am i the only person embarrassed to exercise!

Hi all hope your all ok!

I started the 30ds last week but have one problem. I always have to wait for my other half to not be around before I do it as I feel really stupid doing it in front of him. Even to me it seems a bit stupid as we have 2children together so he's seen me in a far worse state than doing a few jumping jacks but I'm still paranoid he will laugh at me. I'm not even keen on doing it with the kids around and their only (6,3&1)

So am I the only one who feels this way?


  • momswanson
    momswanson Posts: 76 Member
    OMG! I totally feel the same way! I even went so far as to fix up his "man cave" so he would have somewhere to go when I want to exercise, but he always seems to be hanging around!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I used to be just like that, I HAD to work out at home and NO ONE could be home. It didn't even matter if the door was closed and they were on a different floor :laugh: I've gotten a bit better, I'm okay as long as no one lingers in the room or talks to me. Why do family members INSIST that when I'm working out is the best time for chit chat? :noway:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Nope, not when it comes to the 30DS anyways, I will not do that around anyone. Although I can go to a public Zumba class and look like a total *kitten* and not care.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I felt this way back when I first started working out but as I started to feel more comfortable with the workouts and with my body, I eventually stopped caring and now I can do anything in front my SO and I don't feel embarassed at all.
  • MissNothing130
    I'm like it too which is why I haven't exercised in so long. I get so embarrassed when I do. I keep thinking, when I go to the gym, people will look at me & think "Dear god what is she doing here look at all that jiggle that's so gross" and when I'm at home it's like, my mum gets weird with me if she knows I'm trying to lose weight but still makes fun of me for putting weight on so I just don't know what to do. I'm so embarrassed all the time with it, it's crap.
    So no, you're certainly not alone.
  • jlowensby
    I don't exercise with mine around...he is a huge distraction!! He wouldn't laugh, but he would distract me in other ways!!! I have a room at home that I can shut the door too...and it felt awkward at first, but I totally got used to it. I much prefer to hit the gym and he is not going to follow me there LOL...I have begged him to work out in the gym with me...not yet LOL
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    No, you are definetly not the only one!! I am the same. I tell my husband or kids that I am going to do exercises and what room I will be in because they then know not to come in. If anyone does happen to come in, I then have to stop what I am doing until they are gone. I think it gets a little easier with time. If it's a group activity and everyone is doing it, then I'm okay but I really don't like an audience.
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    I only exercise at the gym and my husband is there so I don't really care who sees me. It seems if you're at a gym everyone is too concerned about themselves to pay attention to you and if you are exercising at home, just ask your husband to take the kids in the other room to play or watch TV. Don't be embarrassed; maybe you should have your husband join you :happy:
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I only work out when my boyfriend isn't home. It's not exactly that I'm embarrassed, just that we only have one t.v. that hooks up with anything, and he won't have to suffer through an hour of my workouts while he plays around on the computer or something. Living in a town home really sucks when you want to work out! I wish we had an extra room I could do my workouts in when he's home!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I look like I need medical attention when I do the jumping jacks. I am really uncoordinated. My 30 DS happens at 5 am. If your husband laughs at you, just laugh, too. At least you are working out and taking care of yourself.
  • mcneesbit65
    I feel that way too. There has to be no one in the house, or they have to be somewhere where I can't see them. I feel stupid when I exercise in front of people. It makes me feel embarrassed, I don't know why. You're not the only one! I'm trying to get over it though, because if I don't then I won't exercise at all.
  • onehotgirl
    nah I won't do the 30 DS around the other half, but I do it front of the seven year old daughter, she laughed at first but now she joins me in for some of it, cuteness xx
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    I get the same way...I hated running in front of people, so I choose to run in the dark, but lately I have been running on busier streets and I know I cant avoid people so I've just kinda gotten over I do always tend to choose a time at the gym when I know less people are there...
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Not only do I not do my 30DS video when anyone is around, they don't know that I do a DVD. You're not alone.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    let him laugh, then challenge him to try and laugh at him :D

    mine stays "out of my way" when I exercise - his own words and idea. but that might be because when I got the EA sport active game I made him try a full exercise routine and we laught at each other soooo much.

    Anyway, you are going to look silly while exercising but who cares. You're going to look awesome when you complete this, and feel great. That is much more important.
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    OMG!!! I can't totally relate to this. I have the 30DS, treadmill, and other DVDs and just can't seem to do it when the kids are awake or the husband. I have known my husband for 12 years and married 6 years but still can't seem to want to exercise in front of him. I know that he'll support me and all but I just can't seem to show my flab (aka the tummy) bouncing up and down LOL!!!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Don't feel embarrassed for doing something that is benefiting you. Easier said than done I know, but I used to feel almost ashamed to get on a treadmill in the gym or even jog around my neighbourhood in case someone recognised me. The crux of it for me was I felt ashamed that people would see me exercising and go away thinking 'he'll never keep THAT up'. I guess I felt it added social pressure to my own health, which was insane.

    How I got over that was, as stupid as this may sound, i just stopped caring what people thought of what I did that was important to me. I had a clear vision of WHAT I wanted, WHEN I wanted by and HOW I was going to get it. With that in mind, I knew I couldn't fail so it didn't matter what people went away thinking.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yes! There is pretty much nothing else I get embarrassed about in front of my husband, but I do not enjoy doing work out DVD's in front of him (anything else is fine for some reason). Maybe it's because I have no rythym and cannot dance, so I also feel awkward doing aerobics.
  • radix89
    radix89 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm single so at home it doesn't matter but in a gym I never cared. However, I wonder if I should be because every time I do exercise my cat refuses to be in the same room with me when the rest of the time he won't go away...
  • Sa2ah
    Sa2ah Posts: 45 Member
    im the same way :) its why i wont have a gym membership lol instead we have a tiny gym in our apartment complex i go to, but i drive to it now & will only go if its dark out so if the light is on in there i wait till the person leaves...ive been doing this for 5 months now and i havent gotten over it yet. i also did the 30ds and would only do it while hubby was at work