Do you look like your siblings?



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    There are six of us. My two brothers somehow look exactly like my dad but one is 5'9" and the other 6' and much broader (the youngest is the biggest). I have one sister that our faces are almost exactly the same and we look just like my mom, however I carry all my weight in my middle and she carries hers in her bum and thighs. I have two other sisters that must be a good combination of my mom and dad because they don't really look like the rest of us, one is very thin and fair and carries all her weight in her middle like me and the other is more olive skinned and carries her weight in her bum and thighs. Crazy thing is all of us girls are 5'5" or 5'6" so very close in height.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, and I have 4 of them. You'd think I'd look like at least one. My oldest sister and I have the same nose but that's it. All 4 have curly hair. One sister is 5'3" and I'm 5'9", she's actually a MFP friend of mine.

    My kids look damn alike though. The baby looks exactly like his oldest sister did at that age.
  • CharityEaton
    I look exactly like my siblings.....even my step-sisters! Plus all of our kids look alike! It is really crazy to see all of us together! There is a set of twins in the family and people that don't know us NEVER get it right when trying to guess who the twins are.
    We all have the light brown/blonde hair and light colored eyes, our height varies a bit but we are all within a few inches of each other....and most of us have decent boobs.....

    forgot to say, I have 6 sisters and one brother...he doesn't have much in the way of boobs though!
    There is a pic of me and my sisters on my profile page....not the greatest pic but you can see all 7 of us together in one photo...not sure how to get it over to this page(not good at this photo posting stuff)
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    I'm an only child , but my twin boys look nothing alike they each take after a different grandfather.
  • Bigmomma0u812
    What a cute thread. My sister is 4 years older than me but we're often told that we look just alike and I've been asked several times if we're twins. Now we don't see this ourselves but other people just think we're identical

    She's 5'9 with jet black hair and brown eyes
    I'm 5'7 with dark brown hair and blue eyes (I HATE it when people tell me my hair is black, its dark brown coz my mom, dad and sister all have/had jet black hair and I was the odd man out).
    we're both heavy, both fair skinned

    We even get told that we sound alike on the phone. I enjoy it though. We're so similar its unreal and so different its scary. Siblings are awesome!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I have a sister and, other than in height, we are nothing alike.

    I also have seven children.
    Kids 1 & 3 are alike, as are 2 & 4.
    5 & 6 are non-identical twins and are quite alike.
    The youngest, 7, looks a lot like 1.
    I am always being told how much my twins look like me, especially 6. Ironic really, since they're not biologically mine, lol.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    We look a lot alike. We're four years apart, I'm 6' and he's about 5'8"-5'9", both blondes, same color eyes, similar mouths and eyes, etc.

  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    My brother and I don't look a THING a like. I'm convinced I belong to the milk man. My entire family has...
    jet black hair
    curly hair
    light brown or hazel eyes
    olive completion

    reddish brown hair
    painfully straight hair
    dark (almost black) eyes
    pasty, pasty white completion

    I won't even get into the personality differences.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I have a round face like my French father and my brother has more a a slim face and big jewish nose like my mother. You can tell we are related by our thick hair and olive skin. No one knows what race we are, he gets Itialian and I get Mexican.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member

    I am always being told how much my twins look like me, especially 6. Ironic really, since they're not biologically mine, lol.

    this cracks me up!
  • Demwitted
    My brother is adopted, but when we were little, people used to say that he looked just like my parents and that I looked nothing like them.... mostly because he has brown hair like my parents, but I had light blonde hair.

    I look nothing like my brother.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Everyone seems to think we do, but if you ask us or my guy, we look like complete opposites.

    I'm 3.5 years older, 5'7'' with big-but-smily green/blue eyes, dark brown hair, fair-ish skin, a small nose and look exactly like my mom when she was my age.

    My sister is 5'6'' with brown eyes, black hair, olive skin,a pointier nose, and the total female version of my dad. Personality wise we're not alike at all...she's Miss Prissy Pants and wakes up at 5am to spend hours doing her hair and makeup. I roll out of bed and just go.

    I guess we have the same build, though.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I only have a brother, and I'd say we used to look aline, but now that we're older and he's so much (lucky for me!).

    My husband looks a LOT like his oldest brother, but has another one who looks like Napolean Dymamite. Not sure where that dude came from!
  • ThenTheresChad
    I think we look alike, other than the weight difference.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Me and my brother could not look anymore different

    I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes, I'm white and but can get a tan easily (well as much of a tan a white person gets) I have been asked if i'm from greek/italian desent.

    My brother on the other hand is has black hair brown eyes, and has a dark complexion he's been asked if he has arabic/eastern indian desent.

    However, we both take after our dad's side. Our mom has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I look exactly like my grandma (dad's mom) when she was my age. And my dad and brother look exactly the same and take after my grandpa....except noone in my family is as dark as my brother. which is kinda weird lol

    Reading these comments....I don't think my family is that weird thanks :D
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    My brother & I look more alike than my sister & I :)