Working Third Shifts

So I finally got a new job, yay! Unfortunately the only shift they had available was thirds, that is 11pm-7am. Which sucks! I've become a morning person, and I'm not to sure how I'm going to cope. But, it's a job, and I need a job. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else works night shifts and how it effects their diets/workouts. I know I'm going to struggle fitting a workout into my schedule with trying to do everything else and sleep well. Also, how do you log your food? Since MFP automatically changes the day at midnight. I mean I know I can go back, but it still doesn't do the nifty, "Eve completed her food and exercise diary for..." which sucks.

Also, any suggestions for adapting to the new sleep schedule would be greatly appreciated!! I feel like I'm finally getting into a groove with my workouts and meals again, now I'm going to screw it up! Ugh, but you do what you gotta.


  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    There was a night shift thread but I think it got locked. I personally take about 30-60min before shift to coom and assemble my meals before work. I sleep whenever I can. Also you can change the names of your meals if it throws you off to see breakfast, lunch and dinner up there.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've worked third shift for years. I workout in the morning after getting off work, take melatonin after the workout to help me sleep, and I sleep 7-8 hours during "banker's hours." It sucks at first, but after a while, your body get used to working a totally f*cked up schedule, lol.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    I've heard a lot of people talking about taking melatonin. I sometimes take a sleeping pill, but I don't like doing it. Does the melatonin really help? Does it make you feel groggy when you get up? Or is it just easier to fall asleep?
  • nlouviere
    I also work graveyard shift.. melatonin is awesome, 1st because its a natural supplemnent; and secondly it gives u a nice.easy sleep and u wake up refreshed and not groggy. I count my calories from the time i wake up till the time i go back to sleep. For instance on my working days i wake up around 5pm.. so my calories start there and after working all night i probaly go to sleep around 9, so thats the cut off for the calories and restart upon waking again. I usually exercise before i go to sleep after work or just get it in on my off days.
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 109 Member
    I work night shifts at Target part time, and I actually use it as my workout, because for eight hours I'm doing nothing but lifting boxes and stocking shelves. The weight is generally lighter (under 50lbs) but you do that say a thousand or two times and you start to get stronger and lighter.

    One of the huge things is that when I work I only bring in healthy foods to eat, because when you are working out for that long, your body is going to crave food.

    I also drink 1/2 my weight in ounces every day in water, this helps out too.

    If you have any questions about how I do life more so you can friend request me.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've heard a lot of people talking about taking melatonin. I sometimes take a sleeping pill, but I don't like doing it. Does the melatonin really help? Does it make you feel groggy when you get up? Or is it just easier to fall asleep?

    Melatonin has never made me feel groggy at all. It's not really like a sleeping pill since it something the body makes anyway to induce sleepiness. I just take one dose of it and I start feeling tired as though it were 10pm when I used to fall asleep before the third shift years. It helps me fall asleep and I stay there for a normal amount of time without any side effects.

    I was skeptical at first, but was pleasantly surprised when I bought it and tried it. I don't use it everyday, but you can tell when you need something to help you wind down...and those are the days when it comes in handy.
  • Kev383601
    I wish I was permanent third shift! I work in retail, and we do a rotating third shift amongst all the managers, so I have to work 3rd shift every 4 weeks or so. It takes me about 3 days to figure out the sleep schedule going in, and about a week to get back on a normal schedule going out. By the time I figure it out, I'm back on overnights again.

    I've always been told the key is to stay up as late a possible a few days before you start, that way you get used to staying up at night and sleeping during the day. I know being in a permanent third shift will help. My body gets so damn confused all the time because it's always changing.

    I second the post about having healthy food options. Really helps. I get really hungry when I work overnight.
    Congrats on the new job!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    All of my weight loss has come from working graveyard. 11pm-7am. Diet wise I track midnight to bedtime. Bedtime for me usually is 3pm I get 6-7 hrs. I eat usually 2x a day, Once while @ work and once at home. Excercise I normally go right after work. I sometimes bring my gym clothes to work with me and go to the YMCA to lift, swim, Zumba. I work weekends and thankfully it's rarely busy on the weekends so I go outside and jog/walk for an hour while at work too.