Laser hair removal experiences.

Hey guys,

I'm getting IPL tomorrow (not sure how this is different from an actual laser?) done on my chin/under chin, and wondered what kind of experiences you guys have had? I got a groupon I couldn't pass up, and I'm both nervous/excited! The gal at the office said they put a cooling gel on first, and most people experience very little discomfort.

I have a tendency to freak myself out, and all this is really just nerves, since I've never had it done before. I struggled with PCOS and my hormones seem to be kind of back to normal, and to be honest, I'm tired of shaving the *kitten* every day. :P

Just wanted to get your two cents on what your experience was like!


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I got the actual laser, felt like getting snapped with a rubber band.....on my legs and under arms (ouch) haven't shaved in years! Took 6 treatments for me....
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    What is IPL?

    My facial hair is threaded and it last a long time for me.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I do this too because of PCOS -- but, that's also the reason you can't get a "guarantee".
    It does help A LOT ---but its never perfect. I watch all my groupons/daily grommet/living social etc. for deals and buy one whenever I see and just go again.

    My sister recently bought that little home laser and she loves it --- I'm going to give it a try.

    YAY PCOS is so fun! /sarcasm :)
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'm getting IPL tomorrow (not sure how this is different from an actual laser?) done on my chin/under chin, and wondered what kind of experiences you guys have had? I got a groupon I couldn't pass up, and I'm both nervous/excited! The gal at the office said they put a cooling gel on first, and most people experience very little discomfort.

    I have a tendency to freak myself out, and all this is really just nerves, since I've never had it done before. I struggled with PCOS and my hormones seem to be kind of back to normal, and to be honest, I'm tired of shaving the *kitten* every day. :P

    Just wanted to get your two cents on what your experience was like!

    Hi! I'm having laser done with the gentleLASE which, I think, IS different from an IPL, but, cannot say for sure. I am having my underarms, arms, full legs, and abdomen done (something I've always wanted to get done and finally saved up for). I have had great results so far. I'm about 5 treatments in all over and, as of now, I don't shave my underarms between treatments at all. I can shave my legs approx once a week (was daily, or twice daily, previously). The hair on my arms is so fine that it's not noticeable, and there's absolutely nothing on the abdomen. As far as facialy hair, I can't speak to that with the laser, tho I've heard positive stories. I have had electrolysis done on facial hair with extremely excellent results. As far as the pain of the laser, that depends on the area. The bony areas seem to hurt the most. Fleshier areas are only slightly uncomfortable. It feels like a pinch or a rubber band snap and is over quickly. Applying pressure to the area right after helps (the girls do this on the bony areas - could ask if you find it hurts). The good thing about the facial area is that it's small and should not require much time. I experience red bumpy areas right after treatment but typically subsides within a few hours or a day. The reaction has improved so far with each treatment.

    Hope this helps. If you want to know more, or have any specific questions, feel free to PM me! :) GOOD LUCK!
  • sunshinekind
    I'd be interested to know other's experiences also. I've never had it done, but if I come into the money to afford it, I would absolutely consider it.
  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    Stands for Intense Pulsed Light.

    The groupon was six sessions for $99. I bought two! Lol.

    I'm pretty excited, like I said. It'd be nice to have this be an actual option and have it work. Just nervous!
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I did laser on my bikini line- i agree witht eh above poster- does feel like a snapping rubber band- BEST THING I EVER DID!!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    My girlfriend has had two laser treatments on her facial hair. She actually said it's the worst pain she ever experienced in her life. However, she had full and thick male facial hair. The darker and thicker the hair the more painful supposedly. I don't think you'll have as hard of a time with it.
  • highland_sky
    highland_sky Posts: 27 Member
    I have blond hair, so just know that if you have any hair that is on the light side, the treatment may not get rid of those. I had a total of 10 underarm treatments and still have to shave some. Much better than before, but not 100%.
  • y_53kg
    y_53kg Posts: 35
    I'm actually considering that.
    Would love to read about others experiences... so bump.
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    I have had laser on my legs, full bikini, under arms, and on my chin- I had a small number of hairs that grew in black and grew in sideways- so they were painful and gave the impression of me always having an angry pimple on my chin. My sister shares this joy and has also had it done.

    My only regret is that I didnt do it sooner.

    I havent shaved my under arms since january. My legs and bikini have another session in january- but its been just amazing. My bikini wil have a total of 7 treatments, where the rest of me was done with six treatments. The first sessiom isnt uncomfortable- they do increase the intensity as you progress- the last session I had on my bikini was down right uncomfortable. But not something I couldnt sit thru. The hair folicle freezes, and the hair in it drops out- which was sort of weird on a large scale - like bikini or legs. And each session should kill off about 20% of the hair folicles- so while everything may fall out- some will grow back. And after each session- less grows back.

    I did not experience any burning or anything- and in all honestly- I only wish I did this years ago- but I couldnt afford it years ago...

    Feel free to message me if you want any more details. But really- good for you. I cant imagine having to suffer with what youre going thru- laser should rock your world!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I'm currently on my 4th out of 7 sessions. Doin' my under arms and bikini. Hurts like hell. The darker and thicker your hair is the better your results BUT the more it hurts. This is because the laser targets pigment. Darker hair=more pigment. Thicker hair=more surface area for the laser. I am loving the results but wish it didn't hurt so bad. I tried lidocaine cream prior and it did absolutely nothing for the pain. My lady that does it says "Yeah, I don't know why they advertise this stuff as pain free". Good luck!
  • OneFitMom_
    OneFitMom_ Posts: 151 Member
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I had 6 laser treatments on my underarms (also a Groupon!). It hurt - a lot - but the pain is so temporary and SO worth it. Felt like rubber bands snapping against my skin. (like others have said.) The cooling gel helps, and it also helps if you take a pain reliever shortly beforehand.

    I had great results. I still have to shave a couple stray hairs once in a while (I think personally I needed one or two more sessions but wasn't willing to pay for it), but for the most part it's wonderful!!! I just bought another Groupon to get my bikini line done.

    Good luck, and enjoy! :)
  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    The little form claims that it's very minimal discomfort. I guess they put this cold gel straight out of the fridge on the area, then just go to town. It's nervous excitement! I can't imagine not having to shave under my chin every single day. I think for me, it's the 'what to expect' deal. Like when I go to the doctor, it's the same thing. I'm not a big wuss by any means, I think I just dread the 'unknown.' lol. Silly.
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    I did laser on my bikini line- i agree witht eh above poster- does feel like a snapping rubber band- BEST THING I EVER DID!!!

    ^^^ Me too!! Not painful, slight discomfort but that's about it - did use emla creamwhich is lidocaine I believe.
  • rush2875
    I havent done it but want to...
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I had full face and armpits done at one place. I don't think the lady had it turned up enough because it didn't hurt at all for the first 4 of 5 treatments. Then she told me I should buy another package. It should hurt since it's killing cells! I went to a different place for full legs (5 times), bikini (5 times), and 2 more rounds of armpits (10 times) and had limited success.. the hair is finer and there is less of it but it is by no means fully gone. I usually shave once a week in the winter and twice in the summer. I started getting electrolysis done on my face about a year ago. It is more expensive and takes a while (I usually go every three weeks) but I am extremely satisfied with the results. When we are done with my face I am going to have her finish the hair that is left in my arm pits but probably stop there as it is cost prohibitive after that..
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    No one seems to have mentioned this part, but how long is each session? I've always struggled with being a little extra hairy, and I might consider it for the future.
  • JulieBoBoo
    actual laser for me .. hurt like hell but was TOTALLY worth it. Only downside is that it doesn't get rid of white hairs. Wish I'd done it 20 years ago.