front about it -- from the get go -- before becoming emotionally invested in a relationship. In other words, weed out the "Shallow Hals" to save yourself some sorrow.

    I believe that people who have weight issues should discuss this with would-be partners, early on. Our egos may get bruised should there be rejection, but time heals all wounds. Be patient. There are still some real sweet hearts out there . . . .
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    First I want to punch ur ex in his ****ing ****. You are beautiful!! I've lost 146 lbs and my stomach is waayyy worse than that!! And my bf says I'm beautiful. If he said otherwise id punch him in HIS ****. I guess I'm violent huh? Lol. Don't stress with the new beau. If he loves you it won't matter. Continue to work out and if YOU really want it there is always plastics. Just don't do it for some dumb *kitten* guy.
  • drisner
    drisner Posts: 13 Member
    As a guy, I would say your stomach looks good.

    I would also point out that most guys are much more into what's above and below the stomach than the stomach area itself. :-)
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    As a guy, I would say your stomach looks good.

    I would also point out that most guys are much more into what's above and below the stomach than the stomach area itself. :-)

    lmao ^^ so true

    To the OP: you really have a great tummy, especially considering how much you've lost. I bet once you reach your goal weight, it'll get even better. It's really something that's so common among all of us who've lost significant amounts of weight. It's kind of like you're in a club and it's your badge of honor. No, I don't blame you for being self-conscious about it, but try to let the words of all these posters sink in. It's not nearly as bad as you seem to think it is. And if your current bf knows that you've lost a lot of weight, he *should* be understanding and loving about it. If he ends up being as much of an a-hole as the last piece of work you dated, you should A. ask him if he wants you to gain back the weight you've lost to fill it out again or....well, really just B. break up with him.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Your ex is an *kitten*. He was doing you a service when he tried breaking up with you over this.
    I would trade my tummy for yours in a heart beat.
    I read it takes about a year after you are at your goal weigth (maintenance) for your skin to snap back to where it will remain.

    Congrats on your journey :0) :flowerforyou:
  • hedwighigh
    Well, I told my boyfriend a short summary of what the doctor told me.

    I said that the stomach shape is lose skin that I think it may improve but the shape will probably always be there until I get surgery.

    I mentioned that I didn't want surgery since the only people that will be seeing my stomach should just be me and him.

    He agreed that he didn't want me having surgery or anything like that. He's not very good at expressing his feelings but I can tell with him that he would think I was insane for going through surgery.

    I told him that it doesn't make sense for me to care about it if he doesn't care.

    He laughed and agreed with me.
    As a side note I have not shown him my stomach but I told him that it's not that bad from the viewpoint of friends (I'm not ready just yet to mention that I put up pics on the interwebz. lol)

    I think he's a keeper y'all :)