fake boobs...



  • therenegadeangel
    therenegadeangel Posts: 36 Member
    I'd rather have no boobs at all then fill my chest with silicone bags. That's just stupid and...fake. And they're really not breasts at all, just some bags in your chest. I dunno, I just really don't understand it. Haven't they found another way to increase breast size? This can't be the only way, I mean seriously, lol.

    its not stupid and we arent fake. thats like saying someone that has a stint in their heart is fake. i have silicone implants and im not a robot for Gods sake. they are under my chest muscles. no one would even know i have implants because they arent outrageously huge....ACTUALLY they are small er than my natural boobs before i lost all my weight. when you lose a lot of weight boobs usually go first. i dont think its fair for you to say its 'stupid...and fake.' hopefully, for you, you never need anything in your body...we wouldnt want you to be fake,.

    I never said YOU were fake, but obviously, the breasts are. Or do you wanna argue that too? I'm not referring to people who lost weight and are left with breast issues, I'm really referring to those who get them for attention, or to try and repair their confidence or whatever their reasoning is. We're not discussing knee implants, that's something you actually need. Bigger breasts isn't a need, so the last statement is pretty irrelevant. If you're comfortable with your choices there's no need to get overly offended by someones opinion.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I never said YOU were fake, but obviously, the breasts are. Or do you wanna argue that too? I'm not referring to people who lost weight and are left with breast issues, I'm really referring to those who get them for attention, or to try and repair their confidence or whatever their reasoning is. We're not discussing knee implants, that's something you actually need. Bigger breasts isn't a need, so the last statement is pretty irrelevant. If you're comfortable with your choices there's no need to get overly offended by someones opinion.

    Does it matter what's fake or not? Do you feel the same about hair extensions? Lash extensions? Makeup? I mean everything a woman uses to beautify is something "fake" and no one should really give two half ****s about her being fake or not. It's none of anyone's damn business projecting their feelings or personal biases on the girl if any additive makes her feel better.

  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'd rather have no boobs at all then fill my chest with silicone bags. That's just stupid and...fake. And they're really not breasts at all, just some bags in your chest. I dunno, I just really don't understand it. Haven't they found another way to increase breast size? This can't be the only way, I mean seriously, lol.

    its not stupid and we arent fake. thats like saying someone that has a stint in their heart is fake. i have silicone implants and im not a robot for Gods sake. they are under my chest muscles. no one would even know i have implants because they arent outrageously huge....ACTUALLY they are small er than my natural boobs before i lost all my weight. when you lose a lot of weight boobs usually go first. i dont think its fair for you to say its 'stupid...and fake.' hopefully, for you, you never need anything in your body...we wouldnt want you to be fake,.

    I never said YOU were fake, but obviously, the breasts are. Or do you wanna argue that too? I'm not referring to people who lost weight and are left with breast issues, I'm really referring to those who get them for attention, or to try and repair their confidence or whatever their reasoning is. We're not discussing knee implants, that's something you actually need. Bigger breasts isn't a need, so the last statement is pretty irrelevant. If you're comfortable with your choices there's no need to get overly offended by someones opinion.

    Do you color your hair, wear make-up, get pedicures, wear padded bras, any of those things? While none of these are as permanent as getting an augmentation, it is still paying money to alter your "natural" self to look better. Your post is insulting those women who have made this choice. The word "stupid" cannot be deemed as anything other than insulting. Perhaps a different choice of wording next time will get your point of view across without causing others to be insulted.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Two of my aunts have them done. The only reason I would want to get mine done is to make them perky (mine are already big enough!) But I think there are other procedures without implants that could do that for me :D
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I never said YOU were fake, but obviously, the breasts are. Or do you wanna argue that too? I'm not referring to people who lost weight and are left with breast issues, I'm really referring to those who get them for attention, or to try and repair their confidence or whatever their reasoning is. We're not discussing knee implants, that's something you actually need. Bigger breasts isn't a need, so the last statement is pretty irrelevant. If you're comfortable with your choices there's no need to get overly offended by someones opinion.

    Does it matter what's fake or not? Do you feel the same about hair extensions? Lash extensions? Makeup? I mean everything a woman uses to beautify is something "fake" and no one should really give two half ****s about her being fake or not. It's none of anyone's damn business projecting their feelings or personal biases on the girl if any additive makes her feel better.


    D@mn, you beat me to it. :wink:
  • Galletakek
    Do you color your hair, wear make-up, get pedicures, wear padded bras, any of those things? While none of these are as permanent as getting an augmentation, it is still paying money to alter your "natural" self to look better. Your post is insulting those women who have made this choice. The word "stupid" cannot be deemed as anything other than insulting. Perhaps a different choice of wording next time will get your point of view across without causing others to be insulted.

    <3!!! love you :) I don't think anyone could have said it better cweiss14 :D - xoxo
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses

    D@mn, you beat me to it. :wink:

    Great minds :laugh:
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I'd rather have no boobs at all then fill my chest with silicone bags. That's just stupid and...fake. And they're really not breasts at all, just some bags in your chest. I dunno, I just really don't understand it. Haven't they found another way to increase breast size? This can't be the only way, I mean seriously, lol.

    its not stupid and we arent fake. thats like saying someone that has a stint in their heart is fake. i have silicone implants and im not a robot for Gods sake. they are under my chest muscles. no one would even know i have implants because they arent outrageously huge....ACTUALLY they are small er than my natural boobs before i lost all my weight. when you lose a lot of weight boobs usually go first. i dont think its fair for you to say its 'stupid...and fake.' hopefully, for you, you never need anything in your body...we wouldnt want you to be fake,.

    I never said YOU were fake, but obviously, the breasts are. Or do you wanna argue that too? I'm not referring to people who lost weight and are left with breast issues, I'm really referring to those who get them for attention, or to try and repair their confidence or whatever their reasoning is. We're not discussing knee implants, that's something you actually need. Bigger breasts isn't a need, so the last statement is pretty irrelevant. If you're comfortable with your choices there's no need to get overly offended by someones opinion.

    actually my breast are still real. thats my skin and my breast tissue and even my nipples that my husband grabs ahold of...under the muscle is a little bag filled with some gel. woopty doo.....
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm getting boobie implants when I reach my goal weight! idc what anybody says!
    Live fast,die young!:smokin:
  • CharityEaton
    I have a few friends with boob jobs....they all chose to go with a fairly reasonable size..nothing too large! They look beautiful and they are happy! I also have a friend who just finished her treatments for breast cancer and is getting her implants very soon.
    I think it is one of those things that women do to feel confident and beautiful We all want our "youthful" boobs back. Having kids, weight loss/gain changes all of that and it's a personal preference. Nothing to be judgemental about. Just like wearing make-up or having tatoos.... Who cares. They're just boobs. I personally don't want implants but I would LOVE to have them back where they belong....I've even thought of a breast reduction....having big boobs is not a fun thing all the time.....they don't fit in anything. Buying larger shirt to fit the boobs in but the sleeves are too long and the shoulders fall down all the time....it sucks but I like my natural boobs and I don't have anything against women that have implants.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    wow - love how this post caught on fire a bit. and i'm impressed i've been razed so little over my missing zeros on the first post. :blushing:

    just to chime in, i don't really know how i feel about the whole fake boob movement. i like my own fine, but give me another 15 or 20 years - i reserve the right to change my mind! i don't think that cosmetic surgery in itself if that big of a deal - i think it's when people become *so* obsessed with it that they seem more plastic than organic matter that is the scary issue.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Nothing wrong with breast implants in my opinion. If a woman can afford them and it helps her feel better then go for it! Some women gain a lot of weight while pregnant and lose it and are left with a lot of extra skin. To fill them out isn't a bad thing - I can totally understand that :) To each his or her own :)
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    For me it was the best money I ever spent, I could not imagine life without them now. Everyone has their opinion, and I think if you can make a small change like that to fell 100% better about your body image and gain some confidence, then why not it is your life :)